

The Indian nodded. "I know. My brother went back to Jamestown for men and boats and guns to go to the Paspahegh village and up the Powhatan. He was wise with the wisdom of the white men, but I, who needed no gun, and who would not fight against my own people, I stepped into the stream and walked up it until past the full sun power. Then I found a broken twig and the print of a moccasin, half hidden by a bush, overlooked when the other prints were smoothed away. I left the stream and followed the trail until it was broken again. I looked for it no more then, for I knew that the Paspaheghs had turned their faces toward Uttamussac, and that they would make a fire where many others had been made, in the hollow below the three temples. Instead I went with speed to seek Opechancanough. Yesterday, when the sun was low, I found him, sitting in his lodge above the marshes and the colored river. We smoked the peace pipe together, and I am his war chief again. I asked for the green stone, that I might show it to the Paspaheghs for a sign. He gave it, but he willed to come to Uttamussac with me."

"I owe you my life," I said, with my hand upon his. "I and Diccon"


What I would have said he put aside with a fine gesture. "Captain Percy is my friend. My brother loves him, and he was kind to Matoax when she was brought prisoner to Jamestown. I am glad that I could pull off this wolf."

"Tell me one thing," I asked. "Before you left Jamestown, had you heard aught of my wife or of my enemy?"

He shook his head. "At sunrise, the commander came to rouse my brother, crying out that you had broken gaol and were nowhere to be found, and that the man you hate was lying within the guest house, sorely torn by some beast of the forest. My brother and I followed your trail at once; the town was scarce awake when we left it behind us, - and I did not return."

By this we three were alone in the hollow, for all the savages, men and women, had gone forth to meet the Indian whose word was law from the falls of the far west to the Chesapeake. The sun now rode above the low hills, pouring its gold into the hollow and brightening all the world besides. The little stream flashed diamonds, and the carven devils upon the black houses above us were frightful no longer. There was not a menace anywhere from the cloudless skies to the sweet and plaintive chant to Kiwassa, sung by women and floating to us from the woods beyond the hollow. The singing grew nearer, and the rustling of the leaves beneath many feet more loud and deep; then all noise ceased, and Opechancanough entered the hollow alone. An eagle feather was thrust through his scalp lock; over his naked breast, that was neither painted nor pricked into strange figures, hung a triple row of pearls; his mantle was woven of bluebird feathers, as soft and sleek as satin. The face of this barbarian was dark, cold, and impassive as death. Behind that changeless mask, as in a safe retreat, the supersubtle devil that was the man might plot destruction and plan the laying of dreadful mines. He had dignity and courage, - no man denied him that. I suppose he thought that he and his had wrongs: God knows! perhaps they had. But if ever we were hard or unjust in our dealings with the savages, - I say not that this was the case, - at least we were not treacherous and dealt not in Judas kisses.

I stepped forward, and met him on the spot where the fire had been. For a minute neither spoke. It was true that I had striven against him many a time, and I knew that he knew it. It was also true that without his aid Nantauquas could not have rescued us from that dire peril. And it was again the truth that an Indian neither forgives nor forgets. He was my saviour, and I knew that mercy had been shown for some dark reason which I could not divine. Yet I owed him thanks, and gave them as shortly and simply as I could.

He heard me out with neither liking nor disliking nor any other emotion written upon his face; but when I had finished, as though he suddenly bethought himself, he smiled and held out his hand, white-man fashion. Now, when a man's lips widen I look into his eyes. The eyes of Opechancanough were as fathomless as a pool at midnight, and as devoid of mirth or friendliness as the staring orbs of the carven imps upon the temple corners.

"Singing birds have lied to Captain Percy," he said, and his voice was like his eyes. "Opechancanough thinks that Captain Percy will never listen to them again. The chief of the Powhatans is a lover of the white men, of the English, and of other white men, - if there are others. He would call the Englishmen his brothers, and be taught of them how to rule, and who to pray to" -

"Let Opechancanough go with me to-day to Jamestown," I said.

"He hath the wisdom of the woods; let him come and gain that of the town."

The Emperor smiled again. "I will come to Jamestown soon, but not to-day nor to-morrow nor the next day. And Captain Percy must smoke the peace pipe in my lodge above the Pamunkey, and watch my young men and maidens dance, and eat with me five days. Then he may go back to Jamestown with presents for the great white father there, and with a message that Opechancanough is coming soon to learn of the white men."

I could have gnashed my teeth at that delay when she must think me dead, but it would have been the madness of folly to show the impatience which I felt. I too could smile with my lips when occasion drove, and drink a bitter draught as though my soul delighted in it. Blithe enough to all seeming, and with as few inward misgivings as the case called for, Diccon and I went with the subtle Emperor and the young chief he had bound to himself once more, and with their fierce train, back to that village which we had never thought to see again. A day and a night we stayed there; then Opechancanough sent away the Paspaheghs, - where we knew not, - and taking us with him went to his own village above the great marshes of the Pamunkey.

  • 本愿药师经古迹


  • 戴施两案纪略


  • 奇门宝鉴御定


  • 台湾资料清经世文编选录


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  • 星辰共舞


  • 裙上之臣


  • 混混校草暗恋乖乖女


  • 海贼世界建忍村


  • 玄武狂尊


  • 魂兮归来


  • 绝霄云帝


    浩瀚宙宇,悠悠千古。绝代巨擎―李玄机陨落弥渡秘境,风云百载转瞬即逝,重新转世势必要掌控这天道、打破这轮回、续上前世旧缘………重临万界巅峰………… 前世登临万界之颠,得到凤凰重生诀,今世转世是否……境界划分:武徒武士武师武宗武王武尊武圣武帝………………
  • 韩娱之巅


    他,是百年不遇的音乐天才,对于音乐有着让所有人都惊叹的天赋,是S.M公司李秀满第一个满意的弟子。他,和HOT同时出道,以一人之力,在水晶男孩以及HOT这群当红偶像组合的夹击下,逆流而上,与他们平分娱乐圈。他,年仅13岁,可是在一出道,就轰动了当时整个娱乐圈,顶级的唱功,优秀的作词作曲能力,加上不俗的舞蹈,让所有艺人都感觉到了威胁。这颗璀璨的新星,如果没有意外,会成为最顶级的存在,这是他的粉丝们以及李秀满的感觉,可惜,事与愿违,年仅13岁的他,虽然在音乐上有着过人的天赋,但是却仍然是不懂的人情世故,盛气凌人的性格,孤傲的气质,让他在不知不觉中,把整个娱乐圈中人得罪了大半,再加上其他娱乐公司不满S.M公司垄断了娱乐圈,于是,这颗璀璨的新星,终于暗淡了下来。 求推荐,求收藏,各种求啊。
  • 无敌从末世开始

