
第2章 Introduction(2)

At that time he was in an exhausted physical condition and apparently unfit for any protracted literary labor. But the prospect of gratifying a long-cherished ambition, the delight of beginning the story he had planned so hopefully, seemed to give him new strength, and he threw himself into the work with an enthusiasm that was, alas, misleading to those who had noted fearfully his declining vigor of body. For years no literary occupation had seemed to give him equal pleasure, and in the discussion of the progress of his writing from day to day his eye would brighten, all of his old animation would return, and everything would betray the lively interest he felt in the creature of his imagination in whom he was living over the delights of the book-hunter's chase. It was his ardent wish that this work, for the fulfilment of which he had been so long preparing, should be, as he playfully expressed it, a monument of apologetic compensation to a class of people he had so humorously maligned, and those who knew him intimately will recognize in the shortcomings of the bibliomaniac the humble confession of his own weaknesses.

It is easy to understand from the very nature of the undertaking that it was practically limitless; that a bibliomaniac of so many years' experience could prattle on indefinitely concerning his ``love affairs,'' and at the same time be in no danger of repetition. Indeed my brother's plans at the outset were not definitely formed. He would say, when questioned or joked about these amours, that he was in the easy position of Sam Weller when he indited his famous valentine, and could ``pull up'' at any moment. One week he would contend that a book-hunter ought to be good for a year at least, and the next week he would argue as strongly that it was time to send the old man into winter quarters and go to press. But though the approach of cold weather increased his physical indisposition, he was not the less interested in his prescribed hours of labor, howbeit his weakness warned him that he should say to his book, as his much-loved Horace had written:

``Fuge quo descendere gestis:

Non erit emisso reditis tibi.''

Was it strange that his heart should relent, and that he should write on, unwilling to give the word of dismissal to the book whose preparation had been a work of such love and solace?

During the afternoon of Saturday, November 2, the nineteenth instalment of ``The Love Affairs'' was written. It was the conclusion of his literary life. The verses supposably contributed by Judge Methuen's friend, with which the chapter ends, were the last words written by Eugene Field. He was at that time apparently quite as well as on any day during the fall months, and neither he nor any member of his family had the slightest premonition that death was hovering about the household. The next day, though still feeling indisposed, he was at times up and about, always cheerful and full of that sweetness and sunshine which, in his last years, seem now to have been the preparation for the life beyond. He spoke of the chapter he had written the day before, and it was then that he outlined his plan of completing the work. One chapter only remained to be written, and it was to chronicle the death of the old bibliomaniac, but not until he had unexpectedly fallen heir to a very rare and almost priceless copy of Horace, which acquisition marked the pinnacle of the book-hunter's conquest.

True to his love for the Sabine singer, the western poet characterized the immortal odes of twenty centuries gone the greatest happiness of bibliomania.

In the early morning of November 4 the soul of Eugene Field passed upward. On the table, folded and sealed, were the memoirs of the old man upon whom the sentence of death had been pronounced. On the bed in the corner of the room, with one arm thrown over his breast, and the smile of peace and rest on his tranquil face, the poet lay. All around him, on the shelves and in the cases, were the books he loved so well. Ah, who shall say that on that morning his fancy was not verified, and that as the gray light came reverently through the window, those cherished volumes did not bestir themselves, awaiting the cheery voice:

``Good day to you, my sweet friends. How lovingly they beam upon me, and how glad they are that my rest has been unbroken.''

Could they beam upon you less lovingly, great heart, in the chamber warmed by your affection and now sanctified by death?

Were they less glad to know that the repose would be unbroken forevermore, since it came the glorious reward, my brother, of the friend who went gladly to it through his faith, having striven for it through his works?


Buena Park, December, 1895.

The Chapters in this Book

  • 小问


  • On the Parts of Animals

    On the Parts of Animals

  • 柳氏传


  • The Kentons

    The Kentons

  • 推拿抉微


  • 美人娇


  • 大魔神


  • 大霹雳系统


  • 嗨,我的恶魔殿下


  • 骨生花


  • 皇夫上位:凤栖花朝


  • 西游之一起来作妖


  • 乐庵语录


  • 美人几生笑


  • 人生即是修行:智者的糊涂处世哲学


    世人都希望自己比别人聪明,岂不知自以为聪明者却未尝不会犯糊涂;世人都不希望自己犯糊涂,岂不知有时犯糊涂者未必不是聪明人。很多人在社会生活和工作中所推崇的“装糊涂”,其实质目的在很大程度上说也不过是为了藉此避免犯糊涂。 概而言之,糊涂有装糊涂和犯糊涂之分。心里明白而表面糊涂则是装糊涂,表面明白而心里糊涂则是犯糊涂。装糊涂是“明知故犯”,是韬光养晦的智慧体现;而犯糊涂是“事后方知”,是悔之无及的愚蠢表现。自古而今,真正的智者其实大都是以装糊涂的办法而尽力避免做出犯糊涂的事情。