

Late one afternoon she saw the ruined walls of a mighty city looming before them, but so weak and sick was she that it inspired not the faintest shadow of interest.

Wherever they were bearing her, there could be but one end to her captivity among these fierce half brutes.

At last they passed through two great walls and came to the ruined city within.Into a crumbling pile they bore her, and here she was surrounded by hundreds more of the same creatures that had brought her; but among them were females who looked less horrible.At sight of them the first faint hope that she had entertained came to mitigate her misery.But it was short-lived, for the women offered her no sympathy, though, on the other hand, neither did they abuse her.

After she had been inspected to the entire satisfaction of the inmates of the building she was borne to a dark chamber in the vaults beneath, and here upon the bare floor she was left, with a metal bowl of water and another of food.

For a week she saw only some of the women whose duty it was to bring her food and water.Slowly her strength was returning--soon she would be in fit condition to offer as a sacrifice to The Flaming God.Fortunate indeed it was that she could not know the fate for which she was destined.

As Tarzan of the Apes moved slowly through the jungle after casting the spear that saved Clayton and Jane Porter from the fangs of Numa, his mind was filled with all the sorrow that belongs to a freshly opened heart wound.

He was glad that he had stayed his hand in time to prevent the consummation of the thing that in the first mad wave of jealous wrath he had contemplated.Only the fraction of a second had stood between Clayton and death at the hands of the ape-man.In the short moment that had elapsed after he had recognized the girl and her companion and the relaxing of the taut muscles that held the poisoned shaft directed at the Englishman's heart, Tarzan had been swayed by the swift and savage impulses of brute life.

He had seen the woman he craved--his woman--his mate --in the arms of another.There had been but one course open to him, according to the fierce jungle code that guided him in this other existence; but just before it had become too late the softer sentiments of his inherent chivalry had risen above the flaming fires of his passion and saved him.

A thousand times he gave thanks that they had triumphed before his fingers had released that polished arrow.

As he contemplated his return to the Waziri the idea became repugnant.He did not wish to see a human being again.

At least he would range alone through the jungle for a time, until the sharp edge of his sorrow had become blunted.Like his fellow beasts, he preferred to suffer in silence and alone.

That night he slept again in the amphitheater of the apes, and for several days he hunted from there, returning at night.

On the afternoon of the third day he returned early.

He had lain stretched upon the soft grass of the circular clearing for but a few moments when he heard far to the south a familiar sound.It was the passing through the jungle of a band of great apes--he could not mistake that.

For several minutes he lay listening.They were coming in the direction of the amphitheater.

Tarzan arose lazily and stretched himself.His keen ears followed every movement of the advancing tribe.They were upwind, and presently he caught their scent, though he had not needed this added evidence to assure him that he was right.

As they came closer to the amphitheater Tarzan of the Apes melted into the branches upon the other side of the arena.

There he waited to inspect the newcomers.Nor had he long to wait.

Presently a fierce, hairy face appeared among the lower branches opposite him.The cruel little eyes took in the clearing at a glance, then there was a chattered report returned to those behind.Tarzan could hear the words.

The scout was telling the other members of the tribe that the coast was clear and that they might enter the amphitheater in safety.

First the leader dropped lightly upon the soft carpet of the grassy floor, and then, one by one, nearly a hundred anthropoids followed him.There were the huge adults and several young.A few nursing babes clung close to the shaggy necks of their savage mothers.

Tarzan recognized many members of the tribe.It was the same into which he had come as a tiny babe.Many of the adults had been little apes during his boyhood.He had frolicked and played about this very jungle with them during their brief childhood.He wondered if they would remember him--the memory of some apes is not overlong, and two years may be an eternity to them.

From the talk which he overheard he learned that they had come to choose a new king--their late chief had fallen a hundred feet beneath a broken limb to an untimely end.

Tarzan walked to the end of an overhanging limb in plain view of them.The quick eyes of a female caught sight of him first.With a barking guttural she called the attention of the others.Several huge bulls stood erect to get a better view of the intruder.With bared fangs and bristling necks they advanced slowly toward him, with deep-throated, ominous growls.

"Karnath, I am Tarzan of the Apes," said the ape-man in the vernacular of the tribe."You remember me.Together we teased Numa when we were still little apes, throwing sticks and nuts at him from the safety of high branches."The brute he had addressed stopped with a look of half-comprehending, dull wonderment upon his savage face.

"And Magor," continued Tarzan, addressing another, "do you not recall your former king--he who slew the mighty Kerchak?

  • 茅山志


  • 明伦汇编皇极典正朔部


  • Cabbages and Kings

    Cabbages and Kings

  • 旧五代史


  • 元始天尊说药王救八十一难真经


  • 你一定想知道:航空航天知识


  • 发财故事


  • 荒村修坟匠


  • 浮生庵


  • 强势盛婚之重生国民女神


  • 漠雪之痕


    十年前魔教席卷中原武林止步于华山,十年后魔教风云再起卷土中原。一场亦正亦邪的阴谋与对抗就此而来,自古正邪不两立,但却逃不脱命定之缘。她说,爱一个人纵使是飞蛾扑火,纵使明知不会有结果,但绝不会后悔。他说,两情若是长久时,又岂在朝朝暮暮。 骑在马匹上的燕凌雪突然开口对着楚之珩说道:“穿过前面的树林,就到华阴城了,我觉得我还是直接回鹤舞山庄比较好,毕竟直接跟随你回华山派有些不成体统。”楚之珩笑了一下看着燕凌雪说道:“你回鹤舞山庄岂不是我每天都要下山来寻你?那多麻烦。”“楚之珩,你来寻我很麻烦吗?”燕凌雪说罢便白了一眼楚之珩。楚之珩一脸深情的看着燕凌雪说道:“麻烦倒是不麻烦,只是我想与你能够每日低头不见抬头见。”燕凌雪微微一笑,她戏谑的看着楚之珩说道:“楚之珩,我发觉你这甜言蜜语真是越来越会说了呀,你这以前没少对别的姑娘说过吧?”楚之珩笑了笑,说道:“还不是因为遇到你之后开了窍。”“行了行了,你可别腻死我了。”燕凌雪笑着装作一副嫌弃的模样看了一眼楚之珩。
  • 通天魔祖


  • 材料知识篇(科普知识百科全书)


  • 重生之狩猎神魔


  • 风云仙医

