
第13章 IV.(3)

"He loaded his gun, and, when master came out, he fired."Count Claudieuse was so indignant that he forgot the pain which his wounds caused him, and raised himself on his bed.

"It is monstrous," he exclaimed, "to allow an idiot to charge an honorable man with such a crime! If he really saw M. de Boiscoran set the house on fire, and hide himself in order to murder me, why did he not come and warn me?"Mr. Galpin repeated the question submissively, to the great amazement of the mayor and M. Daubigeon.

"Why did you not give warning?" he asked Cocoleu.

But the efforts which the unfortunate man had made during the last half-hour had exhausted his little strength. He broke out into stupid laughter; and almost instantly one of his fearful nervous attacks overcame him: he fell down yelling, and had to be carried away.

The magistrate had risen, pale and deeply excited, but evidently meditating on what was to be done next. The commonwealth attorney asked him in an undertone what he was going to do; and the lawyer replied,--"Prosecute!"


"Can I do otherwise in my position? God is my witness that I tried my best, by urging this poor idiot, to prove the absurdity of his accusation. But the result has disappointed me.""And now?"

"Now I can no longer hesitate. There have been ten witnesses present at the examination. My honor is at stake. I must establish either the guilt or the innocence of the man whom Cocoleu accuses." Immediately, walking up to the count's bed, he asked,--"Will you have the kindness, Count Claudieuse, to tell me what your relations are to M. de Boiscoran?"Surprise and indignation caused the wounded man to blush deeply.

"Can it be possible, sir, that you believe the words of that idiot?""I believe nothing," answered the magistrate. "My duty is to unravel the truth; and I mean to do it.""The doctor has told you what the state of Cocoleu's mind is?""Count, I beg you will answer my question."Count Claudieuse looked angry; but he replied promptly,--"My relations with M. de Boiscoran are neither good nor bad. We have none.""It is reported, I have heard it myself, that you are on bad terms.""On no terms at all. I never leave Valpinson, and M. de Boiscoran spends nine months of the year in Paris. He has never called at my house, and I have never been in his.""You have been overheard speaking of him in unmeasured terms.""That may be. We are neither of the same age, nor have we the same tastes or the same opinions. He is young: I am old. He likes Paris and the great world: I am fond of solitude and hunting. I am a Legitimist:

he used to be an Orleanist, and now he is a Republican. I believe that the descendant of our old kings alone can save the country; and he is convinced that the happiness of France is possible only under a Republic. But two men may be enemies, and yet esteem each other. M. de Boiscoran is an honorable man; he has done his duty bravely in the war, he has fought well, and has been wounded."M. Galpin noted down these answers with extreme care. When he had done so, he continued,--"The question is not one of political opinions only. You have had personal difficulties with M. de Boiscoran.""Of no importance."

"I beg pardon: you have been at law."

"Our estates adjoin each other. There is an unlucky brook between us, which is a source of constant trouble to the neighbors."M. Galpin shook his head, and added,--

"These are not the only difficulties you have had with each other.

Everybody in the country knows that you have had violent altercations."Count Claudieuse seemed to be in great distress.

"It is true: we have used hard words. M. de Boiscoran had two wretched dogs that were continually escaping from his kennels, and came hunting in my fields. You cannot imagine how much game they destroyed.""Exactly so. And one day you met M. de Boiscoran, and you warned him that you would shoot his dogs.""I must confess I was furious. But I was wrong, a thousand times wrong: I did threaten"--"That is it. You were both of you armed. You threatened one another:

he actually aimed at you. Don't deny it. A number of persons have seen it; and I know it. He has told me so himself."

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    她不就是帮孩子销个铅笔嘛,怎么还给自己来了个割腕?好吧,死就死吧,但是现在谁能告诉我,为什么我现在会变成铅笔刀精?好吧,成精就成精吧,好歹也能永葆青春,但是为嘛自己会出现在刀剑乱舞的世界里?而且还被一个没有主人的本丸给锻造出来了,遇到她最喜欢的刀子精们,她自然是很欢喜的,氮素......作者你他喵给老娘死出来,你来拿只铅笔刀给我出阵一个看看,妈个鸡连破腹都嫌弃太短好嘛。所以锻造我出来就是为了搞笑的是吧? 我的小说交流群:14775946 本人小说集小白圣母雷点与一身,并且逻辑废,本人小学生文笔,所以对此感冒的请不要点进去哦!
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