

Amongst those of the snowy linen who most particularly attracted my attention, were a father and son; the former was a tall athletic figure of about thirty, by profession a housebreaker, and celebrated throughout Madrid for the peculiar dexterity which he exhibited in his calling.He was now in prison for a rather atrocious murder committed in the dead of night, in a house at Caramanchel, in which his only accomplice was his son, a child under seven years of age."The apple," as the Danes say, "had not fallen far from the tree"; the imp was in every respect the counterpart of the father, though in miniature.He, too, wore the robber shirt sleeves, the robber waistcoat with the silver buttons, the robber kerchief round his brow, and, ridiculous enough, a long Manchegan knife in the crimson faja.He was evidently the pride of the ruffian father, who took all imaginable care of this chick of the gallows, would dandle him on his knee, and would occasionally take the cigar from his own moustached lips and insert it in the urchin's mouth.The boy was the pet of the court, for the father was one of the valientes of the prison, and those who feared his prowess, and wished to pay their court to him, were always fondling the child.What an enigma is this world of ours! How dark and mysterious are the sources of what is called crime and virtue! If that infant wretch become eventually a murderer like his father, is he to blame? Fondled by robbers, already dressed as a robber, born of a robber, whose own history was perhaps similar.Is it right?

O, man, man, seek not to dive into the mystery of moral good and evil; confess thyself a worm, cast thyself on the earth, and murmur with thy lips in the dust, Jesus, Jesus!

What most surprised me with respect to the prisoners, was their good behaviour; I call it good when all things are taken into consideration, and when I compare it with that of the general class of prisoners in foreign lands.They had their occasional bursts of wild gaiety, their occasional quarrels, which they were in the habit of settling in a corner of the inferior court with their long knives; the result not unfrequently being death, or a dreadful gash in the face or the abdomen; but, upon the whole, their conduct was infinitely superior to what might have been expected from the inmates of such a place.Yet this was not the result of coercion, or any particular care which was exercised over them; for perhaps in no part of the world are prisoners so left to themselves and so utterly neglected as in Spain: the authorities having no farther anxiety about them, than to prevent their escape; not the slightest attention being paid to their moral conduct and not a thought bestowed upon their health, comfort or mental improvement, whilst within the walls.Yet in this prison of Madrid, and I may say in Spanish prisons in general, for I have been an inmate of more than one, the ears of the visitor are never shocked with horrid blasphemy and obscenity, as in those of some other countries, and more particularly in civilized France; nor are his eyes outraged and himself insulted, as he would assuredly be, were he to look down upon the courts from the galleries of the Bicetre.And yet in this prison of Madrid were some of the most desperate characters in Spain: ruffians who had committed acts of cruelly and atrocity sufficient to make the flesh shudder.But gravity and sedateness are the leading characteristics of the Spaniards, and the very robber, except in those moments when he is engaged in his occupation, and then no one is more sanguinary, pitiless, and wolfishly eager for booty, is a being who can be courteous and affable, and who takes pleasure in conducting himself with sobriety and decorum.

Happily, perhaps, for me, that my acquaintance with the ruffians of Spain commenced and ended in the towns about which I wandered, and in the prisons into which I was cast for the Gospel's sake, and that, notwithstanding my long and frequent journeys, I never came in contact with them on the road or in the despoblado.

The most ill-conditioned being in the prison was a Frenchman, though probably the most remarkable.He was about sixty years of age, of the middle stature, but thin and meagre, like most of his countrymen; he had a villainously-formed head, according to all the rules of craniology, and his features were full of evil expression.He wore no hat, and his clothes, though in appearance nearly new, were of the coarsest description.He generally kept aloof from the rest, and would stand for hours together leaning against the walls with his arms folded, glaring sullenly on what was passing before him.

He was not one of the professed valientes, for his age prevented his assuming so distinguished a character, and yet all the rest appeared to hold him in a certain awe: perhaps they feared his tongue, which he occasionally exerted in pouring forth withering curses on those who incurred his displeasure.He spoke perfectly good Spanish, and to my great surprise excellent Basque, in which he was in the habit of conversing with Francisco, who, lolling from the window of my apartment, would exchange jests and witticisms with the prisoners in the court below, with whom he was a great favourite.

  • Some Short Christmas Stories

    Some Short Christmas Stories

  • 江上遗闻


  • 送皇甫冉往安宜


  • 南游记


  • 羯鼓录


  • 国民校草宠上瘾


  • 苦行记


  • 谁言寸草心:总裁租我当后妻


  • 我心里住着一座城堡


    这世上哪有什么真正的感同身受。 只有自己真的断臂断指了,才知道什么是疼。 就像是上辈子做了罪大恶极的事情一样、所以这辈子落到自己身上的,没有一件好事——吴还生 有的时候,我在想,这世上怎么会有这样的人间疾苦,就连死都是一种罪——吴还生。
  • 浮生醉浮生画


  • 许你未来光芒万丈


    【本书又名:影后原来是大佬】 苏岩是整个娱乐圈的异类。她的粉丝三观正,不跟风,有理智,不吵,不撕,知错就改绝不含糊,日常除了爱自家女神从不做多余的事情。整个娱乐圈只有苏岩敢大张旗鼓三天两头换男友绯闻无数还不被骂。直到有一天她招惹了一个大佬,说好了只做他无数男朋友中的一个,最后却忽悠她交出了户口本儿。“这下安分了?再拈花惹草试试?”苏岩气得鼓起了腮帮:“就知道欺负我!”“不服气?”“不服!”“等你站得比我高让你欺负回来。”苏岩磨牙:“你等着!”粉丝:“女神冲鸭!”……直到后来,苏岩站到了最高点,再转身看向男人时……曾经的大佬:我的身份一文不值。
  • 女儿梦


  • 壁画:知道这些就够了


  • 高魔地球


  • 虞初新志

