

‘Nay,my sweetest Catherine,this is being quite absurd!Modesty,and all that,is very well in its way,but really a little common honesty is sometimes quite as becoming.I have no idea of being so overstrained!It is fishing for compliments.His attentions were such as a child must have noticed.And it was but half an hour before he left Bath,that you gave him the most positive encouragement.He says so in this letter,says that he as good as made you an offer,and that you received his advances in the kindest way;and now he wants me to urge his suit,and say all manner of pretty things to you.So it is in vain to affect ignorance.’

Catherine,with all the earnestness of truth,expressed her astonishment at such a charge,protesting her innocence of every thought of Mr Thorpe's being in love with her,and the consequent impossibility of her having ever intended to encourage him.‘As to any attentions on his side,I do declare,upon my honour,I never was sensible of them for a moment except just his asking me to dance the first day of his coming.And as to making me an offer,or anything like it,there must be some unaccountable mistake.I could not have misunderstood a thing of that kind,you know! and,as I ever wish to be believed,I solemnly protest that no syllable of such a nature ever passed between us.The last half hour before he went away! It must be all and completely a mistake for I did not see him once that whole morning.’

‘But that you certainly did,for you spent the whole morning in Edgar's Buildings it was the day your father's consent came and I am pretty sure that you and John were alone in the parlour,some time before you left the house.’

‘Are you? Well,if you say it,it was so,I dare say but for the life of me,I cannot recollect it. I do remember now being with you,and seeing him as well as the rest but that we were ever alone for five minutes However,it is not worth arguing about,for whatever might pass on his side,you must be convinced,by my having no recollection of it,that I never thought,nor expected,nor wished for anything of the kind from him.I am excessively concerned that he should have any regard for me but indeed it has been quite unintentional on my side,I never had the smallest idea of it.Pray undeceive him as soon as you can,and tell him I beg his pardon that is I do not know what I ought to say but make him understand what I mean,in the properest way.I would not speak disrespectfully of a brother of yours,Isabella,I am sure;but you know very well that if I could think of one man more than another he is not the person.’Isabella was silent.‘My dear friend,you must not be angry with me.I cannot suppose your brother cares so very much about me.And,you know,we shall still be sisters.’

‘Yes,yes,’(with a blush)‘there are more ways than one of our being sisters. But where am I wandering to? Well,my dear Catherine,the case seems to be,that you are determined against poor John is not it so?’

‘I certainly cannot return his affection,and as certainly never meant to encourage it.’

‘Since that is the case,I am sure I shall not tease you any further.John desired me to speak to you on the subject,and therefore I have.But I confess,as soon as I read his letter,I thought it a very foolish,imprudent business,and not likely to promote the good of either;for what were you to live upon,supposing you came together?You have both of you something to be sure,but it is not a trifle that will support a family now a days;and after all that romancers may say,there is no doing without money.I only wonder John could think of it;he could not have received my last.’

‘You do acquit me then of anything wrong? You are convinced that I never meant to deceive your brother,never suspected him of liking me till this moment?’

‘Oh!as to that,’answered Isabella laughingly,‘I do not pretend to determine what your thoughts and designs in time past may have been.All that is best known to yourself.A little harmless flirtation or so will occur,and one is often drawn on to give more encouragement than one wishes to stand by.But you may be assured that I am the last person in the world to judge you severely.All those things should be allowed for in youth and high spirits.What one means one day,you know,one may not mean the next.Circumstances change,opinions alter.’

‘But my opinion of your brother never did alter;it was always the same.You are describing what never happened.’

‘My dearest Catherine,’continued the other without at all listening to her,‘I would not for all the world be the means of hurrying you into an engagement before you knew what you were about.I do not think anything would justify me in wishing you to sacrifice all your happiness merely to oblige my brother,because he is my brother,and who perhaps after all,you know,might be just as happy without you,for people seldom know what they would be at,young men especially,they are so amazingly changeable and inconstant.What I say is,why should a brother's happiness be dearer to me than a friend's ?You know I carry my notions of friendship pretty high.But,above all things,my dear Catherine,do not be in a hurry.Take my word for it,that if you are in too great a hurry,you will certainly live to repent it.Tilney says,there is nothing people are so often deceived in,as the state of their own affections,and I believe he is very right.Ah!here he comes;never mind,he will not see us,I am sure.’

Catherine,looking up,perceived Captain Tilney;and Isabella,earnestly fixing her eye on him as she spoke,soon caught his notice.He approached immediately,and took the seat to which her movements invited him.His first address made Catherine start.Though spoken low,she could distinguish,‘What!always to be watched,in person or by proxy!’

‘Psha,nonsense!’was Isabella's answer in the same half whisper.‘Why do you put such things into my head?If I could believe it my spirit,you know,is pretty independent.’

‘I wish your heart were independent.That would be enough for me.’

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