
第140章 CHAPTER IV(6)

Smith at once admitted that her conjecture was right, and said that they had wished her to go to the day's engagement before reading it. But she quietly persisted in her request to be allowed to have the paper. Mrs. Smith took her work, and tried not to observe the countenance, which the other tried to hide between the large sheets; but she could not help becoming aware of tears stealing down the face and dropping on the lap. The first remark Miss Bronte made was to express her fear lest so severe a notice should check the sale of the book, and injuriously affect her publishers. Wounded as she was, her first thought was for others. Later on (I think that very afternoon)Mr. Thackeray called; she suspected (she said) that he came to see how she bore the attack on "Shirley;" but she had recovered her composure, and conversed very quietly with him: he only learnt from the answer to his direct inquiry that she had read the Times' article. She acquiesced in the recognition of herself as the authoress of "Jane Eyre," because she perceived that there were some advantages to be derived from dropping her pseudonym.

One result was an acquaintance with Miss Martineau. She had sent her the novel just published, with a curious note, in which Currer Bell offered a copy of "Shirley" to Miss Martineau, as an acknowledgment of the gratification he had received from her works. From "Deerbrook" he had derived a new and keen pleasure, and experienced a genuine benefit. In HIS mind "Deerbrook," etc.

Miss Martineau, in acknowledging this note and the copy of "Shirley," dated her letter from a friend's house in the neighbourhood of Mr. Smith's residence; and when, a week or two afterwards, Miss Bronte found how near she was to her correspondent, she wrote, in the name of Currer Bell, to propose a visit to her. Six o'clock, on a certain Sunday afternoon (Dec.

10th), was the time appointed. Miss Martineau's friends had invited the unknown Currer Bell to their early tea; they were ignorant whether the name was that of a man or a woman; and had had various conjectures as to sex, age, and appearance. Miss Martineau had, indeed, expressed her private opinion pretty distinctly by beginning her reply, to the professedly masculine note referred to above, with "Dear Madam;" but she had addressed it to "Currer Bell, Esq." At every ring the eyes of the party turned towards the door. Some stranger (a gentleman, I think)came in; for an instant they fancied he was Currer Bell, and indeed an Esq.; he stayed some time--went away. Another ring;"Miss Bronte was announced; and in came a young-looking lady, almost child-like in stature, in a deep mourning dress, neat as a Quaker's, with her beautiful hair smooth and brown, her fine eyes blazing with meaning and her sensible face indicating a habit of self-control." She came,--hesitated one moment at finding four or five people assembled,--then went straight to Miss Martineau with intuitive recognition, and, with the free-masonry of good feeling and gentle breeding, she soon became as one of the family seated round the tea-table; and, before she left, she told them, in a simple, touching manner, of her sorrow and isolation, and a foundation was laid for her intimacy with Miss Martineau.

  • 奇风岁月


  • 医女狂后


  • 孙膑兵书


    《汉书·艺文志》称“《齐孙子》八十九篇,图四卷”,但自从《隋 书·经籍志》开始,便不见于历代著录,大约在东汉末年便已失 传。1972年,银雀山汉墓竹简出土,这部古兵法始重见天日。但由 于年代久远,竹简残缺不全,损坏严重。经竹简整理小组整理考 证,文物出版社于1975年出版了简本《孙膑兵书》,共收竹简364 枚,分上、下编,各15篇。对于这批简文,学术界一般认为,上 篇当属原著无疑,系在孙膑著述和言论的基础上经弟子辑录、整理 而成;下篇内容虽与上篇内容相类,但也存在着编撰体例上的不 同,是否为孙膑及其弟子所著尚无充分的证据。
  • 唐朝好媳妇


    别人重生不是皇后贵妇,就是富家千金,凭啥俺就成了一个童养媳,而且还是农村户口?!最糟糕的是,还是一个官匪难分的年代,这让小女子咋活? 好在吾道不孤,家中有四壁,床上有病母,身旁小丈夫,下面还有一群鼻涕娃……咦?老公是指望不上了,老公公哪里去了? 算了,物比人贵,人比物重,只要有人,一切都有可能,那个……面包会有的,老公也会长大的,就这么着吧! 另外推荐青柳的完本书:《凤临异世》《新一品修真》《飘泊在异界的日子里》《创神传奇》另外推荐青柳新书:《末世涅凰》《驭香》
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  • 怎么又被安排了

