

and Tohfah answered,'O my lady,I saw a damsel in the bath;having with her two little boys like moons,eye never espied her like,nor before her nor after her,neither is there the fellow of her form in the whole world nor her peer amongst Ajams or Turks or Arabs.By the munificence,O my lady,an thou toldest the Commander of the Faithful of her,he would slay her husband and take her from him,for her like is not to be found among women.I asked of her mate and they told me that he is a merchant Hasan of Bassorah hight.Moreover,I followed her from the bath to her own house and found it to be that of the Wazir;with the two gates,one opening on the river and the other on the land.[90]Indeed,O my lady,I fear lest the Prince of True Believers hear of her and break the law and slay her husband and take love-liesse with her.'--And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.

When it was the Seven Hundred and Ninety-fifth Night; She continued,It hath reached me,O auspicious King,that when Tohfah,after seeing the King's daughter,described her beauty to the Lady Zubaydah ending with,'Indeed,O my mistress,I fear lest the Prince of True Believers hear of her and break the law and slay her mate and take her to wife,'Zubaydah cried,'Woe to thee,O Tohfah,say me,doth this damsel display such passing beauty and loveliness that the Commander of the Faithful should;on her account,barter his soul's good for his worldly lust and break the Holy Law! By Allah,needs must I look on her,and if she be not as thou sayest,I will bid strike off thy head! O strumpet,there are in the Caliph's Serraglio three hundred and three score slave girls,after the number of the days of the year,yet is there none amongst them so excellent as thou describest!'Tohfah replied,'No,by Allah,O my lady!: nor is there her like in all Baghdad;no,nor amongst the Arabs or the Daylamites nor hath Allah (to whom belong Might and Majesty!)

created the like of her!'Thereupon Zuhaydah called for Masrur;the eunuch,who came and kissed the ground before her,and she said to him,'O Masrur,go to the Wazir's house,that with the two gates,one giving on the water and the other on the land,and bring me the damsel who dwelleth there,also her two children and the old woman who is with her,and haste thou and tarry not.'

Said Masrur,'I hear and I obey,'and repairing to Hasan's house;knocked at the door.Quoth the old woman,'Who is at the door?'

and quoth he,'Masrur,the eunuch of the Commander of the Faithful.' So she opened the door and he entered and saluted her with the salam;whereupon she returned his salute and asked his need;and he replied,'The Lady Zubaydah,daughter of Al-Kasim[91] and queen-spouse of the Commander of the Faithful Harun al-Rashid sixth[92] of the sons of Al-Abbas,paternal uncle of the Prophet (whom Allah bless and keep!) summoneth thee to her,thee and thy son's wife and her children;for the women have told her anent her and her beauty.'Rejoined the old woman;'O my lord Masrur,we are foreigner folk and the girl's husband (my son) who is abroad and far from home hath strictly charged me not to go forth nor let her go forth in his absence,neither show her to any of the creatures of Allah Almighty;and I fear me,if aught befal her and he come back,he will slay himself;wherefore of thy favour I beseech thee,O Masrur,require us not of that whereof we are unable.'Masrur retorted,'O my lady,if I knew aught to be feared for you in this,I would not require you to go;the Lady Zubaydah desireth but to see her and then she may return.So disobey not or thou wilt repent;and like as I take you,I will bring you both back in safety,Inshallah!'Hasan's mother could not gainsay him;so she went in and making the damsel ready,brought her and her children forth and they all followed Masrur to the palace of the Caliphate where he carried them in and seated them on the floor before the Lady Zubaydah.

They kissed ground before her and called down blessings upon her;

and Zubaydah said to the young lady (who was veiled),'Wilt thou not uncover thy face,that I may look on it?'So she kissed the ground between her hands and discovered a face which put to shame the full moon in the height of heaven.Zubaydah fixed her eyes on her and let their glances wander over her,whilst the palace was illumined by the light of her countenance;whereupon the Queen and the whole company were amazed at her beauty and all who looked on her became Jinn-mad and unable to bespeak one another.

As for Zubaydah,she rose and making the damsel stand up;strained her to her bosom and seated her by herself on the couch.

Moreover,she bade decorate the palace in her honour and calling for a suit of the richest raiment and a necklace of the rarest ornaments put them upon her.Then said she to her,'O liege lady of fair ones,verily thou astoundest me and fillest mine eyes.[93] What arts knowest thou?'She replied,'O my lady,I have a dress of feathers,and could I but put it on before thee;thou wouldst see one of the fairest of fashions and marvel thereat,and all who saw it would talk of its goodliness;generation after generation.' Zubaydah asked,'And where is this dress of thine?';and the damsel answered,'Tis with my husband's mother.Do thou seek it for me of her.'So Zubaydah said to the old woman,'O my lady the pilgrimess,O my mother,go forth and fetch us her feather-dress,that we may solace ourselves by looking on what she will do,and after take it back again.'Replied the old woman,'O my lady,this damsel is a liar.

Hast thou ever seen any of womankind with a dress of feathers?

Indeed,this belongeth only to birds.'But the damsel said to the Lady Zubaydah,'As thou livest,O my lady,she hath a feather-dress of mine and it is in a chest,which is buried in such a store-closet in the house.'So Zubaydah took off her neck a rivi?re of jewels,worth all the treasures of Chosroe and C'sar,and gave it to the old woman,saying,'O my mother,I

  • 特洛伊罗斯与克瑞西达


  • 周易参同契注·佚名


  • 大乘百法明门论开宗义记


  • 世纬


  • 窑器说


  • 辛亥:摇晃的中国


    一场低烈度的革命,一个大变局的中国。本书化繁为简,以老辣笔法,全景勾勒晚清民国大班底,追踪这场中国内部的革命,呈现革命的创世记与诸神谱,讲述对我们有特殊价值的一种重要真相。尚武中国,丛林之争,枪杆与笔杆,暗杀与炸弹,造反与经济,革命与保皇,立宪与新政,科举与学堂,里里外外,再现原态。 真相,总在历史最深处。
  • 长生之锦衣行


  • 这一生的债


    债,也许背负一生,都无法放下,但是谢谢老天赐给我的回忆。 一些感悟,一些纠缠,这些我们之间说不完的情愫,是我一生的财富。 把写本书,送给所有支持小弄的人,那些一生的,人。
  • 天运问道


  • 遇见你,坑定你


  • 总裁别太欺负人了


  • 剑战江湖


  • 殿下,你命里缺我


  • 天上掉下个林妹妹


  • 厘正按摩要术

