
第54章 CHAPTER XI(4)

"I should say so," laughed the Harvester as he took up the drawing and laid down the money.

"If you would make it half that much I'd feel better about it," she said.

"How could I?" asked the Harvester. "Your fingers are well trained and extremely skilful. Because some one has not been paying you enough for your work is no reason why I should keep it up. From now on you must have what others get. As soon as you can arrange for work, I want to tell you about some designs I have studied out from different things, show you the plants and insects, and have you make some samples. I'll send them to proper places, and see what experts say about the ideas and drawing. Work in the woods is healthful, with proper precautions; it's easy compared with the exactions of being bound to sewing or embroidering in the confinement of a room; it's vividly interesting in the search for new subjects, changes of material, and differing harmonious combinations; it's truly artistic; and it brings the prices high grade stuff always does."

"Almost you give me hope," said the Girl. "Almost, Man----almost! Since mother died, I haven't thought or planned beyond paying for the medicine she took and the shelter she lies in. Oh I didn't mean to say that----!"

She buried her face in her hands. The Harvester suffered until he scarcely knew how to bear it.

"Please finish," he begged. "You hadn't planned beyond the debt, you were saying----"

The Girl lifted her tired, strained face.

"Give me a little more of that delicious drink," she said. "I am ravenous for it. It puts new life in me.

This and what you say bring a far away, misty vision of a clean, bright, peaceful room somewhere, and work one could love and live on in comfort; enough to give a desire to finish life to its natural end. Oh Man, you make me hope in spite of myself!"

" `Praise God from whom all blessings flow;' " quoted the Harvester reverently. "Now try one of these peaches.

It's juicy and cold. Get that room right in focus in your brain, and nurture the idea. Its walls shall be bright as sunshine, its floor creamy white, and it shall open into a little garden, where only yellow flowers grow, and the birds shall sing. The first ray of sun that peeps over the hills of morning shall fall through its windows across your bed, and you shall work only as you please, after you've had months of play and rest; and it's coming true the instant you can leave here. Dream of it, make up your mind to it, because it's coming. Ihave a little streak of second sight, and I see it on the way."

"You are talking wildly," said the Girl, "else you are a good genie trying to conjure a room for me."

"This room I am talking of is ready whenever you want to take possession," said the Harvester. "Accept it as a reality, because I tell you I know where it is, that it is waiting, and you can earn your way into it with no obligation to any one."

The Girl stretched out her right hand and slowly turned and opened and closed it. Then she glanced at the Harvester with a weary smile.

"From somewhere I feel a glimmering of the spirit, but Oh, dear Lord, the flesh is weak!" she said.

"That's where nourishing foods, appetizing drinks, plenty of pure, fresh air, and good water come in. Now we have talked enough for one day, and worked too much. The fruit and drink go with you. I will carry it to the house, and you can hide it in your room. I am going to put a bottle of tonic on top that the best surgeon in the state gave me for you. Try to eat something strengthening and then take a spoonful of this, and use all the fruit you want. I'll bring more to-morrow and put it here, with plenty of ice. Now suppose you let the moth go free," he suggested to avoid objections.

"You must take my word for it, that it is perfectly harmless, lacking either sting or bite, and hold your hand before it, so that it will climb on your fingers. Then stand where a ray of sunshine falls and in a few minutes it will go out to live its life."

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    一千年前被关进天界牢狱的寒吟,日日受雷刑加身之苦,在天帝登基大赦天下之日,终于得以出了牢狱。她重见光明了,她想起往昔种种 她曾问过他:“你为什么要对我这么好?” 他的回答:“不知道,只是对你好了,我就会感觉很幸福。” 如今她唯一要做的事就是复仇,找那个曾经说了对她好就会感觉幸福的人,也就是害她入狱如今又高高在上的天帝复仇她对苍尘说,“这世间最痛苦的莫过于亲手将你捧上云端,再让你从云端狠狠摔下。若是从来没有上过云端,那么至少不会摔,也就不会疼了。” 她利用天帝对她的爱,一次次把天帝陷于险境,最后,她终于如愿以偿,天帝死在了她的面前可是,她却后悔了
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