

will you venture to take it upon yourself to decide?Which of us could give judgement for Clarissa or Lovelace,Hector or Achilles?Who was Homer's hero?What did Richardson himself think?It is the function of criticism to look at a man's work in all its aspects.We draw up our case,in short.""Do you really stick to your written opinions?"asked Vernou,with a satirical expression."Why,we are retailers of phrases;that is how we make a livelihood.When you try to do a good piece of work--to write a book,in short--you can put your thoughts,yourself into it,and cling to it,and fight for it;but as for newspaper articles,read to-day and forgotten to-morrow,they are worth nothing in my eyes but the money that is paid for them.If you attach any importance to such drivel,you might as well make the sign of the Cross and invoke heaven when you sit down to write a tradesman's circular."Every one apparently was astonished at Lucien's scruples.The last rags of the boyish conscience were torn away,and he was invested with the toga virilis of journalism.

"Do you know what Nathan said by way of comforting himself after your criticism?"asked Lousteau.

"How should I know?"

"Nathan exclaimed,'Paragraphs pass away;but a great work lives!'He will be here to supper in two days,and he will be sure to fall flat at your feet,and kiss your claws,and swear that you are a great man.""That would be a funny thing,"was Lucien's comment.

"FUNNY!"repeated Blondet."He can't help himself.""I am quite willing,my friends,"said Lucien,on whom the wine had begun to take effect."But what am I to say?""Oh well,refute yourself in three good columns in Merlin's paper.We have been enjoying the sight of Nathan's wrath;we have just been telling him that he owes us no little gratitude for getting up a hot controversy that will sell his second edition in a week.In his eyes at this present moment you are a spy,a scoundrel,a caitiff wretch;the day after to-morrow you will be a genius,an uncommonly clever fellow,one of Plutarch's men.Nathan will hug you and call you his best friend.Dauriat has been to see you;you have your three thousand francs;you have worked the trick!Now you want Nathan's respect and esteem.Nobody ought to be let in except the publisher.We must not immolate any one but an enemy.We should not talk like this if it were a question of some outsider,some inconvenient person who had made a name for himself without us and was not wanted;but Nathan is one of us.Blondet got some one to attack him in the Mercure for the pleasure of replying in the Debats.For which reason the first edition went off at once.""My friends,upon my word and honor,I cannot write two words in praise of that book----""You will have another hundred francs,"interrupted Merlin."Nathan will have brought you in ten louis d'or,to say nothing of an article that you might put in Finot's paper;you would get a hundred francs for writing that,and another hundred francs from Dauriat--total,twenty louis.""But what am I to say?"

"Here is your way out of the difficulty,"said Blondet,after some thought."Say that the envy that fastens on all good work,like wasps on ripe fruit,has attempted to set its fangs in this production.The captious critic,trying his best to find fault,has been obliged to invent theories for that purpose,and has drawn a distinction between two kinds of literature--'the literature of ideas and the literature of imagery,'as he calls them.On the heads of that,youngster,say that to give expression to ideas through imagery is the highest form of art.Try to show that all poetry is summed up in that,and lament that there is so little poetry in French;quote foreign criticisms on the unimaginative precision of our style,and then extol M.de Canalis and Nathan for the services they have done France by infusing a less prosaic spirit into the language.Knock your previous argument to pieces by calling attention to the fact that we have made progress since the eighteenth century.(Discover the 'progress,'a beautiful word to mystify the bourgeois public.)Say that the new methods in literature concentrate all styles,comedy and tragedy,deion,character-drawing and dialogues,in a series of pictures set in the brilliant frame of a plot which holds the reader's interest.The Novel,which demands sentiment,style,and imagery,is the greatest creation of modern days;it is the successor of stage comedy grown obsolete with its restrictions.Facts and ideas are all within the province of fiction.The intellect of an incisive moralist,like La Bruyere,the power of treating character as Moliere could treat it,the grand machinery of a Shakespeare,together with the portrayal of the most subtle shades of passion (the one treasury left untouched by our predecessors)--for all this the modern novel affords free scope.

How far superior is all this to the cut-and-dried logic-chopping,the cold analysis to the eighteenth century!--'The Novel,'say sententiously,'is the Epic grown amusing.'Instance Corinne,bring Mme.de Stael up to support your argument.The eighteenth century called all things in question;it is the task of the nineteenth to conclude and speak the last word;and the last word of the nineteenth century has been for realities--realities which live however and move.

Passion,in short,an element unknown in Voltaire's philosophy,has been brought into play.Here a diatribe against Voltaire,and as for Rousseau,his characters are polemics and systems masquerading.Julie and Claire are entelechies--informing spirit awaiting flesh and bones.

"You might slip off on a side issue at this,and say that we owe a new and original literature to the Peace and the Restoration of the Bourbons,for you are writing for a Right Centre paper.

  • 草堂诗话


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    A Far Country

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    The Yates Pride

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  • 福布斯商业五巨子


    美国商界向来以狂乱竞争和高风险著称,只有极少数不遗余力的人才有望登上成功顶峰。本书所述的五位杰出人士是:安德鲁·格罗夫--英特尔公司精力旺盛的首脑;弗莱德·史密斯--拥有联邦快递公司;彼得·林奇--投资巨人、投股天才;普莱森特·罗兰德--普莱森特公司和美国姑娘收藏品公司的发起人;保罗·沃尔克--美联储无可争议、最出名和极具影响力的主席。他们分别与福布斯杂志的资深编辑和记者格莱金·摩根森交流了积压自的洞见和成功体验。本书就是这些精彩无比的对话记录 。
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