
第42章 University of Miami: Great is the truth



Back to its origin

The University of Miami (informally referred to as UM, U Miami, Miami, or The U) is a private, non-sectarian university founded in 1925 with its main campus in Coral Gables, Florida, a medical campus in Miami city proper at Civic Center, and an oceanographic research facility on Virginia Key. When it first opened, the University of Miami was comprised of its School of Music, the Evening Division and College of Liberal Arts. Later, the institution added its schools of law, business, education, marine, engineering and medicine. Accredited by over 20 professional agencies and members of several highly recognized and acclaimed associations, the university offers its students advantageous connections throughout the educational, business, and social communities in all of the fields of study offered at the school. The University of Miami is known as a research institution, and research opportunities begin at the undergraduate level. Annual campus events include the Canes Film Festival, which showcases student-produced movies, and Sportsfest, three days of competition between residence hall teams.

More information

Location: Known as the capital of fine dining, Coral Gables, Florida is one of the most desirable locations to reside in the United States. While Coral Gables, Florida is quiet and safe, it has a vibrant business district, numerous historic landmarks, and offers an amazing quality of life. Coral Gables, Florida is an ideal place to work, play and live, and is also known for its fabulous shopping. There is no doubt that students of the University of Miami can find respite and relaxation right outside their classroom doors in the area"s sunny weather. It also has an ideal location for students who love the outdoors. With popular spots like South Beach, the Florida Keys, and Everglades National Park nearby, students have plenty of opportunities for water sports, hiking, and sunbathing. Downtown Miami, also near to the school, is a thriving sports and cultural center.


oceanographic [uinuɡrfik] adj.


marine [mri:n] n. 海运业;舰队;水兵

acclaim [kleim] vt. 称赞;为……喝采,向……欢呼

advantageous [dvnteids] adj. 有利的;有益的

showcase [ukeis] vt. 使展现;在玻璃橱窗陈列

reside in 居住;存在于

thriving [θraivi] adj. 繁荣的;蒸蒸日上的;旺盛的


迈阿密大学始建于1925年, 是一所私立的高等学府,被认为是美国本土学生最想就读的高等学府之一。校园环境极其优雅,被誉为全美校园环境最优美的大学之一。







Once you make your decision, don"t be overtaken by misgivings and fear.


I succeeded because I willed it; I never hesitated.


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