
第16章 BOOK I(16)

"Mercy, no--never saw her till yesterday. Lady Skiddaw sent her over with letters to the Van Osburghs, and I heard that Maria Van Osburgh was asking a big party to meet her this week, so Ithought it would be fun to get her away, and Jack Stepney, who knew her in India, managed it for me. Maria was furious, and actually had the impudence to make Gwen invite herself here, so that they shouldn't be QUITE out of it--if I'd known what Lady Cressida was like, they could have had her and welcome! But Ithought any friend of the Skiddaws' was sure to be amusing. You remember what fun Lady Skiddaw was? There were times when Isimply had to send the girls out of the room. Besides, Lady Cressida is the Duchess of Beltshire's sister, and I naturally supposed she was the same sort; but you never can tell in those English families. They are so big that there's room for all kinds, and it turns out that Lady Cressida is the moral one--married a clergy-man and does missionary work in the East End. Think of my taking such a lot of trouble about a clergyman's wife, who wears Indian jewelry and botanizes! She made Gus take her all through the glass-houses yesterday, and bothered him to death by asking him the names of the plants. Fancy treating Gus as if he were the gardener!

"Mrs. Trenor brought this out in a CRESCENDO of indignation.

"Oh, well, perhaps Lady Cressida will reconcile the Wetheralls to meeting Carry Fisher," said Miss Bart pacifically.

"I'm sure I hope so! But she is boring all the men horribly, and if she takes to distributing tracts, as I hear she does, it will be too depressing. The worst of it is that she would have been so useful at the right time. You know we have to have the Bishop once a year, and she would have given just the right tone to things. I always have horrid luck about the Bishop's visits,"added Mrs. Trenor, whose present misery was being fed by a rapidly rising tide of reminiscence; "last year, when he came, Gus forgot all about his being here, and brought home the Ned Wintons and the Farleys--five divorces and six sets of children between them!""When is Lady Cressida going?" Lily enquired.

Mrs. Trenor cast up her eyes in despair. "My dear, if one only knew! I was in such a hurry to get her away from Maria that Iactually forgot to name a date, and Gus says she told some one she meant to stop here all winter.""To stop here? In this house?"

"Don't be silly--in America. But if no one else asks her--you know they NEVER go to hotels.""Perhaps Gus only said it to frighten you."

"No--I heard her tell Bertha Dorset that she had six months to put in while her husband was taking the cure in the Engadine. You should have seen Bertha look vacant! But it's no joke, you know--if she stays here all the autumn she'll spoil everything, and Maria Van Osburgh will simply exult.

"At this affecting vision Mrs. Trenor's voice trembled with self-pity."Oh, Judy--as if any one were ever bored at Bellomont!"Miss Bart tactfully protested. "You know perfectly well that, if Mrs. Van Osburgh were to get all the right people and leave you with all the wrong ones, you'd manage to make things go off, and she wouldn't."Such an assurance would usually have restored Mrs. Trenor's complacency;but on this occasion it did not chase the cloud from her brow.

"It isn't only Lady Cressida," she lamented. "Everything has gone wrong this week. I can see that Bertha Dorset is furious with me.""Furious with you? Why?"

"Because I told her that Lawrence Selden was coming; but he wouldn't, after all, and she's quite unreasonable enough to think it's my fault."Miss Bart put down her pen and sat absently gazing at the note she had begun.

"I thought that was all over," she said.

"So it is, on his side. And of course Bertha has been idle since.

But I fancy she's out of a job just at present--and some one gave me a hint that I had better ask Lawrence. Well, I DID ask him--but I couldn't make him come; and now I suppose she'll take it out of me by being perfectly nasty to every one else.""Oh, she may take it out of HIM by being perfectly charming--to some one else.

"Mrs. Trenor shook her head dolefully. "She knows he wouldn't mind. And who else is there? Alice Wetherall won't let Lucius out of her sight. Ned Silverton can't take his eyes off Carry Fisher--poor boy! Gus is bored by Bertha, Jack Stepney knows her too well--and--well, to be sure, there's Percy Gryce!"She sat up smiling at the thought.

Miss Bart's countenance did not reflect the smile.

"Oh, she and Mr. Gryce would not be likely to hit it off.""You mean that she'd shock him and he'd bore her? Well, that's not such a bad beginning, you know. But I hope she won't take it into her head to be nice to him, for I asked him here on purpose for you."Lily laughed. "MERCI DU COMPLIMENT! I should certainly have no show against Bertha.""Do you think I am uncomplimentary? I'm not really, you know.

Every one knows you're a thousand times handsomer and cleverer than Bertha; but then you're not nasty. And for always getting what she wants in the long run, commend me to a nasty woman."Miss Bart stared in affected reproval. "I thought you were so fond of Bertha.""Oh, I am--it's much safer to be fond of dangerous people. But she IS dangerous--and if I ever saw her up to mischief it's now.

I can tell by poor George's manner. That man is a perfect barometer--he always knows when Bertha is going to---""To fall?" Miss Bart suggested.

  • LAWS


  • Heimskringla


  • 天顺日录


  • She Stoops To Conquer

    She Stoops To Conquer

  • 朝真发愿忏悔文


  • 天才召唤师


    17号,这是她前世的代称前世被当做实验体的她,杀光了除了父亲所有的人,也包括她自己。再次睁眼,她却已经来到了陌生的世界没落家族,被人伤害致死的云家小姐就是她再一世的身份护她如命的父亲和兄长,成为了她再一次活下去的力量偌大家业糟人窥视,引来了杀身之祸既然她成为了云枫,别人也休想再动云家一分一毫!夺云家财产者,五倍之力还之!谋云家性命者,十倍之力还之!如此还有妄动云家之人,她定会全力还之,不死不休!所以,她选择了毫不犹豫的站起!从此,大陆上少了一个废柴,多了一个绝世天才!战士很难晋级吗?对不起,我拥有秘宝炼体,三天蹿两级哦。魔法师很厉害吗?对不起,我不稀罕。她感知五系的元素,全系的魔法师悄然诞生。召唤师很稀有吗?对不起,我就是千年一遇的召唤师哦,而且还是五系的,魔兽什么的不在话下,还有一只似乎是万年等一只的幻兽的肉球呢 ̄身怀神秘的奇宝,云家的老祖亲自为她指点修炼之路,身旁跟随者一只似乎是上古幻兽的奇怪肉球,身为万年难遇的召唤师,顺便战士魔法师镶嵌师炼器师什么的,她从来都是很低调——低调的嚣张!让我们见证,这一代枭雄,是如何从起点出发,一步步的攀登,直至金字塔的顶端!从此,君临天下,傲气凌人
  • 新民歌讲稿


  • 凰医帝临七神


  • 江太太,恋爱已生效


  • 解读中国经济


  • 微观尽头


  • 成神从搓装备开始


    因为一次意外姜寒在异界重生,激活搓装备系统在异界‘为非作歹’这是一个少年在另一个世界搓装备,最后却一不小心当上大佬的故事 (ps:这是和天刀有关的故事,在这里你能看到龙二,剑锋,祺爷,康少等友情客串。)
  • 闪婚成爱,总裁太腹黑


  • 北漂之我的时代


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