

ACROSS green fields, and breaking through blooming hedges, toiled six draggled detectives, about five miles out of London. The optimist of the party had at first proposed that they should follow the balloon across South England in hansom-cabs. But he was ultimately convinced of the persistent refusal of the balloon to follow the roads, and the still more persistent refusal of the cabmen to follow the balloon. Consequently the tireless though exasperated travellers broke through black thickets and ploughed through ploughed fields till each was turned into a figure too outrageous to be mistaken for a tramp. Those green hills of Surrey saw the final collapse and tragedy of the admirable light grey suit in which Syme had set out from Saffron Park. His silk hat was broken over his nose by a swinging bough, his coat-tails were torn to the shoulder by arresting thorns, the clay of England was splashed up to his collar; but he still carried his yellow beard forward with a silent and furious determination, and his eyes were still fixed on that floating ball of gas, which in the full flush of sunset seemed coloured like a sunset cloud.

"After all," he said, "it is very beautiful!""It is singularly and strangely beautiful!" said the Professor. "Iwish the beastly gas-bag would burst!"

"No," said Dr. Bull, "I hope it won't. It might hurt the old boy.""Hurt him!" said the vindictive Professor, "hurt him! Not as much as I'd hurt him if I could get up with him. Little Snowdrop!""I don't want him hurt, somehow," said Dr. Bull.

"What!" cried the Secretary bitterly. "Do you believe all that tale about his being our man in the dark room? Sunday would say he was anybody.""I don't know whether I believe it or not," said Dr. Bull. "But it isn't that that I mean. I can't wish old Sunday's balloon to burst because--""Well," said Syme impatiently, "because?"

"Well, because he's so jolly like a balloon himself," said Dr. Bull desperately. "I don't understand a word of all that idea of his being the same man who gave us all our blue cards. It seems to make everything nonsense. But I don't care who knows it, I always had a sympathy for old Sunday himself, wicked as he was. Just as if he was a great bouncing baby. How can I explain what my queer sympathy was? It didn't prevent my fighting him like hell! Shall I make it clear if I say that I liked him because he was so fat?""You will not," said the Secretary.

"I've got it now," cried Bull, "it was because he was so fat and so light. Just like a balloon. We always think of fat people as heavy, but he could have danced against a sylph. I see now what I mean.

Moderate strength is shown in violence, supreme strength is shown in levity. It was like the old speculations--what would happen if an elephant could leap up in the sky like a grasshopper?""Our elephant," said Syme, looking upwards, "has leapt into the sky like a grasshopper.""And somehow," concluded Bull, "that's why I can't help liking old Sunday. No, it's not an admiration of force, or any silly thing like that. There is a kind of gaiety in the thing, as if he were bursting with some good news. Haven't you sometimes felt it on a spring day? You know Nature plays tricks, but somehow that day proves they are good-natured tricks. I never read the Bible myself, but that part they laugh at is literal truth, 'Why leap ye, ye high hills?' The hills do leap--at least, they try to. . . . Why do Ilike Sunday? . . . how can I tell you? . . . because he's such a Bounder."There was a long silence, and then the Secretary said in a curious, strained voice--"You do not know Sunday at all. Perhaps it is because you are better than I, and do not know hell. I was a fierce fellow, and a trifle morbid from the first. The man who sits in darkness, and who chose us all, chose me because I had all the crazy look of a conspirator--because my smile went crooked, and my eyes were gloomy, even when I smiled. But there must have been something in me that answered to the nerves in all these anarchic men. For when I first saw Sunday he expressed to me, not your airy vitality, but something both gross and sad in the Nature of Things. I found him smoking in a twilight room, a room with brown blind down, infinitely more depressing than the genial darkness in which our master lives. He sat there on a bench, a huge heap of a man, dark and out of shape. He listened to all my words without speaking or even stirring. I poured out my most passionate appeals, and asked my most eloquent questions. Then, after a long silence, the Thing began to shake, and I thought it was shaken by some secret malady.

It shook like a loathsome and living jelly. It reminded me of everything I had ever read about the base bodies that are the origin of life--the deep sea lumps and protoplasm. It seemed like the final form of matter, the most shapeless and the most shameful.

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  • 申忠愍诗集


  • 念完哈佛念阿弥陀佛


    他是国民党陈诚将军的长孙。毕业于普林斯顿和哈佛MBA,曾为麦肯锡资深顾问。为了寻找生命的答案,他曾经出家为僧三年,在禅宗、汉传佛法、藏传佛法中找寻修心的方法;又到西藏、青海、云南、印度、尼泊尔,追随近百位高僧活佛学习。他以非凡的勇气和坦诚写下这本《念完哈佛念阿弥陀佛》,是希望“让认真寻找心性的朋友们,不必走弯路。 在这本不一样的自传里,陈宇廷讲述了自己传奇的半生经历:在台湾的少年时光,在美国求学的生活,在投资银行和麦肯锡工作的岁月,出家求法的经历,和格莱美音乐家央金拉姆的传奇婚姻。
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    《 胸怀决定规模》以一个个醒目、响亮的法则为引导,内容涉及职场、管理、创业、理财、人际交往、自我完善等方面理念和技巧,语言通俗易读,行文流畅,尽最大能刺激人们的眼球和心灵、激发人们追求积极的工作和完美的生活!同时配上一条条最具代表性、最有影响力的成功人士或名牌企业关于宽广胸怀、成就财富的名言典范!
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