

The quarters of Pope were soon discovered; he himself had escaped, leaving his coat and hat behind.Many of his officers were captured, and in his quarters were found a box of official papers which were invaluable, as among them were copies of his letters asking for reinforcements, lists giving the strength and position of his troops, and other particulars of the greatest value to the Confederates.No time was lost, as the firing would set the whole Federal army on the alert, and they might find their retreat cut off.Therefore placing their prisoners in the center, and taking the box of papers with them, the cavalry were called off from the camp, and without delay started on their return ride.

They did not take the road by which they had come, but made a long detour, and just as daylight was breaking re-entered the Confederate lines without having encountered a foe from the time of their leaving Catlet's Station.Short as their stay in the camp had been, few of the men bad returned empty handed.The Northern army was supplied with an abundance of excellent food of all descriptions, forming the strongest possible contrast to the insufficient ratious upon which the Confederate troops existed, and the troopers had helped themselves to whatever they could lay hands upon in the darkness and confusion.

Some rode in with a ham slung on each side of their saddle, others had secured a bottle or two of wine or spirits.Some had been fortunate enough to lay hands on sonic tins of coffee or a canister of tea, luxuries which for months had been unknown to them save when they were captured from the enemy.The only article captured of no possible utility was General Pope's coat, which was sent to Richmond, where it was hung up for public inspection; a wag sticking up a paper beside it, "This is the coat in which General Pope was going to ride in triumph into Richmond.The coat is here, but the general has not yet arrived."Tile Confederates had lost but two or three men from the fire of the Federal infantry, and they were in high spirits at the success of their raid.No sooner had General Lee informed himself of the contents of the papers and the position of the enemy's forces than he determined to strike a heavy blow at him; and General Jackson, who had been sharply engaged with the enemy near Warrenton, was ordered to make a long detour, to cross the Blue Ridge mountains through Thoroughfare Gap, to fall upon Pope's rear and cut his communications with Washington, and if possible to destroy the vast depot of stores collected at Manassas.

The cavalry, under Stuart, were to accompany him.The march would he a tremendous one, the danger of thus venturing into the heart of the enemy's country immense, but the results of such an expedition would, if successful, be great; for Lee himself was to advance with his army on Pope's flank, and there was therefore a possibility of the utter defeat of that general before he could be joined by the army marching to reinforce him from Fredericksburg.

It was on Monday the 25th of August that Jackson started on his march, ascending the banks of the Rappahannock, and crossed the river at a ford, dragging his artillery with difficulty up the narrow and rocky road beyond.There was not a moment to be lost, for if the news reached the enemy the gorge known as Thoroughfare Gap would be occupied, and the whole object of the movement be defeated.Onward the force pushed, pressing on through fields and lanes without a single halt, until at night, hungry and weary but full of spirit, they marched into the little town of Salem, twenty miles from their starting-place.They had neither wagons nor provisions with them, and had nothing to eat but some ears of corn and green apples plucked on the road.

It was midnight when they reached Salem, and the inhabitants turned out in blank amazement at the sight of Confederate troops in that region, and welcomed the weary soldiers with the warmest manifestations.At daylight they were again upon the march, with Stuart's cavalry, as before, out upon each flank.Thoroughfare Gap was reached, and found undefended, and after thirty miles'

marching the exhausted troops reached the neighborhood of Manassas.The men were faint from want of food, and many of them limped along barefooted; but they were full of enthusiasm.

Just at sunset, Stuart, riding on ahead, captured Bristoe, a station on the Orange and Alexandria Railroad four miles from Manassas.

As they reached it a train came along at full speed.It was fired at, but did not stop, and got safely through to Manassas.Two trains that followed were captured; but by this time the alarm bad spread, and no more trains arrived.Jackson had gained his point.He had placed himself on the line of communication of the enemy, but his position was a dangerous one indeed.Lee, who was following him, was still far away.An army was marching from Fredericksburg against him, another would be despatched from Washington as soon as the news of his presence was known, and Pope might turn and crush him before Lee could arrive to his assistance.

Worn out as the troops were, it was necessary at once to gain possession of Manassas, and the 21st North Carolina and 21st Georgia volunteered for the service, and, joined by Stuart with a portion of his cavalry, marched against it.After a brief contest the place was taken, the enemy stationed there being all taken prisoners.The amount of arms and stores captured was prodigious.Eight pieces of artillery, 250 horses, 3 locomotives, and tens of thousands of barrels of beef, pork, and flour, with an enormous quantity of public stores and the contents of innumerable sutlers' shops.

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    The Life of Stephen A. Douglas

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  • 卿本京华


    黎昭这辈子吧,活着的时候,是个在道上混的,名声不好。死了之后吧,摇身一变成了举世无双的相府千金,名声还是不太好。奈何爹爹疼奶奶爱,有背景,后台硬,平时也就日常嚣张一下这样子,没事帮着查查案、调解调解内宅纠纷、学学武功、打打架、交交朋友、撮合撮合姻缘,黎昭觉得这挺好,虽然江湖不太平,有着总想取黎昭性命的凌霄门和沉迷于绑架黎昭的琉璃坊,但是黎昭压根不带怕的,因为这俩组织都干不过第一杀手组织天星阁,也没人知道,天星阁也是黎昭的后台。嚣张的日子没过多久,麻烦就都找上门来了,不是前朝宝藏就是《杨氏兵法》,黎昭很委屈,她对这两样东西真的完全没兴趣却又偏偏所有的线索都指向她。黎昭还有几个不正经的师父和几段不靠谱的姻缘,师父,黎昭一点也不想要,都是他们逼黎昭拜师的,姻缘,黎昭也不想要,都是几段虚无缥缈的感情。黎昭只想安安静静地过好自己的小日子,可总有人给黎昭添堵,怎么办,那就只好给对方把堵添回去!各位看官瞧好了,且看黎昭如何大放光彩,实现人生终极目标,走上人生巅峰! 感谢大家对《卿本京华》的支持,陈云珂在此拜谢大家伙。