

'Body o' me! I have driven the needle under my nail!... It matters little- 'tis not a novelty- yet 'tis not a convenience, neither.... We shall be merry there, little one, never doubt it! Thy troubles will vanish there, and likewise thy sad distemper-'"She loved her husband dearilee, But another man"-'These be noble large stitches!'- holding the garment up and viewing it admiringly- 'they have a grandeur and a majesty that do cause these small stingy ones of the tailor-man to look mighty paltry and plebeian-'"She loved her husband dearilee, But another man he loved she,"-'Marry, 'tis done- a goodly piece of work, too, and wrought with expedition. Now will I wake him, apparel him, pour for him, feed him, and then will we hie us to the mart by the Tabard inn in Southwark and- be pleased to rise, my liege!- he answereth not- what ho, my liege!- of a truth must I profane his sacred person with a touch, sith his slumber is deaf to speech. What!'

He threw back the covers- the boy was gone!

He stared about him in speechless astonishment for a moment;noticed for the first time that his ward's ragged raiment was also missing, then he began to rage and storm, and shout for the inn-keeper. At that moment a servant entered with the breakfast.

'Explain, thou limb of Satan, or thy time is come! 'roared the man of war, and made so savage a spring toward the waiter that this latter could not find his tongue, for the instant, for fright and surprise.

'Where is the boy?'

In disjointed and trembling syllables the man gave the information desired.

'You were hardly gone from the place, your worship, when a youth came running and said it was your worship's will that the boy come to you straight, at the bridge-end on the Southwark side. I brought him thither; and when he woke the lad and gave his message, the lad did grumble some little for being disturbed 'so early,' as he called it, but straightway trussed on his rags and went with the youth, only saying it had been better manners that your worship came yourself, not sent a stranger- and so-'

'And so thou'rt a fool!- a fool, and easily cozened- hang all thy breed! Yet mayhap no hurt is done. Possibly no harm is meant the boy. I will go fetch him. Make the table ready. Stay! the coverings of the bed were disposed as if one lay beneath them- happened that by accident?'

'I know not, good your worship. I saw the youth meddle with them- he that came for the boy.'

'Thousand deaths! 'twas done to deceive me- 'tis plain 'twas done to gain time. Hark ye! Was that youth alone?'

'All alone, your worship.'

'Art sure?'

'Sure, your worship.'

'Collect thy scattered wits- bethink thee- take time, man.'

After a moment's thought, the servant said:

'When he came, none came with him; but now I remember me that as the two stepped into the throng of the Bridge, a ruffian-looking man plunged out from some near place; and just as he was joining them-'

'What then?- out with it!' thundered the impatient Hendon, interrupting.

'Just then the crowd lapped them up and closed them in, and Isaw no more, being called by my master, who was in a rage because a joint that the scrivener had ordered was forgot, though I take all the saints to witness that to blame me for that miscarriage were like holding the unborn babe to judgment for sins com-'

'Out of my sight, idiot! Thy prating drives me mad! Hold!

whither art flying? Canst not bide still an instant? Went they toward Southwark?'

'Even so, your worship- for, as I said before, as to that detestable joint, the babe unborn is no whit more blameless than-'

'Art here yet! And prating still? Vanish, lest I throttle thee!'

The servitor vanished. Hendon followed after him, passed him, and plunged down the stairs two steps at a stride, muttering, ''Tis that scurvy villain that claimed he was his son. I have lost thee, my poor little mad master- it is a bitter thought- and I had come to love thee so! No! by book and bell, not lost! Not lost, for I will ransack the land till I find thee again. Poor child, yonder is his breakfast- and mine, but I have no hunger now- so, let the rats have it- speed, speed! that is the word!' As he wormed his swift way through the noisy multitudes upon the Bridge, he several times said to himself- clinging to the thought as if it were a particularly pleasing one: 'He grumbled but he went- he went, yes, because he thought Miles Hendon asked it, sweet lad- he would ne'er have done it for another, I know it well!'

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  • 思美人全集(马可等主演易烊千玺参演)


    由莫言亲笔题名,北师大文学教授梁振华创作的百万字古风小说《思美人》。屈原作为中国传统士人的精神图腾,以他为主人公进行创作并不容易。如何既破除人们传统意识中对于屈原教科书式的印象,赋予他鲜活、生动的血肉灵魂,又能保留传统文化与历史中的精华,重现兰草少年与翩翩君子浊世独清、九死未悔,悲歌唱尽千古一人的壮烈,对于创作者是一种极大的考验。《思美人》的故事以战国末年秦、楚两国之间风云诡谲的政治斗争为大背景,生动刻画了身处乱世的各色人物不同命运与屈原痛沉汨罗江前荡气回肠的传奇人生。将山鬼现身、百家争鸣、函谷关大战、怀王赴武关、屈子投江这些人们耳熟能详的故事融入奇幻梦境、浪漫爱情、宫斗权争、战争奇谋。【马可、乔振宇、张馨予、易烊千玺倾情演绎同名电视剧 ,4月28日起火热上演】
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