

accursed Fronde! Oh, what grudges! Why, monsieur, have your antipathies survived mine? If any one had cause to complain, I think it could not be you, who got out of the affair not only in a sound skin, but with the cordon of the Holy Ghost around your neck.""My lord cardinal," replied Athos, "permit me not to enter into considerations of that kind.I have a mission to fulfill.Will you facilitate the means of my fulfilling that mission, or will you not?""I am astonished," said Mazarin, -- quite delighted at having recovered his memory, and bristling with malice -- "Iam astonished, Monsieur -- Athos -- that a Frondeur like you should have accepted a mission for the Mazarin, as used to be said in the good old times ---- " And Mazarin began to laugh, in spite of a painful cough, which cut short his sentences, converting them into sobs.

"I have only accepted the mission near the king of France, monsieur le cardinal," retorted the comte, though with less asperity, for he thought he had sufficiently the advantage to show himself moderate.

"And yet, Monsieur le Frondeur," said Mazarin gayly, "the affair which you have taken in charge must, from the king ---- ""With which I have been given in charge, monseigneur.I do not run after affairs.""Be it so.I say that this negotiation must pass through my hands.Let us lose no precious time, then.Tell me the conditions.""I have had the honor of assuring your eminence that only the letter of his majesty King Charles II.contains the revelation of his wishes.""Pooh! you are ridiculous with your obstinacy, Monsieur Athos.It is plain you have kept company with the Puritans yonder.As to your secret, I know it better than you do; and you have done wrongly, perhaps, in not having shown some respect for a very old and suffering man, who has labored much during his life, and kept the field for his ideas as bravely as you have for yours.You will not communicate your letter to me? You will say nothing to me? Very well! Come with me into my chamber; you shall speak to the king -- and before the king.-- Now, then, one last word: who gave you the Fleece? I remember you passed for having the Garter; but as to the Fleece, I do not know ---- ""Recently, my lord, Spain, on the occasion of the marriage of his majesty Louis XIV., sent King Charles II.a brevet of the Fleece in blank, Charles II.immediately transmitted it to me, filling up the blank with my name."Mazarin arose, and leaning on the arm of Bernouin, he returned to his ruelle at the moment the name of M.le Prince was being announced.The Prince de Conde, the first prince of the blood, the conqueror of Rocroy, Lens and Nordlingen, was, in fact, entering the apartment of Monseigneur de Mazarin, followed by his gentlemen, and had already saluted the king, when the prime minister raised his curtain.Athos had time to see Raoul pressing the hand of the Comte de Guiche, and send him a smile in return for his respectful bow.He had time, likewise, to see the radiant countenance of the cardinal, when he perceived before him, upon the table, an enormous heap of gold, which the Comte de Guiche had won in a run of luck, after his eminence had confided his cards to him.So forgetting ambassador, embassy and prince, his first thought was of the gold."What!" cried the old man -- "all that -- won?""Some fifty thousand crowns; yes, monseigneur!" replied the Comte de Guiche, rising."Must I give up my place to your eminence, or shall I continue?""Give up! give up! you are mad.You would lose all you have won.Peste!""My lord!" said the Prince de Conde, bowing.

"Good-evening, monsieur le prince," said the minister, in a careless tone; "it is very kind of you to visit an old sick friend.""A friend!" murmured the Comte de la Fere, at witnessing with stupor this monstrous alliance of words; -- "friends!

when the parties are Conde and Mazarin!"

Mazarin seemed to divine the thought of the Frondeur, for he smiled upon him with triumph, and immediately, -- "Sire,"said he to the king, "I have the honor of presenting to your majesty, Monsieur le Comte de la Fere, ambassador from his Britannic majesty.An affair of state, gentlemen," added he, waving his hand to all who filled the chamber, and who, the Prince de Conde at their head, all disappeared at the simple gesture.Raoul, after a last look cast at the comte, followed M.de Conde.Philip of Anjou and the queen appeared to be consulting about departing.

"A family affair," said Mazarin, suddenly, detaining them in their seats."This gentleman is the bearer of a letter in which King Charles II., completely restored to his throne, demands an alliance between Monsieur, the brother of the king, and Mademoiselle Henrietta, grand-daughter of Henry IV.Will you remit your letter of credit to the king, monsieur le comte?"Athos remained for a minute stupefied.How could the minister possibly know the contents of the letter which had never been out of his keeping for a single instant?

Nevertheless, always master of himself, he held out the dispatch to the young king, Louis XIV., who took it with a blush.A solemn silence reigned in the cardinal's chamber.

It was only troubled by the dull sound of the gold, which Mazarin with his yellow dry hand, piled up in a casket, whilst the king was reading.

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