

LONDON,April 7,O.S.1751

MY DEAR FRIEND:Here you have,altogether,the pocketbooks,the compasses,and the patterns.When your three Graces have made their option,you need only send me,in a letter small pieces of the three mohairs they fix upon.If I can find no way of sending them safely and directly to Paris,I will contrive to have them left with Madame Morel,at Calais,who,being Madame Monconseil's agent there,may find means of furthering them to your three ladies,who all belong to your friend Madame Monconseil.Two of the three,I am told,are handsome;Madame Polignac,I can swear,is not so;but,however,as the world goes,two out of three is a very good composition.

You will also find in the packet a compass ring set round with little diamonds,which I advise you to make a present of to Abbe Guasco,who has been useful to you,and will continue to be so;as it is a mere bauble,you must add to the value of it by your manner of giving it him.Show it him first,and,when he commends it,as probably he will,tell him that it is at his service,'et que comme il est toujours par vole et par chemins,il est absolument necessaire qu'il ale une boussole'.All those little gallantries depend entirely upon the manner of doing them;as,in truth,what does not?The greatest favors may be done so awkwardly and bunglingly as to offend;and disagreeable things may be done so agreeably as almost to oblige.Endeavor to acquire this great secret;it exists,it is to be found,and is worth a great deal more than the grand secret of the alchemists would be if it were,as it is not,to be found.This is only to be learned in courts,where clashing views,jarring opinions,and cordial hatreds,are softened and kept within decent bounds by politeness and manners.Frequent,observe,and learn courts.Are you free of that of St.Cloud?Are you often at Versailles?Insinuate and wriggle yourself into favor at those places.L'Abbe de la Ville,my old friend,will help you at the latter;your three ladies may establish you in the former.The good-breeding 'de la ville et de la cour'[of the city and of the court]are different;but without deciding which is intrinsically the best,that of the court is,without doubt,the most necessary for you,who are to live,to grow,and to rise in courts.In two years'time,which will be as soon as you are fit for it,I hope to be able to plant you in the soil of a YOUNG COURT here:where,if you have all the address,the suppleness and versatility of a good courtier,you will have a great chance of thriving and flourishing.Young favor is easily acquired if the proper means are employed;and,when acquired,it is warm,if not durable;and the warm moments must be snatched and improved.'Quitte pour ce qui en pent arriver apres'.Do not mention this view of mine for you to any one mortal;but learn to keep your own secrets,which,by the way,very few people can do.

If your course of experimental philosophy with Abbe Nolot is over,Iwould have you apply to Abbe Sallier,for a master to give you a general notion of astronomy and geometry;of both of which you may know as much,as I desire you should,in six months'time.I only desire that you should have a clear notion of the present planetary system,and the history of all the former systems.Fontenelle's 'Pluralites des Mondes'

will almost teach you all you need know upon that subject.As for geometry,the seven first books of Euclid will be a sufficient portion of it for you.It is right to have a general notion of those abstruse sciences,so as not to appear quite ignorant of them,when they happen,as sometimes they do,to be the topics of conversation;but a deep knowledge of them requires too much time,and engrosses the mind too much.I repeat it again and again to you,Let the great book of the world be your principal study.'Nocturna versate manu,versate diurna';which may be rendered thus in English:Turn Over MEN BY DAY,AND WOMEN BYNIGHT.I mean only the best editions.

Whatever may be said at Paris of my speech upon the bill for the reformation of the present calendar,or whatever applause it may have met with here,the whole,I can assure you,is owing to the words and to the delivery,but by no means to the matter;which,as I told you in a former letter,I was not master of.I mention this again,to show you the importance of well-chosen words,harmonious periods,and good delivery;for,between you and me,Lord Macclefield's speech was,in truth,worth a thousand of mine.It will soon be printed,and I will send it you.It is very instructive.You say,that you wish to speak but half as well as I did;you may easily speak full as well as ever I did,if you will but give the same attention to the same objects that I did at your age,and for many years afterward;I mean correctness,purity,and elegance of style,harmony of periods,and gracefulness of delivery.Read over and over again the third book of 'Cicero de Oratore',in which he particularly treats of the ornamental parts of oratory;they are indeed properly oratory,for all the rest depends only upon common sense,and some knowledge of the subject you speak upon.But if you would please,persuade,and prevail in speaking,it must be by the ornamental parts of oratory.Make them therefore habitual to you;and resolve never to say the most common things,even to your footman,but in the best words you can find,and with the best utterance.This,with 'les manieres,la tournure,et les usages du beau monde',are the only two things you want;fortunately,they are both in your power;may you have them both!Adieu.

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