

I held my breath, I think, as I stood in ravished contemplation of that white vision. If this were Lavedan, and that the cold Roxalanne who had sent my bold Chatellerault back to Paris empty-handed then were my task a very welcome one.

How little it had weighed with me that I was come to Languedoc to woo a woman bearing the name of Roxalanne de Lavedan I have already shown. But here in this same Languedoc I beheld to-night a woman whom it seemed I might have loved, for not in ten years - not, indeed, in all my life - had any face so wrought upon me and called to my nature with so strong a voice.

I gazed at that child, and I thought of the women that I had known - the bold, bedizened beauties of a Court said to be the first in Europe. And then it care to me that this was no demoiselle of Lavedan, no demoiselle at all in fact, for the noblesse of France owned no such faces. Candour and purity were not to be looked for in the high-bred countenances of our great families; they were sometimes found in the faces of the children of their retainers.

Yes; I had it now. This child was the daughter of some custodian of the demesne before me.

Suddenly, as she stood there in the moonlight, a song, sung at half-voice, floated down on the calm air. It was a ditty of old Provence, a melody I knew and loved, and if aught had been wanting to heighten the enchantment that already ravished me, that soft melodious voice had done it. Singing still, she turned and reentered the room, leaving wide the windows, so that faintly, as from a distance, her voice still reached me after she was gone from sight.

It was in that hour that it came to me to cast myself upon this fair creature's mercy. Surely one so sweet and saintly to behold would take compassion on an unfortunate! Haply my wound and all the rest that I had that night endured made me dull-witted and warped my reason.

With what strength I still possessed I went to work to scale her balcony. The task was easy even for one in my spent condition. The wall was thick with ivy, and, moreover, a window beneath afforded some support, for by standing on the heavy coping I could with my fingers touch the sill of the balcony above. Thus I hoisted myself, and presently I threw an arm over the parapet. Already I was astride of that same Parapet before she became aware of my presence.

The song died suddenly on her lips, and her eyes, blue as forget-me-nots, were wide now with the fear that the sight of me occasioned. Another second and there had been an outcry that would have brought the house about our ears, when, stepping to the threshold of the room "Mademoiselle," I entreated, "for the love of God, be silent! I mean you no harm. I am a fugitive. I am pursued."This was no considered speech. There had been no preparing of words;I had uttered them mechanically almost - perhaps by inspiration, for they were surely the best calculated to enlist this lady's sympathy.

And so far as went the words themselves, they were rigorously true.

With eyes wide open still, she confronted me, and I now observed that she was not so tall as from below I had imagined. She was, in fact, of a short stature rather, but of proportions so exquisite that she conveyed an impression of some height. In her hand she held a taper by whose light she had been surveying herself in her mirror at the moment of my advent. Her unbound hair of brown fell like a mantle about her shoulders, and this fact it was drew me to notice that she was in her night-rail, and that this room to which I had penetrated was her chamber.

"Who are you?" she asked breathlessly, as though in such a pass my identity were a thing that signified.

I had almost answered her, as I had answered the troopers at Mirepoix, that I was Lesperon. Then, bethinking me that there was no need for such equivocation here, I was on the point of giving her my name.

But noting my hesitation, and misconstruing it, she forestalled me.

  • 孔子弟子考


  • 袁氏世范


  • 根本说一切有部戒经


  • 梵网经述记卷第一


  • 无上玄元三天玉堂大法


  • 在北大听到的24堂修心课


  • 选村长


  • 范丞丞想念


  • 我只是一个从心的假面骑士


  • 三论宗浅说


  • 生活的别致


  • 打开文化管理之门:企业文化调研理论与实践


    本书为企业文化调查研究的专著,具有较强的开创性、基础性和应用性。全书20万字,主体内容由调研计划制定、调研计划实施和调研资料诊断三章构成。对于企业文化调研的特点、调研课题的提出、调研内容的确定、调研方法的选择、调研计划的确定和落实步骤、问卷设计、活动组织、资料收集,以及审核与整理、分析与诊断、报告与落实诸问题,从通俗易懂、简明扼要、有效便用的角度都作了较为系统的论述。本书还附有四篇分量较重的企业文化调研报告,是对企业文化调研理论的进一步阐述,也是企业文化调研的现实应用案例。正如“文化力研究第一人”贾春峰先生所言,本书不仅是以徐文中院长为首的课题组殚精竭虑、不辱使命的智慧结晶,也是读者,特别是企业界相关部门及企业文化工作者的“必读”和“向导”。 一本《企业文化调研》在手,犹如握有一把打开企业文化建设之门、打开企业文化管理之门的金钥匙。
  • 仙旅征途


  • 王爷盛宠:毒妃会盗墓


  • 七星伴月

