

"Wa n t m e ?O f c o u r s e h e d i d n 't w a n t m e !T h a ttreacherous little Belgian led me into the waiting room and said the general would see me in a minute.Then he walked away and I sat there like a bump on a log and waited.Finally Ibegan to wonder how Maurie,who was always shy of facingthe authorities,had happened to be the general's messenger.It looked queer.Officers and civilians were passing back and forth but no one paid any attention to me;so after an hour or so I asked an officer who entered from an inner room,when I could see the general.He said the general was not there evenings but would be in his office to—morrow morning.Then I showed him my order and he glanced at it and said it was forged;wasn't the general's signature and wasn't in proper form,anyhow.When I started to go he wouldn't let me;said the affair was suspicious and needed investigation.So he took me to a room full of officers and they asked me a thousand fool questions.Said they had no record of a Belgian named Maurie and had never heard of him before.I couldn't figure the thing out,and they couldn't;so finally they let me come back to the ship.""Strange,"mused Uncle John,"very strange!""I was so stupid,"continued Carg,"that I never thought of Elbl being at the bottom of the affair until I got back and found our launch missing.Then I remembered that Elbl was to have been turned over to the prison authorities to—morrow and like a flash I saw through the whole thing.""I'm blamed if I do,"declared Mr.Merrick.

The others likewise shook their heads.

"He got me out of the way,stole the launch,and is halfway to Ostend by this time.""Alone?And wounded—still an invalid?""Doubtless Maurie is with him.The rascal can run an automobile;so I suppose he can run a launch.""What puzzles me,"remarked Patsy,"is how Lieutenant Elbl ever got hold of Maurie,and induced him to assist him,without our knowing anything about it.""I used to notice them talking together a good bit,"saidJones,"but Clarette has kept Maurie a prisoner.She wouldn't let him come back to the ship.""He was certainly at liberty to—night,"answered Beth,"isn'tthis escape liable to be rather embarrassing to us,Uncle John?""I'm afraid so,"was the reply,"we agreed to keep himsafely until the authorities demanded we give him up;and now,at the last minute,we've allowed him to get away."Anxiety was written on every countenance as they considered the serious nature of this affair.Only Gys seemed composeda and unworried.

"Is it too late to go in chase of the launch?"asked Ajo,breaking a long pause."They're headed for Ostend,without a doubt,and there's a chance that they may run into a sand—bankb in the dark,or break down,or meet with some other accident to delay them.""I believe it's worth our while,sir,"answered Carg,"thelaunch we have is the faster,and the trip will show our goodfaith,if nothing more.""Then make ready to start at once,"said Ajo,"and I'll dress and go along."Carg hurried away to give orders and the boy ran to his stateroom.Five minutes later they were away,with four sailors to assist in the capture of the fugitives in case they were overtakena.

It was a fruitless journey,however.At daybreak,as theyneared Ostend,they met their stolen launch coming back,in charge of a sleepy Belgian who had been hired to return it.The man frankly stated that he had undertaken the task in order to get to Dunkirk,where he had friends,and he had been liberally paid by a German on crutches,who had one foot missing,and a little Belgian whom he had never seen before,but who,from the description given,could be none other than Maurie.

They carried the man back with them to the Arabella,where further questioning added nothing to their information.They now had proof,however,that Elbl was safe with his countrymen at Ostend and that Maurie had been his accompliceb.

"I would not believe,"said Patsy,when she heard thestory,"that a Belgian could be so disloyal to his country.""Every nation has its quota of black sheep,"replied UncleJohn,"and from what we have learned of Maurie's character he is not at all particular which side he serves."

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