

I entered the door and started at first with my old astonishment,with which I had woke up,so strange and beautiful did this interior seem to me,though it was but a pothouse parlour.Aquaintly-carved side board held an array of bright pewter pots and dishes and wooden and earthen bowls;a stout oak table went up and down the room,and a carved oak chair stood by the chimney-corner,now filled by a very old man dim-eyed and white-bearded.That,except the rough stools and benches on which the company sat,was all the furniture.The walls were panelled roughly enough with oak boards to about six feet from the floor,and about three feet of plaster above that was wrought in a pattern of a rose stem running all round the room,freely and roughly done,but with (as it seemed to my unused eyes)wonderful skill and spirit.On the hood of the great chimney a huge rose was wrought in the plaster and brightly painted in its proper colours.There were a dozen or more of the men I had seen coming along the street sitting there,some eating and all drinking;their cased bows leaned against the wall,their quivers hung on pegs in the panelling,and in a corner of the room I saw half-a-dozen bill-hooks that looked made more for war than for hedge-shearing,with ashen handles some seven foot long.Three or four children were running about among the legs of the men,heeding them mighty little in their bold play,and the men seemed little troubled by it,although they were talking earnestly and seriously too.A well-made comely girl leaned up against the chimney close to the gaffer's chair,and seemed to be in waiting on the company:she was clad in a close-fitting gown of bright blue cloth,with a broad silver girdle daintily wrought,round her loins,a rose wreath was on her head and her hair hung down unbound;the gaffer grumbled a few words to her from time to time,so that I judged he was her grandfather.

The men all looked up as we came into the room,my mate leading me by the hand,and he called out in his rough,good-tempered voice,"Here,my masters,I bring you tidings and a tale;give it meat and drink that it may be strong and sweet.""Whence are thy tidings,Will Green?"said one.

My mate grinned again with the pleasure of making his joke once more in a bigger company:"It seemeth from heaven,since this good old lad hath no master,"said he.

"The more fool he to come here,"said a thin man with a grizzled beard,amidst the laughter that followed,"unless he had the choice given him between hell and England.""Nay,"said I,"I come not from heaven,but from Essex."As I said the word a great shout sprang from all mouths at once,as clear and sudden as a shot from a gun.For I must tell you that I knew somehow,but I know not how,that the men of Essex were gathering to rise against the poll-groat bailiffs and the lords that would turn them all into villeins again,as their grandfathers had been.And the people was weak and the lords were poor;for many a mother's son had fallen in the war in France in the old king's time,and the Black Death had slain a many;so that the lords had bethought them:"We are growing poorer,and these upland-bred villeins are growing richer,and the guilds of craft are waxing in the towns,and soon what will there be left for us who cannot weave and will not dig?Good it were if we fell on all who are not guildsmen or men of free land,if we fell on soccage tenants and others,and brought both the law and the strong hand on them,and made them all villeins in deed as they are now in name;for now these rascals make more than their bellies need of bread,and their backs of homespun,and the overplus they keep to themselves;and we are more worthy of it than they.So let us get the collar on their necks again,and make their day's work longer and their bever-time shorter,as the good statute of the old king bade.And good it were if the Holy Church were to look to it (and the Lollards might help herein)that all these naughty and wearisome holidays were done away with;or that it should be unlawful for any man below the degree of a squire to keep the holy days of the church,except in the heart and the spirit only,and let the body labour meanwhile;for does not the Apostle say,`If a man work not,neither should he eat'?And if such things were done,and such an estate of noble rich men and worthy poor men upholden for ever,then would it be good times in England,and life were worth the living."All this were the lords at work on,and such talk I knew was common not only among the lords themselves,but also among their sergeants and very serving-men.But the people would not abide it;therefore,as I said,in Essex they were on the point of rising,and word had gone how that at St.Albans they were wellnigh at blows with the Lord Abbot's soldiers;that north away at Norwich John Litster was wiping the woad from his arms,as who would have to stain them red again,but not with grain or madder;and that the valiant tiler of Dartford had smitten a poll-groat bailiff to death with his lath-rending axe for mishandling a young maid,his daughter;and that the men of Kent were on the move.

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    Walking in the Air

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    魏南风几乎一夜没睡,天亮透前,大脑才终于累得昏沉,迷迷糊糊坠入一团纠缠的网中,弹了几下腿,合上眼。她安慰自己:好了好了,终于睡着了,呼噜扯得轰响了。面色极差,双眼通红无神,一缺觉,脸上的几根三八纹就出来作怪,把平时还算平滑的脸分割成凸凹不平的几大块,用手按按扯扯,它们横眉冷眼,各守封地严阵以待。不想见任何人,最好有个黑箱子,把她关在里面,好好补一觉。客厅闹钟提示已经上午十点,南风皱皱眉,强打起精神,涂脸、穿衣、化妆。吴熏准时等在常去的那家餐馆,见她进来,掐灭了手中的烟。“又没睡好?” 他瞟瞟她。