
第62章 University of Pittsburgh: Truth and virtue



Back to its origin

University of Pittsburgh (commonly referred to as Pitt) is a state-related research university located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States. Founded as Pittsburgh Academy in 1787, Pitt is one of the oldest continuously chartered institutions of higher education in the United States. Pitt evolved into the Western University of Pennsylvania with an alteration to its charter in 1819, and upon relocating to its current campus in the Oakland neighborhood of Pittsburgh in 1908, the school received its current name, the University of Pittsburgh. It operates campuses at Johnstown, Greensburg, Bradford, and Titusville as well. As a comprehensive university, Pitt"s academic strengths span the Arts, Sciences, and Humanities.Pittsburgh is known as both "the Steel City" for its more than 300 related businesses and "the City of Bridges" for its world-record 446 bridges.

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System: Pitt is a global leader in the fields of Engineering, Medical Sciences, Public Administration, History and Philosophy, Bioengineering, and Physics, and has noted strengths in Business with the College of Business Administration and Joseph M. Katz Graduate School of Business, International Studies. Others include the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs and University Center for International Studies, and Education, etc.

Campus building: The Cathedral of Learning, a Pittsburgh landmark listed in the National Register of Historic Places, is the centerpiece of the University of Pittsburgh"s main campus in the Oakland neighborhood of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States. It is the tallest educational building in the Western hemisphere and the second tallest university building in the world. It is also the second tallest gothic-styled building in the world. The building contains noted examples of stained glass, stone, wood, and iron work and is often used by the University in photographs, postcards, and other advertisements.


evolve [ivlv] vi. 发展;进化;逐步形成

alteration [:ltrein] n. 改变;变更

centerpiece [sentpi:s] n. 中心装饰品

stain [stein] vt. 给……着色


匹兹堡大学创建于1787年,位于宾夕法尼亚州的传统钢铁城市匹兹堡,是美国最古老的高等学府之一,是美国宾州享誉国际、历史悠久的综合性公立大学。主校区位于匹兹堡,四个分校分布于宾州的班德福、葛林斯堡、文森郡与特立兹法叶地区。1787年,宾夕法尼亚最高法院法官、美国著名作家休·亨利·布瑞肯里奇(Hugh Henry Brackenridge)先生创办了匹大的前身匹兹堡研究院。1819年更名为西宾夕法尼亚大学。1908年获得了现在的名称--匹兹堡大学。从成立到1966年,匹兹堡大学一直是私立大学。现在匹兹堡大学是"州立相关"(state-related),虽将其归类为公立大学,但并不是严格的公立大学。


匹兹堡大学最负盛名的是医学、生物医疗,以及哲学的相关学科领域。其医学院及所属的匹兹堡大学医疗中心(University of Pittsburgh Medical Center,简称UPMC)更是处于全美顶尖水平。特别在人体器官移植、神经外科学、干细胞科学、癌症研究方面等均处于领先水平,如世界上第一例脊髓灰质炎(小儿麻痹症)疫苗就在此诞生。匹兹堡大学杰出的学科领域还包括生物工程、信息科学、国际研究、图书馆与信息科学、信息系统、工业工程、教育学、音乐、临床心理学、公共健康等。该校在心理学、政治学、与英美文学都被列名为全美最好的学程之一。这里拥有作为NACC Division I和Big East成员的闻名全美的篮球与美式橄榄球校队。

匹兹堡大学最有名的建筑物是学习教堂(Cathedral of Learning),楼高163米,1926年动土,1937年完成,是世界第二高教学大楼。它的教室都很有特色,是按照不同国家的风格来建造的。有瑞士风、法国风、中国风等。匹兹堡大学周围都是敞开式的,看不出是大学的样子。里面很古老且安静,环境氛围都很适合学习。


Live a life that you choose and be your own boss.


You have every right to spend it in your own individual way without any hurdles or barriers from others.



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