

"Yassir; of late I done mouty famous.When I first got to Newbraska, dey folks come all roun' me to see dem mule colts.Dey ain't see no mules like dem in Newbraska.I sold dem mules for three hundred dollars.

Yassir -- three hundred.

"Den I open a blacksmith shop, suh, and made some money and bought some lan'.Me and my old 'oman done raised up seb'm chillun, and all doin'

well 'cept two of 'em what died.Fo' year ago a railroad come along and staht a town slam ag'inst my lan', and, suh, Mars' Pendleton, Uncle Mose am worth leb'm thousand dollars in money, property, and lan'.""I'm glad to hear it," said the major heartily."Glad to hear it.""And dat little baby of yo'n, Mars' Pendleton -- one what you name Miss Lyddy -- I be bound dat little tad done growed up tell nobody wouldn't know her."The major stepped to the door and called: "Lydia, dear, will you come?"Miss Lydia, looking quite grown up and a little worried, came in from her room.

"Dar, now! What'd I tell you? I knowed dat baby done be plum growed up.

You don't 'member Uncle Mose, child?"

"This is Aunt Cindy's Mose, Lydia," explained the major."He left Sunnymead for the West when you were two years old.""Well," said Miss Lydia, "I can hardly be expected to remember you, Uncle Mose, at that age.And, as you say, I'm 'plum growed up,' and was a blessed long time ago.But I'm glad to see you, even if I can't remember you."And she was.And so was the major.Something alive and tangible had come to link them with the happy past.The three sat and talked over the olden times, the major and Uncle Mose correcting or prompting each other as they reviewed the plantation scenes and days.

The major inquired what the old man was doing so far from his home.

"Uncle Mose am a delicate," he explained, "to de grand Baptis' convention in dis city.I never preached none, but bein' a residin' elder in de church, and able fur to pay my own expenses, dey sent me along.""And how did you know we were in Washington?" inquired Miss Lydia.

"Dey's a cullud man works in de hotel whar I stops, what comes from Mobile.He told me he seen Mars' Pendleton comin' outen dish here house one mawnin'.

"What I come fur," continued Uncle Mose, reaching into his pocket --"besides de sight of home folks -- was to pay Mars' Pendleton what I owes him.""Owe me?" said the major, in surprise.

"Yassir -- three hundred dollars." He handed the major a roll of bills.

"When I lef' old mars' says: 'Take dem mule colts, Mose, and, if it be so you gits able, pay fur 'em'.Yassir -- dem was his words.De war had done lef' old mars' po' hisself.Old mars' bein' 'long ago dead, de debt descends to Mars' Pendleton.Three hundred dollars.Uncle Mose is plenty able to pay now.When dat railroad buy my lan' I laid off to pay fur dem mules.Count de money, Mars' Pendleton.Dat's what I sold dem mules f ur.Yassir."Tears were in Major Talbot's eyes.He took Uncle Mose's hand and laid his other upon his shoulder.

"Dear, faithful, old servitor," he said in an unsteady voice, "I don't mind saying to you that 'Mars' Pendleton' spent his last dollar in the world a week ago.We will accept this money, Uncle Mose, since, in a way, it is a sort of payment, as well as a token of the loyalty and devotion of the old regime.Lydia, my dear, take the money.You are better fitted than I to manage its expenditure.""Take it, honey," said Uncle Mose."Hit belongs to you.Hit's Talbot money."After Uncle Mose had gone, Miss Lydia had a good cry -- for joy; and the major turned his face to a corner, and smoked his clay pipe volcanically.

The succeeding days saw the Talbots restored to peace and ease.Miss Lydia's face lost its worried look.The major appeared in a new frock coat, in which he looked like a wax figure personifying the memory of his golden age.Another publisher who read the manuscript of the "Anecdotes and Reminiscences" thought that, with a little retouching and toning down of the high lights, he could make a really bright and salable volume of it.Altogether, the situation was comfortable, and not without the touch of hope that is often sweeter than arrived blessings.

One day, about a week after their piece of good luck, a maid brought a letter for Miss Lydia to her room.The postmark showed that it was from New York.Not knowing any one there, Miss Lydia, in a mild flutter of wonder, sat down by her table and opened the letter with her scissors.

This was what she read:

Dear Miss Talbot:

I thought you might be glad to learn of my good fortune.I have received and accepted an offer of two hundred dollars per week by a New York stock company to play Colonel Calhoun in "A Magnolia Flower."There is something else I wanted you to know.I guess you'd better not tell Major Talbot.I was anxious to make him some amends for the great help he was to me in studying the part, and for the bad humour he was in about it.He refused to let me, so I did it anyhow.I could easily spare the three hundred.

Sincerely yours,H.Hopkins Hargraves,P.S.How did I play Uncle Mose?

Major Talbot, passing through the hall, saw Miss Lydia's door open and stopped.

"Any mail for us this morning, Lydia, dear?" he asked.

Miss Lydia slid the letter beneath a fold of her dress.

"The _Mobile Chronicle_ came," she said promptly."It's on the table in your study."

  • 后村诗话


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    你是否丢了自己的幸福? 丢到哪里去了?是谁绑架了你的幸福,他人,社会,还是你自己?马银文编著的《幸福人生必备的9项修炼》告诉你,你的幸福失落在了哪里,去向何处寻,打开你的幸福之门……《幸福人生必备的9项修炼》总结了幸福人生必备的9项修炼,谈及我们的工作、生活和家庭,以及与社会的关系等几大方面,通过对正反两方面生动案例的解析,来说明幸福在哪里,我们如何修炼到幸福的智慧,找到幸福生活的钥匙。从关注现实说起,归结到调整自己的心态,平衡好自己与他人以及社会的关系,处理好物质,物质和精神的关系,保持一颗积极的、向上的、充实而宁静的心,把握当下,珍惜所有,从而拥有属于自己的幸福生活。
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