

You rather mine, being yours: and so, great powers, If you will take this audit, take this life, And cancel these cold bonds. O Imogen!

I'll speak to thee in silence.

Sleeps Solemn music. Enter, as in an apparition, SICILIUS LEONATUS, father to Posthumus Leonatus, an old man, attired like a warrior; leading in his hand an ancient matron, his wife, and mother to Posthumus Leonatus, with music before them: then, after other music, follow the two young Leonati, brothers to Posthumus Leonatus, with wounds as they died in the wars. They circle Posthumus Leonatus round, as he lies sleeping Sicilius Leonatus No more, thou thunder-master, show Thy spite on mortal flies:

With Mars fall out, with Juno chide, That thy adulteries Rates and revenges.

Hath my poor boy done aught but well, Whose face I never saw?

I died whilst in the womb he stay'd Attending nature's law:

Whose father then, as men report Thou orphans' father art, Thou shouldst have been, and shielded him From this earth-vexing smart. Mother Lucina lent not me her aid, But took me in my throes;That from me was Posthumus ript, Came crying 'mongst his foes, A thing of pity! Sicilius Leonatus Great nature, like his ancestry, Moulded the stuff so fair, That he deserved the praise o' the world, As great Sicilius' heir. First Brother When once he was mature for man, In Britain where was he That could stand up his parallel;Or fruitful object be In eye of Imogen, that best Could deem his dignity? Mother With marriage wherefore was he mock'd, To be exiled, and thrown From Leonati seat, and cast From her his dearest one, Sweet Imogen? Sicilius Leonatus Why did you suffer Iachimo, Slight thing of Italy, To taint his nobler heart and brain With needless jealosy;And to become the geck and scorn O' th' other's villany? Second Brother For this from stiller seats we came, Our parents and us twain, That striking in our country's cause Fell bravely and were slain, Our fealty and Tenantius' right With honour to maintain. First Brother Like hardiment Posthumus hath To Cymbeline perform'd:

Then, Jupiter, thou king of gods, Why hast thou thus adjourn'd The graces for his merits due, Being all to dolours turn'd? Sicilius Leonatus Thy crystal window ope; look out;No longer exercise Upon a valiant race thy harsh And potent injuries. Mother Since, Jupiter, our son is good, Take off his miseries. Sicilius Leonatus Peep through thy marble mansion; help;Or we poor ghosts will cry To the shining synod of the rest Against thy deity. First Brother Second Brother Help, Jupiter; or we appeal, And from thy justice fly.

Jupiter descends in thunder and lightning, sitting upon an eagle: he throws a thunderbolt. The Apparitions fall on their knees Jupiter No more, you petty spirits of region low, Offend our hearing; hush! How dare you ghosts Accuse the thunderer, whose bolt, you know, Sky-planted batters all rebelling coasts?

Poor shadows of Elysium, hence, and rest Upon your never-withering banks of flowers:

Be not with mortal accidents opprest;

No care of yours it is; you know 'tis ours.

Whom best I love I cross; to make my gift, The more delay'd, delighted. Be content;Your low-laid son our godhead will uplift:

His comforts thrive, his trials well are spent.

Our Jovial star reign'd at his birth, and in Our temple was he married. Rise, and fade.

He shall be lord of lady Imogen, And happier much by his affliction made.

This tablet lay upon his breast, wherein Our pleasure his full fortune doth confine: and so, away: no further with your din Express impatience, lest you stir up mine.

Mount, eagle, to my palace crystalline.

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