
第5章 Exeunt SCENE II. The Same.(3)

A retreat sounded PANDARUS Hark! they are coming from the field: shall we stand up here, and see them as they pass toward Ilium? good niece, do, sweet niece Cressida. CRESSIDA At your pleasure. PANDARUS Here, here, here's an excellent place; here we may see most bravely: I'll tell you them all by their names as they pass by; but mark Troilus above the rest. CRESSIDA Speak not so loud.

AENEAS passes PANDARUS That's AEneas: is not that a brave man? he's one of the flowers of Troy, I can tell you: but mark Troilus; you shall see anon.

ANTENOR passes CRESSIDA Who's that? PANDARUS That's Antenor: he has a shrewd wit, I can tell you; and he's a man good enough, he's one o' the soundest judgments in whosoever, and a proper man of person.

When comes Troilus? I'll show you Troilus anon: if he see me, you shall see him nod at me. CRESSIDA Will he give you the nod? PANDARUS You shall see. CRESSIDA If he do, the rich shall have more.

HECTOR passes PANDARUS That's Hector, that, that, look you, that; there's a fellow! Go thy way, Hector! There's a brave man, niece. O brave Hector! Look how he looks! there's a countenance! is't not a brave man? CRESSIDA O, a brave man! PANDARUS Is a' not? it does a man's heart good.

Look you what hacks are on his helmet! look you yonder, do you see? look you there: there's no jesting; there's laying on, take't off who will, as they say: there be hacks! CRESSIDA Be those with swords? PANDARUS Swords! any thing, he cares not; an the devil come to him, it's all one: by God's lid, it does one's heart good. Yonder comes Paris, yonder comes Paris.

PARIS passes Look ye yonder, niece; is't not a gallant man too, is't not? Why, this is brave now. Who said he came hurt home to-day? he's not hurt: why, this will do Helen's heart good now, ha! Would I could see Troilus now! You shall see Troilus anon.

HELENUS passes CRESSIDA Who's that? PANDARUS That's Helenus. I marvel where Troilus is. That's Helenus. I think he went not forth to-day. That's Helenus. CRESSIDA Can Helenus fight, uncle? PANDARUS Helenus? no. Yes, he'll fight indifferent well. I marvel where Troilus is. Hark! do you not hear the people cry 'Troilus'? Helenus is a priest. CRESSIDA What sneaking fellow comes yonder?

TROILUS passes PANDARUS Where? yonder? that's Deiphobus. 'Tis Troilus! there's a man, niece! Hem! Brave Troilus! the prince of chivalry! CRESSIDA Peace, for shame, peace! PANDARUS Mark him; note him. O brave Troilus!

Look well upon him, niece: look you how his sword is bloodied, and his helm more hacked than Hector's, and how he looks, and how he goes! O admirable youth! he ne'er saw three and twenty. Go thy way, Troilus, go thy way!

Had I a sister were a grace, or a daughter a goddess, he should take his choice. O admirable man! Paris?

Paris is dirt to him; and, I warrant, Helen, to change, would give an eye to boot. CRESSIDA Here come more.

Forces pass PANDARUS Asses, fools, dolts! chaff and bran, chaff and bran! porridge after meat! I could live and die i' the eyes of Troilus. Ne'er look, ne'er look: the eagles are gone: crows and daws, crows and daws! I had rather be such a man as Troilus than Agamemnon and all Greece. CRESSIDA There is among the Greeks Achilles, a better man than Troilus. PANDARUS Achilles! a drayman, a porter, a very camel. CRESSIDA Well, well. PANDARUS 'Well, well!' why, have you any discretion? have you any eyes? Do you know what a man is? Is not birth, beauty, good shape, discourse, manhood, learning, gentleness, virtue, youth, liberality, and such like, the spice and salt that season a man? CRESSIDA Ay, a minced man: and then to be baked with no date in the pie, for then the man's date's out. PANDARUS You are such a woman! one knows not at what ward you lie. CRESSIDA Upon my back, to defend my belly; upon my wit, to defend my wiles; upon my secrecy, to defend mine honesty; my mask, to defend my beauty; and you, to defend all these: and at all these wards I lie, at a thousand watches. PANDARUS Say one of your watches. CRESSIDA Nay, I'll watch you for that; and that's one of the chiefest of them too: if I cannot ward what I would not have hit, I can watch you for telling how I took the blow; unless it swell past hiding, and then it's past watching. PANDARUS You are such another!

Enter Troilus's Boy Boy Sir, my lord would instantly speak with you. PANDARUS Where? Boy At your own house; there he unarms him. PANDARUS Good boy, tell him I come.

Exit boy I doubt he be hurt. Fare ye well, good niece. CRESSIDA Adieu, uncle. PANDARUS I'll be with you, niece, by and by. CRESSIDA To bring, uncle? PANDARUS Ay, a token from Troilus. CRESSIDA By the same token, you are a bawd.

Exit PANDARUS Words, vows, gifts, tears, and love's full sacrifice, He offers in another's enterprise;

But more in Troilus thousand fold I see Than in the glass of Pandar's praise may be;

Yet hold I off. Women are angels, wooing:

Things won are done; joy's soul lies in the doing.

That she beloved knows nought that knows not this:

Men prize the thing ungain'd more than it is:

That she was never yet that ever knew Love got so sweet as when desire did sue.

Therefore this maxim out of love I teach:

Achievement is command; ungain'd, beseech:

Then though my heart's content firm love doth bear, Nothing of that shall from mine eyes appear.

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