

"Sh! He is speaking of the judge up there, the Honorable Eustace Beauchamp Conckley.""Now," said Mr.Jenkyns, bringing out a notebook, "tell me a little more about yourself, Doctor.You took your degree as Doctor of Medicineat Durham, I think you said.And the name of your last book was?"I could not hear any more for they talked in whispers; and I fell to looking round the court again.

Of course I could not understand everything that was going on, though it was all very interesting.People kept getting up in the place the Doctor called the witness-box, and the lawyers at the long table asked them questions about "the night of the 29th." Then the people would get down again and somebody else would get up and be questioned.

One of the lawyers (who, the Doctor told me afterwards, was called the Prosecutor) seemed to be doing his best to get the Hermit into trouble by asking questions which made it look as though he had always been a very bad man.He was a nasty lawyer, this Prosecutor, with a long nose.

Most of the time I could hardly keep my eyes off poor Luke, who sat there between his two policemen, staring at the floor as though he weren't interested.The only time I saw him take any notice at all was when a small dark man with wicked, little, watery eyes got up into the witness- box.I heard Bob snarl under my chair as this person came into the court- room and Luke's eyes just blazed with anger and contempt.

This man said his name was Mendoza and that he was the one who had guided the Mexican police to the mine after Bluebeard Bill had been killed.And at every word he said I could hear Bob down below me muttering between his teeth,"It's a lie! It's a lie! I'll chew his face.It's a lie!"And both the Doctor and I had hard work keeping the dog under the seat.

Then I noticed that our Mr.Jenkyns had disappeared from the Doctor's side.But presently I saw him stand up at the long table to speak to the judge.

"Your Honor," said he, "I wish to introduce a new witness for the defense, Doctor John Dolittle, the naturalist.Will you please step into the witness-stand, Doctor?"There was a buzz of excitement as the Doctor made his way across the crowded room; and I noticed the nasty lawyer with the long nose lean down and whisper something to a friend, smiling in an ugly way whichmade me want to pinch him.

Then Mr.Jenkyns asked the Doctor a whole lot of questions about himself and made him answer in a loud voice so the whole court could hear.He finished up by saying,"And you are prepared to swear, Doctor Dolittle, that you understand the language of dogs and can make them understand you.Is that so?""Yes," said the Doctor, "that is so."

"And what, might I ask," put in the judge in a very quiet, dignified voice, "has all this to do with the killing of er--er--Bluebeard Bill?""This, Your Honor," said Mr.Jenkyns, talking in a very grand manner as though he were on a stage in a theatre: "there is in this court-room at the present moment a bulldog, who was the only living thing that saw the man killed.With the Court's permission I propose to put that dog in the witness-stand and have him questioned before you by the eminent scientist, Doctor John Dolittle."

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    新书已上传,《我真的不是杠精》! 全新的背景,全新的故事。 欢迎大家来捧场! …… 转校学渣小老弟,总拿第一真争气;自我谦虚全靠脸,报告老师他作弊!这是一个既不聪明又不帅的转学生的故事,这是一个学生间轻松日常的故事,这同样也是一个在轮回世界中穿梭冒险的故事,这是一个关于成长的故事!已有五百万字从未断更完本小说《无限之主角必须死》,人品保证,欢迎阅读。讲述高鸿野父亲的故事!
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