

A DENSE, grayish fog lay over the river, and a steamer, now and then uttering a dull whistle, was slowly forging up against the current. Damp and cold clouds, of a monotone pallor, enveloped the steamer from all sides and drowned all sounds, dissolving them in their troubled dampness. The brazen roaring of the signals came out in a muffled, melancholy drone, and was oddly brief as it burst forth from the whistle. The sound seemed to find no place for itself in the air, which was soaked with heavy dampness, and fell downward, wet and choked. And the splashing of the steamer's wheels sounded so fantastically dull that it seemed as though it were not begotten near by, at the sides of the vessel, but somewhere in the depth, on the dark bottom of the river. From the steamer one could see neither the water, nor the shore, nor the sky; a leaden-gray gloominess enwrapped it on all sides; devoid of shadings, painfully monotonous, the gloominess was motionless, it oppressed the steamer with immeasurable weight, slackened its movements and seemed as though preparing itself to swallow it even as it was swallowing the sounds. In spite of the dull blows of the paddles upon the water and the measured shaking of the body of the vessel, it seemed that the steamer was painfully struggling on one spot, suffocating in agony, hissing like a fairy tale monster breathing his last, howling in the pangs of death, howling with pain, and in the fear of death.

Lifeless were the steamer lights. About the lantern on the mast a yellow motionless spot had formed; devoid of lustre, it hung in the fog over the steamer, illuminating nothing save the gray mist. The red starboard light looked like a huge eye crushed out by some one's cruel fist, blinded, overflowing with blood. Pale rays of light fell from the steamer's windows into the fog, and only tinted its cold, cheerless dominion over the vessel, which was pressed on all sides by the motionless mass of stifling dampness.

The smoke from the funnel fell downwards, and, together with fragments of the fog, penetrated into all the cracks of the deck, where the third-class passengers were silently muffling themselves in their rags, and forming groups, like sheep. From near the machinery were wafted deep, strained groans, the jingling of bells, the dull sounds of orders and the abrupt words of the machinist:

"Yes--slow! Yes--half speed!"

On the stern, in a corner, blocked up by barrels of salted fish, a group of people was assembled, illuminated by a small electric lamp. Those were sedate, neatly and warmly clad peasants. One of them lay on a bench, face down; another sat at his feet, still another stood, leaning his back against a barrel, while two others seated themselves flat on the deck. Their faces, pensive and attentive, were turned toward a round-shouldered man in a short cassock, turned yellow, and a torn fur cap. That man sat on some boxes with his back bent, and staring at his feet, spoke in a low, confident voice:

"There will come an end to the long forbearance of the Lord, and then His wrath will burst forth upon men. We are like worms before Him, and how are we then to ward off His wrath, with what wailing shall we appeal to His mercy?"Oppressed by his gloominess, Foma had come down on the deck from his cabin, and, for some time, had been standing in the shadow of some wares covered with tarpaulin, and listened to the admonitive and gentle voice of the preacher. Pacing the deck he had chanced upon this group, and attracted by the figure of the pilgrim, had paused near it. There was something familiar to him in that large, strong body, in that stern, dark face, in those large, calm eyes. The curly, grayish hair, falling from under the skull-cap, the unkempt bushy beard, which fell apart in thick locks, the long, hooked nose, the sharp-pointed ears, the thick lips--Foma had seen all these before, but could not recall when and where.

"Yes, we are very much in arrears before the Lord!" remarked one of the peasants, heaving a deep sigh.

"We must pray," whispered the peasant who lay on the bench, in a scarcely audible voice.

"Can you scrape your sinful wretchedness off your soul with words of prayer?" exclaimed someone loudly, almost with despair in his voice.

No one of those that formed the group around the pilgrim turned at this voice, only their heads sank lower on their breasts, and for a long time these people sat motionless and speechless:

The pilgrim measured his audience with a serious and meditative glance of his blue eyes, and said softly:

"Ephraim the Syrian said: 'Make thy soul the central point of thy thoughts and strengthen thyself with thy desire to be free from sin.

And again he lowered his head, slowly fingering the beads of the rosary.

"That means we must think," said one of the peasants; "but when has a man time to think during his life on earth?""Confusion is all around us."

"We must flee to the desert," said the peasant who lay on the bench.

"Not everybody can afford it."

The peasants spoke, and became silent again. A shrill whistle resounded, a little bell began to jingle at the machine.

Someone's loud exclamation rang out:

"Eh, there! To the water-measuring poles."

"0h Lord! 0h Queen of Heaven!"--a deep sigh was heard.

And a dull, half-choked voice shouted:

"Nine! nine!"

Fragments of the fog burst forth upon the deck and floated over it like cold, gray smoke.

"Here, kind people, give ear unto the words of King David," said the pilgrim, and shaking his head, began to read distinctly:

"'Lead me, Oh Lord, in thy righteousness because of mine enemies;make thy way straight before my face. For there is no faithfulness in their mouths; their inward part is very wickedness; their throat is an open sepulchre; they flatter with their tongue. Destroy thou them, 0h God; let them fall by their own counsels.'""Eight! seven!" Like moans these exclamations resounded in the distance.

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  • 管家


    经久耐读的三代女性传奇。诺贝尔文学奖得主多丽丝·莱辛说“这不是一本急着要读完的书,因为它每一个句子都让人心旷神怡”。被评为当代美国经典。 在美国文坛颇具重要地位作家。普利策奖、海明威奖、橙子文学奖得主,奥巴马曾亲自颁发她国家人文奖章,是2016年《时代》100位极具影响力人物之一。《英国病人》作者翁达杰深爱的作家。小说被苏格兰导演比尔·福斯改编为同名电影。爱达荷州偏远西部湖边乡村指骨镇,有着罕见的潮湿天气,这让整个村庄不断面临暴雨、严寒造成的河水泛滥、饥饿、寒冷、房屋倒塌等灾难的侵袭。照顾两个小孤女的人不断来去,而她们期待的只想在外婆和有着小怪癖的姨妈西尔维身上看到完整的母亲,但最终她们发现,西尔维只向往流浪的旅途。早熟的妹妹露西尔,一天突然惊觉,她对母亲的记忆,早已因为现实的侵入而腐烂,她回归日常,同时向往与指骨镇完全不同的另一个地方;内心更为丰富内敛的露丝和西尔维注定是流浪的人,在节节车厢中度过自己流浪的生活。非同寻常的过去带给她们丰富而无法厘清的内心世界。留存在她们回忆和情感中挥之不去的浓郁伤感之情,让她们意识到:一种对逝者得不到慰藉的哀恸,在时间的河流中渐明渐暗。
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