

Scarlet flew through the morning sky, wiping her tears, still shaken from the incident under the bridge, and trying to understand all that was happening to her. She was flying.She could hardly believe it.She did not know how, but wings had sprouted, and she had just taken off, lifted into the air as if it were the most natural thing in the world.She couldn't understand why the light was hurting her eyes, why her skin was starting to itch beneath the sun.Luckily, it had become a cloudy day, and she had some relief;yet still, she did not feel like herself.

Scarlet felt so lost, so alone, and she did not know where to go. She felt she could not go back home, not after all that had happened, not after discovering that her mother wanted her dead, that they all hated her.She couldn't go to her friends, either;after all, Maria hated her now, too, and it seemed she had turned the others against her as well.She couldn't go back to school, couldn't just step back into her normal life, especially after her big fight with Vivian at the party.

A part of Scarlet felt like curling up in a ball and dying. She felt she had no home left in the world.

Scarlet flew over her hometown and as she passed her house, it was such a strange feeling to look down on it from above. Scarlet flew high enough to not be seen by anyone, and she saw her town from a bird's-eye view, like she'd never had.She saw the perfectly formed blocks, the rectangular grid, the clean streets, the tall steeple of the church;she saw the wires everywhere, the telephone poles, all the slanted roofs, some shingled, some slate, most hundreds of years old.She saw birds perched on roofs, and saw a lone purple balloon lifting up toward her.

The November wind was cold up here, whipping her face, and Scarlet felt the chill. She wanted to get down, to warm up somewhere.

As Scarlet flew and flew, trying to think, the only person that she could see, the only face that continued to flash in her mind, was Sage. He hadn't shown up as promised at the homecoming;he had stood her up, and she was still mad about that.Scarlet assumed he didn't want to see her again.

Then again, she wasn't really sure what happened. Maybe, just maybe, there had been some reason he didn't show up.Maybe he loved her after all.

The more Scarlet thought about it, the more she felt she needed to see him. She needed to see a familiar face, someone left in the world who cared about her, who loved her.Or, at least, who had loved her once.

Scarlet made a decision. She turned and headed west, toward the river, toward where she knew Sage lived.She continued flying outside the town limits, looking down at the main roads below, and using them as a beacon as she flew.Her heart pounded quickly, as she realized she would reach him in a few moments.

As she flew outside of town, the landscape changed:instead of perfectly laid out blocks and houses, there were fewer houses, larger lots, more trees……The lots morphed from two acres, to four acres, to six, then ten, twenty……. She was entering the estate section.

Scarlet reached the river's edge, and as she turned and flew alongside it, below her she could see all the mansions, replete with their long, sprawling driveways, framed by ancient oaks and formidable gates. It all reeked of wealth and history and money and power.

Scarlet passed over the biggest and most elegant of them all, beautifully set back from the road by several acres, perched right near the edge of the river, an old home of ancient stone, with the most beautiful spirals and towers, looking more like a castle than a house. Its fifteen chimneys protruded into the sky like a beacon to the heavens.Scarlet had never realized how beautiful Sage's home was until she saw it from above.

Scarlet flew lower, diving down, her heart pounding, so nervous. Would Sage even want to see her again?What if he didn't?If not, she did not know where she could possibly turn.

Scarlet landed before the front door, coming down gently, her wings retracting, and she looked up at the stone edifice—and as she did, she felt her heart go cold inside. She could not comprehend what she was seeing:the entire house, all of it, was boarded up.In place of the beautiful ornate glass, there was plywood, hastily nailed;in place of all the activity that had been here last time she visited, there was nothing.

It was deserted.

Scarlet heard a squeaking noise. She looked off to the side and saw a rusty gate swinging lightly, squeaking in the wind.It felt as if no one had lived here for a thousand years.

Scarlet flew around to the back of the house, setting down in the wide marble plaza, and looked up at the fa?ade;it was more of the same.The house was completely empty, boarded up.As if all that had been, had never been.

Scarlet turned and looked at the sprawling grounds leading down to the river, peering into the cloud-filled horizon, the blackening sky threatening a storm, looking everywhere for Sage.

She did not sense him here. Not in the house.Not anywhere.

He was gone.

Scarlet could not believe it. He was really gone.

Scarlet sat down, putting her hands on her knees, and wept. Did he truly hate her that much?Did he never really love her?

Scarlet sat there, crying, until she fell hollowed out, numb. She stared at nothing, wondering what to do.A part of her wanted to break into the house, if for no other reason than to get warmth and shelter.But she knew she could not do that.She was not a criminal.

Scarlet sat with her head in her hands for what felt like forever, feeling an intense pressure between her eyes, knowing she had to go somewhere, do something. But where?

For some reason, Scarlet thought of her friends once again. Maria hated her;but there was no reason for any of the others to hate her.They'd all been so close at one point.Even if she couldn't talk with Maria, maybe she could talk with Becca or Jasmine.After all, Scarlet hadn't done anything to them.And what were friends for, if not for a time like this?

Scarlet stood, wiped her tears, took three steps, and leapt into the air. She would find her friends, ask for them to take her in, just for the night, and then figure out what to do with her life.

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