

And is it not through this poetry which lies within her that she may be led into the large poetry of the universe! Often I listen to her careless talk, and find oracles in its unconscious beauty, as we find strange virtues in some lonely flower.I see her mind ripening under my eyes; and in its fair fertility what ever-teeming novelties of thought! O Mejnour! how many of our tribe have unravelled the laws of the universe,--have solved the riddles of the exterior nature, and deduced the light from darkness! And is not the POET, who studies nothing but the human heart, a greater philosopher than all? Knowledge and atheism are incompatible.To know Nature is to know that there must be a God.But does it require this to examine the method and architecture of creation? Methinks, when I look upon a pure mind, however ignorant and childlike, that I see the August and Immaterial One more clearly than in all the orbs of matter which career at His bidding through space.

Rightly is it the fundamental decree of our order, that we must impart our secrets only to the pure.The most terrible part of the ordeal is in the temptations that our power affords to the criminal.If it were possible that a malevolent being could attain to our faculties, what disorder it might introduce into the globe! Happy that it is NOT possible; the malevolence would disarm the power.It is in the purity of Viola that I rely, as thou more vainly hast relied on the courage or the genius of thy pupils.Bear me witness, Mejnour! Never since the distant day in which I pierced the Arcana of our knowledge, have I ever sought to make its mysteries subservient to unworthy objects;though, alas! the extension of our existence robs us of a country and a home; though the law that places all science, as all art, in the abstraction from the noisy passions and turbulent ambition of actual life, forbids us to influence the destinies of nations, for which Heaven selects ruder and blinder agencies; yet, wherever have been my wanderings, I have sought to soften distress, and to convert from sin.My power has been hostile only to the guilty; and yet with all our lore, how in each step we are reduced to be but the permitted instruments of the Power that vouchsafes our own, but only to direct it.How all our wisdom shrinks into nought, compared with that which gives the meanest herb its virtues, and peoples the smallest globule with its appropriate world.And while we are allowed at times to influence the happiness of others, how mysteriously the shadows thicken round our own future doom! We cannot be prophets to ourselves! With what trembling hope I nurse the thought that Imay preserve to my solitude the light of a living smile!


Extracts from Letter II.

Deeming myself not pure enough to initiate so pure a heart, Iinvoke to her trance those fairest and most tender inhabitants of space that have furnished to poetry, which is the instinctive guess into creation, the ideas of the Glendoveer and Sylph.And these were less pure than her own thoughts, and less tender than her own love! They could not raise her above her human heart, for THAT has a heaven of its own.


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    Elise Roberts梦想成为一名流行歌手,却从高中毕业就留在了家乡,当了一名秘书。自从被解雇后,她的日子似乎变得极其无聊、毫无新意。带着自己心爱的吉他,Elise来到了纽约,成了一名服务员,但仍坚持在自由麦克风活动上献唱。一天晚上,她偶遇了魅力非凡的Dylan,他在一个声名渐起的乐队里担任主唱。除了魅力不凡,Dylan还很自大,Elise最初很不喜欢他。他们每晚在同一个自由麦克风活动场地上争夺风头,相互之间冲突不断,然而在这冲突中,他们之间暗暗滋生了更强烈的情感。正当Elise与Dylan陷入热恋之际,他们的梦想也成真了,一家著名唱片公司和他们分别签订了合约。