
第55章 Fordham University:

Wisdom and learning



Back to its origin

Fordham University is a private, nonprofit, coeducational research university based in New York City, United States. It was founded by the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of New York in 1841 as St. John"s College, placed in the care of the Society of Jesus shortly thereafter, and has since become an independent institution under a lay board of trustees, which describes the University as "in the Jesuit tradition". With the addition of law and medical schools in 1905, St. John"s College became Fordham University in 1907. The name Fordham refers to the village of Fordham, in which the original Rose Hill campus is Located.Fordham University is comprised of several different schools, such as Fordham College at Rose Hill, Fordham College of Liberal Studies and the Graduate School of Religion and Religious Education.

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System: Fordham is composed of ten constituent colleges, four of which are for undergraduates and six of which are for postgraduates. It enrolls approximately 15,000 students across three campuses in New York State: Rose Hill in the Bronx, Lincoln Center in Manhattan, and Westchester campus in Harrison. The Rose Hill campus, established in 1841, is home to Fordham College at Rose Hill, the Gabelli School of Business, and a division of the School of Professional and Continuing Studies, as well as the Graduate Schools of Arts and Sciences and Religion and Religious Education. The Lincoln Center campus is home to Fordham College at Lincoln Center and a division of the School of Professional and Continuing Studies, as well as the School of Law, the Graduate Schools of Education and Social Service, and the Martino Graduate School of Business Administration. The Westchester campus is home to divisions of the School of Professional and Continuing Studies, the Martino Graduate School of Business Administration, and the Graduate Schools of Education and Social Service.

Core curriculum: All undergraduates at Fordham are required to complete the Core Curriculum, a distribution of 17 courses in nine disciplines: English, mathematics, social science, philosophy and ethics, history, fine arts, religious studies, natural science, and modern or Classical languages. Based on the curriculum established by the Society of Jesus in the sixteenth century, the Core is shared by Jesuit schools all over the world and is intended to provide a sound liberal arts education. Students are expected to fulf ill most of the Core requirements prior to the completion of their sophomore year. Upon the completion of the Core Curriculum, students choose from approximately 50 major courses of study, in which they will receive their degree.


thereafter [rɑ:ft]] adv. 其后;从那时以后

postgraduate [pustɡrdjuit, pustɡrduit] n. 研究生

ethics [eθiks] n. 伦理学;伦理观



福特汉姆大学由天主教纽约总教区于1841年创办,初名为圣约翰学院(St. Johns College)(与纽约市皇后区的圣约翰大学 St. Johns University无关),随后由耶稣会接手管理。1905年建立法学院,1907年更名为福特汉姆大学,现由非教会人士管理。学校曾经有医学院,但是因为有学生毕业后从事堕胎,跟天主教精神不符,加上运营经费周转不开,评级下降,最终于1919年关闭了该学院。




You have to believe in yourself when no one else does-that makes you a winner right there.


Just be yourself; you are wonderful.


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