
第3章 CHAPTER III: (1)


Fast sailed the Katherine over the seas, and nought befell to tell of, either to herself or her crew. She came to one cheaping-town and then to another, and so on to a third and a fourth; and at each was buying and selling after the manner of chapmen; and Walter not only looked on the doings of his father's folk, but lent a hand, what he might, to help them in all matters, whether it were in seaman's craft, or in chaffer. And the further he went and the longer the time wore, the more he was eased of his old trouble wherein his wife and her treason had to do.

But as for the other trouble, to wit his desire and longing to come up with those three, it yet flickered before him; and though he had not seen them again as one sees people in the streets, and as if he might touch them if he would, yet were their images often before his mind's eye; and yet, as time wore, not so often, nor so troublously; and forsooth both to those about him and to himself, he seemed as a man well healed of his melancholy mood.

Now they left that fourth stead, and sailed over the seas and came to a fifth, a very great and fair city, which they had made more than seven months from Langton on Holm; and by this time was Walter taking heed and joyance in such things as were toward in that fair city, so far from his kindred, and especially he looked on the fair women there, and desired them, and loved them; but lightly, as befalleth young men.

Now this was the last country whereto the Katherine was boun; so there they abode some ten months in daily chaffer, and in pleasuring them in beholding all that there was of rare and goodly, and making merry with the merchants and the towns-folk, and the country-folk beyond the gates, and Walter was grown as busy and gay as a strong young man is like to be, and was as one who would fain be of some account amongst his own folk.

But at the end of this while, it befell on a day, as he was leaving his hostel for his booth in the market, and had the door in his hand, there stood before him three mariners in the guise of his own country, and with them was one of clerkly aspect, whom he knew at once for his father's scrivener, Arnold Penstrong by name; and when Walter saw him his heart failed him and he cried out: "Arnold, what tidings? Is all well with the folk at Langton?"

Said Arnold: "Evil tidings are come with me; matters are ill with thy folk; for I may not hide that thy father, Bartholomew Golden, is dead, God rest his soul."

At that word it was to Walter as if all that trouble which but now had sat so light upon him, was once again fresh and heavy, and that his past life of the last few months had never been; and it was to him as if he saw his father lying dead on his bed, and heard the folk lamenting about the house. He held his peace awhile, and then he said in a voice as of an angry man:

"What, Arnold! and did he die in his bed, or how? for he was neither old nor ailing when we parted."

Said Arnold: "Yea, in his bed he died: but first he was somewhat sword-bitten."

"Yea, and how?" quoth Walter.

Said Arnold: "When thou wert gone, in a few days' wearing, thy father sent thy wife out of his house back to her kindred of the Reddings with no honour, and yet with no such shame as might have been, without blame to us of those who knew the tale of thee and her; which, God-a-mercy, will be pretty much the whole of the city."

"Nevertheless, the Reddings took it amiss, and would have a mote with us Goldings to talk of booting. By ill-luck we yea-said that for the saving of the city's peace. But what betid? We met in our Gild-hall, and there befell the talk between us; and in that talk certain words could not be hidden, though they were none too seemly nor too meek. And the said words once spoken drew forth the whetted steel; and there then was the hewing and thrusting! Two of ours were slain outright on the floor, and four of theirs, and many were hurt on either side. Of these was thy father, for as thou mayst well deem, he was nought backward in the fray; but despite his hurts, two in the side and one on the arm, he went home on his own feet, and we deemed that we had come to our above. But well-a-way! it was an evil victory, whereas in ten days he died of his hurts.

  • 太常寺观舞圣寿乐


  • 洞玄灵宝自然九天生神章经解义


  • T. Tembarom

    T. Tembarom

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  • 江湖令之月形人


  • 恐怖漫言


  • 倾城凰后:帝尊,宠上天


    此为【陌华书】系列的续缘篇,本系列共有二篇,续缘为第一篇。 华家嫡女,真心错付,付出所有,得来的却是自己的灭亡。 带着无限的恨意,在这个充斥着阴谋诡计的盛世之中,她踏着无尽枯骨重生,冷眼瞧着前世仇人一步步陷入深渊,灵魂随着一起迷失在了无尽的仇恨之中……他,被神诅咒的黑暗之王,暴戾恣睢,冰冷嗜血,却为了一个根本等不回的人,被钉在镇魔塔万年,日日夜夜饱受着锥心之痛……“这世间,唯有她才能让我喜乐。”“宿命轮回又如何,她的生生世世必定属于我!”…… 曾有一人,为了她敢散尽元神,失去所有,只为了与她一起轮回。 他发誓过,不论她到了哪里,他都会找到她。 即使世界毁灭。
  • 神女凰命,至尊狂宠


    重生的她是个全系天才。灵兽神马的,一抓一大把。丹药神马的,随随便便的。阵法?炼器?她会的多了去了。 为什么在外冷冰冰的七皇子在她这里就吊儿郎当的? 一坨粉粉的萌物认她为主?! 她到底是谁的孩子? 她的小黑龙怎么又成了一族之主了!还要不要和她并肩作战了啊!? 什么?自己的手下和灵兽都有了伴,她却还被母亲催婚? 某妖孽“没事儿,我不会让你孤独终老的,你终究会成为我的女人。” 白驹过隙,岁月如梭。 儿女满堂,本该享受幸福人生,可却是天灾人祸? 到底是怎样的传奇? 到底是怎样的结局? 敬请期待,未完待续。
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  • 哪儿不是漂零


    那人被层层叠叠的覆盖着,回忆比遗忘更苦,我终于在漫长的回忆里认出了你,可我只能无言的望着你,把我最好的爱给你。 十三年了,还没寻找够吗?柏拉图真的存在吗?还在当少女吗?又是为了什么学不会婉转承欢?非要变成一条滑手的鱼。为什么你说都是漂零? 那一瞬的犹豫,是为了他吗?而他又在哪呢?
  • 中国特色社会主义理论与实践(居安思危·世界社会主义小丛书)

