

26.As oft as you talk of finite quantities inconsiderable in practice,Sir Isaac Newton disowns your apology.Cave ,saith he,intellexeris finitas .And,although quantities less than sensible may be of no account in practice,yet none of your masters,not will even you yourself,venture to say that they are of no account in theory and in reasoning.The application in gross practice is not the point questioned,but the rigour and justness of the reasoning.And it is evident that,be the subject ever so little,or ever so inconsiderable,this doth not hinder but that a person treating thereof may commit very great errors in logic;which logical errors are in nowise to be measured by the sensible or practical inconveniences thence arising,which,perchance,may be none at all.It must be owned that,after you have misled and amused your less qualified reader (as you call him),you return to the real point in controversy,and set yourself to justify Sir Isaac's method of getting rid of the above-mentioned rectangle.And here I must intreat the reader to observe how fairly you proceed.

27.First then you affirm (p.44),"that neither in the demonstration of the rule for finding the fluxion of the rectangle of two flowing quantities,nor in anything preceding or following it,is any mention,so much as once,made of the increment of the rectangle of such flowing quantities.''Now I affirm the direct contrary.For,in the very passage by you quoted in this same page,from the first case of the second lemma of the second book of Sir Isaac's Principles,beginning with Rectangulum quodvis motu perpetuo auctum ,and ending with igitur laterum incrementis totis a and b generatur rectanguli incrementum aB +bA.Q.E.D.in this very passage,I say,is express mention made of the increment of such rectangle.As this is matter of fact,I refer it to the reader's own eyes.Of what rectangle have we here the increment?

Is it not plainly of that whose sides have a and b for their incrementa tota ,that is,of AB .Let any reader judge whether it be not plain from the words,the sense,and the context,that the great author in the end of his demonstration understands his incrementum as belonging to the rectangulum quodvis at the beginning.Is not the same also evident from the very lemma itself prefixed to the demonstration?

The sense whereof is (as the author there explains it),that if the moments of the flowing quantities A and B are called a and b ,then the momentum vel mutatio geniti rectanguli AB will be aB +bA .Either therefore the conclusion of the demonstration is not the thing which was to be demonstrated,or the rectanguli incrementum aB +bA belongs to the rectangle AB .

28.All this is so plain that nothing can be more so;and yet you would fain perplex this plain case by distinguishing between an increment and a moment.But it is evident to every one who has any notion of demonstration that the incrementum in the conclusion must be the momentum in the lemma;and to suppose it otherwise is no credit to the author.It is in effect supposing him to be one who did not know what he would demonstrate.But let us hear Sir Isaac's own words:Earum (quantitatum scilicet fluentium)incrementa vel decrementa momentanea sub nomine momentorum intelligo .And you observe yourself that he useth the word moment to signify either an increment or decrement.Hence,with an intention to puzzle me,you propose the increment and decrement of AB ,and as which of these I would call the moment?The case you say is difficult.My answer is very plain and easy,to wit,Either of them.

You,indeed,make a different answer;and from the author's saying that by a moment he understands either the momentaneous increment or decrement of the flowing quantities,you would have us conclude,by a very wonderful inference,that his moment is neither the increment nor decrement thereof.

Would it not be as good an inference,because a number is either odd or even,to conclude it is neither?Can any one make sense of this?Or can even yourself hope that this will go down with the reader,how little soever qualified?It must be owned,you endeavour to intrude this inference on him,rather by mirth and humour than by reasoning.Your are merry,I say,and (p.46)represent the two mathematical quantities as pleading their rights,as tossing up cross and pile,as disputing amicably.You talk of their claiming preference,their agreeing,their boyishness,and their gravity.And after this ingenious digression you address me in the following words -Believe me,there is no remedy,you must acquiesce.But my answer is that I will neither believe you nor acquiesce;there is a plain remedy in common sense;and,to prevent surprise,I desire the reader always to keep the controverted point in view,to examine your reasons,and be cautious how he takes your word,but most of all when you are positive,or eloquent,or merry.

  • The Merry Wives of Windsor

    The Merry Wives of Windsor

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    优昙花者,此言灵瑞,三千年一现。乃天花也,为世间所无。她是拘那含佛悟道时生后那颗树上开出的金色波罗花,芳香极美,翌晨即萎。在大梵天王将她摘下献给佛以后的冗长千年,始终沉睡在花中,不解人间事。建武十五年,九月初七,她从憩居在波罗花中的幽魂变成南国权势无双的孟光长公主。片段一: 前世女子靠在床畔,垂着眼看着给她把脉的男子。“你看看我,那些佛像有什么好的,你看看我,我是你娶回来的妻啊!”男子温和的笑了笑,不为所动。“你若好好爱我,我就让他们广修佛寺,我让南国的子民都去爱你的佛。可是你爱我好不好?”男子收回搭在女子腕间的手,淡淡摇头,道:“殿下,我早已说过,我心中只有佛祖。”“那好,你就把我当做佛祖来爱,否则,我就···我就让你生生世世都不能潜心向佛。我会烧光南国的佛寺,杀光南国的和尚,族灭求佛的百姓,我会让你悔不当初。”女子笑了笑,似是玩笑,又似是誓言。片段二:今世萧元皱眉看着景行止,过了一会儿说:“老师何出此问,不过本宫倒是觉得可以比着老师来挑驸马。”“真的?”“当然,学识只能比老师差一点,容貌得比老师差上一大截才行,免得招蜂引蝶,武功倒是可以与老师比肩,不过行军打仗,一定得比老师强。对了,他家中最好没有人信佛的,我这辈子,一听见有人念经,就头疼。”“这,有点难,我尽量。” 片段三:  “你杀了他?景行止,你杀人了?” 萧元看着景行止手上拎着的,还睁着大眼的头颅,简直像是在做梦似的。“你可以不杀他的,你是和尚啊!你忘了出家人慈悲为怀?”“元儿,我不是和尚。”“那是什么?”“身心都背弃佛的人。”
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