

Robert was winked at to stay and see that he did not leave off milking or try to escape, and the others went to get things to put the milk in; for it was now spurting and foaming in the wash-bowl, and the cats had ceased from mewing and were crowding round the cow, with expressions of hope and anticipation on their whiskered faces.

'We can't get rid of any more cats,' said Cyril, as he and his sisters piled a tray high with saucers and soup-plates and platters and pie-dishes, 'the police nearly got us as it was.Not the same one--a much stronger sort.He thought it really was a foundling orphan we'd got.If it hadn't been for me throwing the two bags of cat slap in his eye and hauling Robert over a railing, and lying like mice under a laurel-bush--Well, it's jolly lucky I'm a good shot, that's all.He pranced off when he'd got the cat-bags off his face--thought we'd bolted.And here we are.'

The gentle samishness of the milk swishing into the hand-bowl seemed to have soothed the burglar very much.He went on milking in a sort of happy dream, while the children got a cap and ladled the warm milk out into the pie-dishes and plates, and platters and saucers, and set them down to the music of Persian purrs and lappings.

'It makes me think of old times,' said the burglar, smearing his ragged coat-cuff across his eyes--'about the apples in the orchard at home, and the rats at threshing time, and the rabbits and the ferrets, and how pretty it was seeing the pigs killed.'

Finding him in this softened mood, Jane said--'I wish you'd tell us how you came to choose our house for your burglaring to-night.I am awfully glad you did.You have been so kind.I don't know what we should have done without you,' she added hastily.'We all love you ever so.Do tell us.'

The others added their affectionate entreaties, and at last the burglar said--'Well, it's my first job, and I didn't expect to be made so welcome, and that's the truth, young gents and ladies.And I don't know but what it won't be my last.For this 'ere cow, she reminds me of my father, and I know 'ow 'e'd 'ave 'ided me if I'd laid 'ands on a 'a'penny as wasn't my own.'

'I'm sure he would,' Jane agreed kindly; 'but what made you come here?'

'Well, miss,' said the burglar, 'you know best 'ow you come by them cats, and why you don't like the police, so I'll give myself away free, and trust to your noble 'earts.(You'd best bale out a bit, the pan's getting fullish.) I was a-selling oranges off of my barrow--for I ain't a burglar by trade, though you 'ave used the name so free--an' there was a lady bought three 'a'porth off me.

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