

"Listen to me, Hopkins," I said, in cutting and distinct tones, "you and Ihave been good friends, but I want you to understand that in the future my doors are closed against any man who acts as much like a scoundrel as you have."Tom looked the least bit interested.

"What's the matter, Billy?" he muttered, composedly."Don't your clothes fit you?""If I were in your place," I went on, "which, thank God, I am not, I think I would be afraid to close my eyes.How about that girl you left waiting for you down among those lonesome Southern pines -- the girl that you've forgotten since you came into your confounded money? Oh, I know what I'm talking about.While you were a poor medical student she was good enough for you.But now, since you are a millionaire, it's different.I wonder what she thinks of the performances of that peculiar class of people which she has been taught to worship -- the Southern gentlemen? I'm sorry, Hopkins, that I was forced to speak about these matters, but you've covered it up so well and played your part so nicely that I would have sworn you were above such unmanly tricks"Poor Tom.I could scarcely keep from laughing outright to see him struggling against the effects of the opiate.He was distinctly angry, and I didn't blame him.Tom had a Southern temper.His eyes were open now, and they showed a gleam or two of fire.But the drug still clouded his mind and bound his tongue.

"C-c-confound you," he stammered, "I'll s-smash you."He tried to rise from the couch.With all his size he was very weak now.

I thrust him back with one arm.He lay there glaring like a lion in a trap.

"That will hold you for a while, you old loony," I said to myself.I got up and lit my pipe, for I was needing a smoke.I walked around a bit, congratulating myself on my brilliant idea.

I heard a snore.I looked around.Tom was asleep again.I walked over and punched him on the jaw.He looked at me as pleasant and ungrudging as an idiot.I chewed my pipe and gave it to him hard.

"I want you to recover yourself and get out of my rooms as soon as you can," I said, insultingly."I've told you what I think of you.If you have any honour or honesty left you will think twice before you attempt again to associate with gentlemen.She's a poor girl, isn't she?" Isneered."Somewhat too plain and unfashionable for us since we got our money.Be ashamed to walk on Fifth Avenue with her, wouldn't you?

Hopkins, you're forty-seven times worse than a cad.Who cares for your money? I don't.I'll bet that girl don't.Perhaps if you didn't have it you'd be more of a man.As it is you've made a cur of yourself, and" -- Ithought that quite dramatic -- "perhaps broken a faithful heart." (Old Tom Hopkins breaking a faithful heart!) "Let me be rid of you as soon as possible."I turned my back on Tom, and winked at myself in a mirror.I heard him moving, and I turned again quickly.I didn't want a hundred and ninety-eight pounds falling on me from the rear.But Tom had only turned partly over, and laid one arm across his face.He spoke a few words rather more distinctly than before.

"I couldn't have -- talked this way -- to you, Billy, even if I'd heard people -- lyin' 'bout you.But jus' soon's I can s-stand up -- I'll break your neck -- don' f'get it."I did feel a little ashamed then.But it was to save Tom.In the morning, when I explained it, we would have a good laugh over it together.

In about twenty minutes Tom dropped into a sound, easy slumber.I felt his pulse, listened to his respiration, and let him sleep.Everything was normal, and Tom was safe.I went into the other room and tumbled into bed.

I found Tom up and dressed when I awoke the next morning.He was entirely himself again with the exception of shaky nerves and a tongue like a white-oak chip.

"What an idiot I was," he said, thoughtfully."I remember thinking that quinine bottle looked queer while I was taking the dose.Have much trouble in bringing me 'round?"I told him no.His memory seemed bad about the entire affair.Iconcluded that he had no recollection of my efforts to keep him awake, and decided not to enlighten him.Some other time, I thought, when he was feeling better, we would have some fun over it.

When Tom was ready to go he stopped, with the door open, and shook my hand.

"Much obliged, old fellow," he said, quietly, "for taking so much trouble with me -- and for what you said.I'm going down now to telegraph to the little girl."

  • 玄奘三藏法师资传丛书


  • 周易


  • 五家宗旨纂要


  • 今言


  • 羯磨


  • 从容才幸福,女人刚刚好


  • 总裁老公惹不得


  • 从秦时开始的诸天之旅


  • 异界魔王的腹黑娘子


  • 赢在中国式管理


    本书根据《中国式管理》(中国社会科学出版社,2005年)修订而成。做事先做人,做人先安心。安人的历程,是“由开心而交心,借交心而共同关心”,然后产生同心的一连串心与心的变化。中国式管理具有三大主轴,那就是以人为主、因道结合以及依理而变。 发展事业本身并没有什么价值,必须在经营事业的过程中,完成修、齐、治、平的人生使命,立业才有价值。21世纪,是中国管理哲学与西方管理科学相结合,并获得发扬的时代,管理者在实践中两者缺一,都将跛脚难行。
  • 休假中的奇案


  • 斩魔使命


  • 九洲夙云纪


  • 异世之建设王朝


  • 霸道老公,么么哒!

