
第3章 About this Book

This book provides information, stories, evidence-based tools, and activities to help women understand the role of alcohol in their lives and consider whether they want to change. The stories are fictional, derived from case studies, the scientific literature, and personal experiences. There is one cautionary note that is important: If you believe you are physically dependent on alcohol (if your body needs alcohol to function), you should not suddenly eliminate alcohol from your life. Don't stop cold turkey. Symptoms of alcohol dependence could include withdrawal experiences when you stop drinking, such as sweating, nausea, and shakiness. Other symptoms might include feelings of anxiety, a racing pulse, and high blood pressure. If you are physically dependent on alcohol, suddenly stopping could create dangerous and even life-threatening health risks. It is advisable for all individuals who suspect they might be physically dependent to at least reduce their level of drinking. If you think you are physically dependent on alcohol, your physician or other health care specialist would be able to help you devise a plan to change your drinking gradually.

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