
England, My England and Other Stories(I) 英格兰,我的英格兰评论

  • A Tale of the Ragged Mountains 崎岖山的故事(英文版)
  • Dombey and Son(I)董贝父子(英文版 下册)

    Dombey and Son(I)董贝父子(英文版 下册)

    Dickens started writing the book in Lausanne, Switzerland, before returning to England, via Paris, to complete it. The story follows a powerful man's callous neglect of his family triggers his professional and personal downfall, showcases the author's gift for vivid characterization and unfailingly realistic description. As Jonathan Lethem contends in his Introduction, Dickens's "genius … is at one with the genius of the form of the novel itself: Dickens willed into existence the most capacious and elastic and versatile kind of novel that could be, one big enough for his vast sentimental yearnings and for every impulse and fear and hesitation in him that countervailed those yearnings too. Never parsimonious and frequently contradictory, he always gives us everything he can, everything he's planned to give, and then more."
  • President Elect (A Luke Stone Thriller—Book 5)

    President Elect (A Luke Stone Thriller—Book 5)

    "One of the best thrillers I have read this year. The plot is intelligent and will keep you hooked from the beginning. The author did a superb job creating a set of characters who are fully developed and very much enjoyable. I can hardly wait for the sequel."--Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (re Any Means Necessary)PRESIDENT ELECT is book #5 in the bestselling Luke Stone thriller series, which begins with ANY MEANS NECESSARY (book #1), a free download with over 500 five star reviews!When China threatens to bankrupt the U.S. by calling in its debt, Americans are desperate for radical change. President Susan Hopkins, running for re-election, is floored as she watches the returns come in. Her rival—a madman senator from West Virginia who ran on the promise to nuke China's islands out of the South China Sea—has, inconceivably, won.
  • Up Is Not the Only Way: Rethinking Career Mobility

    Up Is Not the Only Way: Rethinking Career Mobility

    Up Was Never for Everyone! Move up or move out. When those two options appear to be the only ones, dissatisfaction grows and engagement suffers. In decades of studying careers around the globe, Beverly Kaye, Lindy Williams, and Lynn Cowart have found that, in fact, there are more options.
  • The Secret of Rover

    The Secret of Rover

    The Secret of Rover follows the clever and resourceful twins Katie and David as they race across the country in their attempt to outwit an international team of insurgents who hold their parents and baby sister captive in a foreign land. Held hostage because they invented a spy technology called Rover that can locate anyone in the world, Katie and David's parents are in grave danger. Now, it's up to Katie and David to rescue them. But first they must find their reclusive uncle, whom they have never met—the only person they know who can help them. This page-turning story from a debut author with insider knowledge of Washington is fun, suspenseful, and convincingly real.
  • 影的告别(感动青少年的文学名家名作精选集)


  • 皇上我们又见面了


  • 诡域杀机


  • 把你揣在兜里


    明晞可算是鼓起勇气表白了,可该死的易炀磨蹭了好几天之后却说了对不起。 不谈恋爱耍流氓就算了,怎么跑走了还要追随千里。 他看着眼前那笑容纯粹的姑娘,怎么都舍不得她跟着自己受苦。 眼前是看得到的财盆满钵,也是一不小心就跌落的万丈深渊。 这一次,不论富贵还是贫穷,你愿意和我在一起吗? 我爱你,从来都只是因为你 ——————————应国家号召,许多电视台开始找各种社会阶层人员上节目易炀作为创出一番天地了的物联网界大佬居然破天荒的去参加了什么综艺节目全网少女突然就沸腾了起来,一个个都想给易炀生猴子可谁知道下一秒易炀毫不客气的在微博秀出自己在超市带着俩孩子的照片网友:呜呜呜呜,为什么要英年早婚。——————————大明星路尧惊现神秘女友夜游商城,疑似好事将近。 两人共同乘车归家,手持婴儿物品. 各大网络媒体爆炸 易炀穿着睡衣下楼,不满地看着自己招摇的发小带着自己老婆出门给干儿子买礼物。 路尧抱着干儿子出门:宝贝叫爸爸 易炀:放下我儿子! 卖房创业男青年X初入职场小菜鸟物联网届不断崛起的大佬和锦鲤跃龙门的产品经理
  • 春

  • 公主二嫁:国师,你绿了


  • 银河帝国12:机器人与帝国


  • 我掌控了世界


  • 重生成精灵


  • 历代词话

