

It was after madame had related that unsavoury anecdote touching the Cardinal that he turned to ask me whether I was well acquainted with the Court. I was near to committing the egregious blunder of laughing in his face; but, recollecting myself betimes,I answered vaguely that I had some knowledge of it, whereupon he all but caused me to bound from my chair by asking me had I ever met the Magnificent Bardelys.

"I - I am acquainted with him," I answered warily. "Why do you ask?""I was reminded of him by the fact that his servants have been here for two days. You were expecting the Marquis himself, were you not, Monsieur le Vicomte?"Lavedan raised his head suddenly, after the manner of a man who has received an affront.

"I was not, Chevalier," he answered, with emphasis. "His intendant, an insolent knave of the name of Rodenard, informed me that this Bardelys projected visiting me. He has not come, and I devoutly hope that he may not come. Trouble enough had I to rid myself of his servants, and but for Monsieur de Lesperon's well-conceived suggestion they might still be here.""You have never met him, monsieur?" inquired the Chevalier.

"Never," replied our host in such a way that any but a fool must have understood that he desired nothing less than such a meeting.

"A delightful fellow," murmured Saint-Eustache - "a brilliant, dazzling personality.""You - you are acquainted with him?" I asked.

"Acquainted?" echoed that boastful liar. "We were as brothers.""How you interest me! And why have you never told us?" quoth madame, her eyes turned enviously upon the young man - as enviously as were Lavedan's turned in disgust. "It is a thousand pities that Monsieur de Bardelys has altered his plans and is no longer coming to us.

To meet such a man is to breathe again the air of the grand monde.

You remember; Monsieur de Lesperon, that affair with the Duchess de Bourgogne?" And she smiled wickedly in my direction.

"I have some recollection of it," I answered coldly; "But I think that rumour exaggerates. When tongues wag, a little rivulet is often described as a mountain torrent.""You would not say so did you but know what I know," she informed me roguishly. "Often, I confess, rumour may swell the importance of such an affaire, but in this case I do not think that rumour does it justice."I made a deprecatory gesture, and I would have had the subject changed, but ere I could make an effort to that end, the fool Saint-Eustache was babbling again.

"You remember the duel that was fought in consequence, Monsieur de Lesperon?""Yes," I assented wearily.

"And in which a poor young fellow lost his life," growled the Vicomte. "It was practically a murder.""Nay, monsieur," I cried, with a sudden heat that set them staring at me; "there you do him wrong. Monsieur de Bardelys was opposed to the best blade in France. The man's reputation as a swordsman was of such a quality that for a twelvemonth he had been living upon it, doing all manner of unseemly, things immune from punishment by the fear in which he was universally held. His behaviour in the unfortunate affair we are discussing was of a particularly shameful character. Oh, I know the details, messieurs, I can sure you. He thought to impose his reputation upon Bardelys as he had imposed it upon a hundred others, but Bardelys was over-tough for his teeth.

He sent that notorious young gentleman a challenge, and on the following morning he left him dead in the horsemarket behind the Hotel Vendome. But far from a murder, monsieur, it was an act of justice, and the most richly earned punishment with which ever man was visited.""Even if so," cried the Vicomte in some surprise, "why all this heat to defend a brawler?""A brawler?" I repeated after him. "Oh, no. That is a charge his worst enemies cannot make against Bardelys. He is no brawler. The duel in question was his first affair of the kind, and it has been his last, for unto him has clung the reputation that had belonged until then to La Vertoile, and there is none in France bold enough to send a challenge to him." And, seeing what surprise I was provoking, I thought it well to involve another with me in his defence. So, turning to the Chevalier, "I am sure," said I, "that Monsieur de Saint-Eustache will confirm my words."Thereupon, his vanity being all aroused, the Chevalier set himself to paraphrase all that I had said with a heat that cast mine into a miserable insignificance.

"At least," laughed the Vicomte at length, "he lacks not for champions. For my own part, I am content to pray Heaven that he come not to Lavedan, as he intended.""Mais voyons, Gaston," the Vicomtesse protested, "why harbour prejudice? Wait at least until you have seen him, that you may judge him for yourself.""Already have I judged him; I pray that I may, never see him.""They tell me he is a very handsome man," said she, appealing to me for confirmation. Lavedan shot her a sudden glance of alarm, at which I could have laughed. Hitherto his sole concern had been his daughter, but it suddenly occurred to him that perhaps not even her years might set the Vicomtesse in safety from imprudences with this devourer of hearts, should he still chance to come that way.

"Madame," I answered, "he is accounted not ill-favored." And with a deprecatory smile I added, "I am said somewhat to resemble him.""Say you so?" she exclaimed, raising her eyebrows,, and looking at me more closely than hitherto. And then it seemed to me that into her face crept a shade of disappointment. If this Bardelys were not more beautiful than I, then he was not nearly so beautiful a man as she had imagined. She turned to Saint-Eustache.

"It is indeed so, Chevalier?" she inquired. "Do you note the resemblance?""Vanitas, vanitate," murmured the youth, who had some scraps of Latin and a taste for airing them. "I can see no likeness - no trace of one. Monsieur de Lesperon is well enough, I should say.

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  • 水浒传(经典译林)


    《水浒传》是我国文学史上第一部描写农民起义的长篇小说,古典 “四大名著”之一,被清代著名文学评论大师金圣叹誉为“第五才子书”。它继承发展了中国古代小说与讲史话本的传统特色,是我国第一部由讲史蜕化出来的英雄传奇。《水浒传》犹如一幅长长的历史画卷,我们从中看到的不仅是可歌可泣的农民起义本身,还有政治文化、市井风情和社会景观。它是那个时代的全记录。全书情节曲折感人,形象逼真生动,一百零八将各具神韵,语言通俗雅驯,百读不厌。《水浒传》具体而生动地描写了北宋时期一群平民及中下级乡绅、官僚、军官因为不堪忍受官府、朝廷的剥削与压迫奋起反抗,上梁山聚义的故事。它揭露了封建社会的黑暗、腐朽和统治阶级的种种罪恶,热情歌颂了起义英雄的反抗精神和正义行动,塑造了一大批梁山好汉的光辉形象,形象地揭示了封建社会“官逼民反”的客观真理和农民起义失败的内在原因。
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