
第142章 'LE ROI EST MORT!'(1)

It was M.d'Agen's breastpiece saved my life by warding off the point of the varlet's sword,so that the worst injury I got was the loss of my breath for five minutes,with a swimming in the head and a kind of syncope.These being past,I found myself on my back on the ground,with a man's knee on my breast and a dozen horsemen standing round me.The sky reeled dizzily before my eyes and the men's figures loomed gigantic;yet I had sense enough to know what had happened to me,and that matters might well be worse.

Resigning myself to the prospect of captivity,I prepared to ask for quarter;which I did not doubt I should receive,since they had taken me in an open skirmish,and honestly,and in the daylight.But the man whose knee already incommoded me sufficiently,seeing me about to speak,squeezed me on a sudden so fiercely,bidding me at the same time in a gruff whisper be silent,that I thought I could not do better than obey.

Accordingly I lay still,and as in a dream,for my brain was still clouded,heard someone say,'Dead!Is he?I hoped we had come in time.Well,he deserved a better fate.Who is he,Rosny?'

'Do you know him,Maignan?'said a voice which sounded strangely familiar.

The man who knelt;upon me answered,'No,my lord.He is a stranger to me.He has the look of a Norman.'

'Like enough!'replied a high-pitched voice I had not heard before.'For he rode a good horse.Give me a hundred like it,and a hundred men to ride as straight,and I would not envy the King of France.'

'Much less his poor cousin of Navarre,'the first speaker rejoined in a laughing tone,'without a whole shirt to his back or a doublet that is decently new.Come,Turenne,acknowledge that you are not so badly off after all!'

At that word the cloud which had darkened my faculties swept on a sudden aside.I saw that the men into whose hands I had fallen wore white favours,their leader a white plume;and comprehended without more that the King of Navarre had come to my rescue,and beaten off the Leaguers who had dismounted me.At the same moment the remembrance of all that had gone before,and especially of the scene I had witnessed in the king's chamber,rushed upon my mind with such overwhelming force that I fell into a fury of impatience at the thought of the time I had wasted;and rising up suddenly I threw off Maignan with all my force,crying out that I was alive--that I was alive,and had news.

The equerry did his best to restrain me,cursing me under his breath for a fool,and almost;squeezing the life out of me.But in vain,for the King of Navarre,riding nearer,saw me struggling.'Hallo!hallo!'tis a strange dead man,'he cried,interposing.'What is the meaning of this?Let him go!Do you hear,sirrah?Let him go!'

The equerry obeyed and stood back sullenly,and I staggered to my feet,and looked round with eyes which still swam and watered.

On the instant a cry of recognition greeted me,with a hundred exclamations of astonishment.While I heard my name uttered on every side in a dozen different tones,I remarked that M.de Rosny,upon whom my eyes first fell,alone stood silent,regarding me with a face of sorrowful surprise.

'By heavens,sir,I knew nothing of this!'I heard the King of Navarre declare,addressing himself to the Vicomte de Turenne.

'The man is here by no connivance of mine.Interrogate him yourself,if you will.Or I will.Speak,sir,'he continued,turning to me with his countenance hard and forbidding.'You heard me yesterday,what I promised you?Why,in God's name,are you here to-day?'

I tried to answer,but Maignan had so handled me that I had not breath enough,and stood panting.

'Your Highness's clemency in this matter,'M.de Turenne said,with a sneer,'has been so great he trusted to its continuance.

And doubtless he thought to find you alone.I fear I am in the way.'

I knew him by his figure and his grand air,which in any other company would have marked him for master;and forgetting the impatience which a moment before had consumed me--doubtless I was still light-headed--I answered him.'Yet I had once the promise of your lordship's protection,'I gasped.

'My protection,sir?'he exclaimed,his eyes gleaming angrily.

'Even so,'I answered.'At the inn at Etampes,where M.de Crillon would have fought me.'

He was visibly taken aback.'Are you that man?'he cried.

'I am.But I am not here to prate of myself,'I replied.And with that--the remembrance of my neglected errand flashing on me again--I staggered to the King of Navarre's side,and,falling on my knees,seized his stirrup.'Sire,I bring you news!great news!dreadful news!'I cried,clinging to it.'His Majesty was but a quarter of an hour ago stabbed in the body in his chamber by a villain monk.And is dying,or,it may be,dead.'

'Dead?The King!'Turenne cried with an oath.'Impossible!'

Vaguely I heard others crying,some this,some that,as surprise and consternation,or anger,or incredulity moved them.But Idid not answer them,for Henry,remaining silent,held me spellbound and awed by the,marvellous change which I saw fall on his face.His eyes became on a sudden suffused with blood,and seemed to retreat under his heavy brows;his cheeks turned of a brick-red colour;his half-open lips showed his teeth gleaming through his beard;while his great nose,which seemed to curve and curve until it well-nigh met his chin,gave to his mobile countenance an aspect as strange as it was terrifying.Withal he uttered for a time no word,though I saw his hand,grip the riding-whip he held in a convulsive grasp,as though his thought were ''Tis mine!Mine!Wrest it away who dares!'

'Bethink you,sir,'he said at last,fixing his piercing eyes on me,and speaking in a harsh,low tone,like the growling of a great dog,'this is no jesting-time.Nor will you save your skin by a ruse.Tell me,on your peril,is this a trick?'

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    关伟,1957年生于北京,1986年毕业于首都师范大学美术系,1989年至1993年先后被澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚大学艺术学院,堪培拉国立大学艺术学院和悉尼现代艺术中心邀请为客座艺术家。在这之后多次获得澳大利亚政府艺术基金,包括2008~2010年度澳大利亚政府颁发的最高荣誉艺术基金。2008年在北京建立工作室,此后参与了多项有影响的中澳艺术交流活动,现生活、工作于北京和悉尼。关伟的作品在复杂的象征性绘画符号中,有力地体现了当今社会、环境的两重性。他的作品是他丰富的文化储备,对社会、政治的高度关注,以及他对艺术史的广博知识的产物。关伟曾在世界各地举办了超过50届个人展览,如何香凝美术馆OCT当代艺术中心“魔咒-关伟2011”;同时还应邀参加了许多重要的当代国际艺术展,如2009年第十届哈瓦那双年展。欧阳昱作为澳大利亚卧龙岗大学“Globalizing Australian Literature”(澳大利亚文学全球化)项目博士后研究员,曾为该项目而于2010年3月18日在北京天伦王朝饭店,以中文采访了关伟,后译成英文,此为梁余晶的中文回译。
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