
第12章 The Second Quarter(4)

'I beg your pardon, I'm sure!' said Trotty, pulling up his hat in great confusion, and between the hat and the torn lining, fixing his head into a kind of bee-hive.'I hope I haven't hurt you.'

As to hurting anybody, Toby was not such an absolute Samson, but that he was much more likely to be hurt himself: and indeed, he had flown out into the road, like a shuttlecock.He had such an opinion of his own strength, however, that he was in real concern for the other party: and said again, 'I hope I haven't hurt you?'

The man against whom he had run; a sun-browned, sinewy, country-looking man, with grizzled hair, and a rough chin; stared at him for a moment, as if he suspected him to be in jest.But, satisfied of his good faith, he answered:

'No, friend.You have not hurt me.'

'Nor the child, I hope?' said Trotty.

'Nor the child,' returned the man.'I thank you kindly.'

As he said so, he glanced at a little girl he carried in his arms, asleep: and shading her face with the long end of the poor handkerchief he wore about his throat, went slowly on.

The tone in which he said 'I thank you kindly,' penetrated Trotty's heart.He was so jaded and foot-sore, and so soiled with travel, and looked about him so forlorn and strange, that it was a comfort to him to be able to thank any one: no matter for how little.

Toby stood gazing after him as he plodded wearily away, with the child's arm clinging round his neck.

At the figure in the worn shoes - now the very shade and ghost of shoes - rough leather leggings, common frock, and broad slouched hat, Trotty stood gazing, blind to the whole street.And at the child's arm, clinging round its neck.

Before he merged into the darkness the traveller stopped; and looking round, and seeing Trotty standing there yet, seemed undecided whether to return or go on.After doing first the one and then the other, he came back, and Trotty went half-way to meet him.

'You can tell me, perhaps,' said the man with a faint smile, 'and if you can I am sure you will, and I'd rather ask you than another - where Alderman Cute lives.'

'Close at hand,' replied Toby.'I'll show you his house with pleasure.'

'I was to have gone to him elsewhere to-morrow,' said the man, accompanying Toby, 'but I'm uneasy under suspicion, and want to clear myself, and to be free to go and seek my bread - I don't know where.So, maybe he'll forgive my going to his house to-night.'

'It's impossible,' cried Toby with a start, 'that your name's Fern!'

'Eh!' cried the other, turning on him in astonishment.

'Fern! Will Fern!' said Trotty.

'That's my name,' replied the other.

'Why then,' said Trotty, seizing him by the arm, and looking cautiously round, 'for Heaven's sake don't go to him! Don't go to him! He'll put you down as sure as ever you were born.Here! come up this alley, and I'll tell you what I mean.Don't go to HIM.'

His new acquaintance looked as if he thought him mad; but he bore him company nevertheless.When they were shrouded from observation, Trotty told him what he knew, and what character he had received, and all about it.

The subject of his history listened to it with a calmness that surprised him.He did not contradict or interrupt it, once.He nodded his head now and then - more in corroboration of an old and worn-out story, it appeared, than in refutation of it; and once or twice threw back his hat, and passed his freckled hand over a brow, where every furrow he had ploughed seemed to have set its image in little.But he did no more.

'It's true enough in the main,' he said, 'master, I could sift grain from husk here and there, but let it be as 'tis.What odds?

I have gone against his plans; to my misfortun'.I can't help it;I should do the like to-morrow.As to character, them gentlefolks will search and search, and pry and pry, and have it as free from spot or speck in us, afore they'll help us to a dry good word! -Well! I hope they don't lose good opinion as easy as we do, or their lives is strict indeed, and hardly worth the keeping.For myself, master, I never took with that hand' - holding it before him - 'what wasn't my own; and never held it back from work, however hard, or poorly paid.Whoever can deny it, let him chop it off! But when work won't maintain me like a human creetur; when my living is so bad, that I am Hungry, out of doors and in; when I see a whole working life begin that way, go on that way, and end that way, without a chance or change; then I say to the gentlefolks "Keep away from me! Let my cottage be.My doors is dark enough without your darkening of 'em more.Don't look for me to come up into the Park to help the show when there's a Birthday, or a fine Speechmaking, or what not.Act your Plays and Games without me, and be welcome to 'em, and enjoy 'em.We've nowt to do with one another.I'm best let alone!"'

Seeing that the child in his arms had opened her eyes, and was looking about her in wonder, he checked himself to say a word or two of foolish prattle in her ear, and stand her on the ground beside him.Then slowly winding one of her long tresses round and round his rough forefinger like a ring, while she hung about his dusty leg, he said to Trotty:

'I'm not a cross-grained man by natu', I believe; and easy satisfied, I'm sure.I bear no ill-will against none of 'em.Ionly want to live like one of the Almighty's creeturs.I can't - Idon't - and so there's a pit dug between me, and them that can and do.There's others like me.You might tell 'em off by hundreds and by thousands, sooner than by ones.'

Trotty knew he spoke the Truth in this, and shook his head to signify as much.

'I've got a bad name this way,' said Fern; 'and I'm not likely, I'm afeared, to get a better.'Tan't lawful to be out of sorts, and IAM out of sorts, though God knows I'd sooner bear a cheerful spirit if I could.Well! I don't know as this Alderman could hurt MEmuch by sending me to jail; but without a friend to speak a word for me, he might do it; and you see - !' pointing downward with his finger, at the child.

'She has a beautiful face,' said Trotty.

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