

"The End of the Trail," equestrian statue at entrance, by James Earl Fraser.Exhausted Indian, suggests destiny of the American Indian race.

Italian Towers, Byzantine influence, by Kelham.Both sides of entrance to court; identical.Simpler than towers at Court of Flowers, to cast.

Coloring of towers, by Jules Guerin.Walls frankly treated, not as stone, but as plaster, after Italian method.Blue checkered border, pink and blue diaper design; turquoise columns on little towers above, in harmony with domes and columns of Tower of Jewels.

Design on top, repeated four times at corners, from choragic monument of Lysicrates, in Venice.

Sienna columns at entrances of towers.Effective contrast.

Reclining women, purely decorative, in triangular spaces above entrances to towers, by Albert Weinert.

Figures on side of shield over all portals, very graceful.Pink and turquoise.

"The Fairy," crowning Italian Towers, Carl Gruppe.

Female figures, the caryatides on wide frieze, above columns, by Calder and John Bateman, of New York.Flushed pink, against pink and blue background of imitation marble and terra cotta.

Festoons of fruit in panels, blues and reds.

Coupled Ionic columns, smoked.Effective against pink walls.

Vases, before entrances, by Weinert.Bacchanalian revels, low relief.

Satyr handles.

Lighting standards on balustrade, designed by Ryan, modeled by Denneville.

"Pool of Reflections," no sculpture.

Italian cypresses, on sides of portals.

Balled acacias between columns on corridors.

Palms, in garden.

Corridors, pink walls, blue ceiling.

Lamp standards, smoked ivory globes.Designed by Kelham, modeled by Denneville.

Lamps in corridors Roman, hanging.Light pink, green, and cream;effective.By Kelham.

Murals, in corridors, at east, north, and west portals.

"Pursuit of Pleasure," east arch, Charles W.Holloway.Light touch, bright reds and blues in keeping with court; difficult use of floating figure.

"Victorious Spirit," north arch, Arthur F.Mathews.Spirit of Enlightenment protecting Youth from Materialism, symbolized by rampant horse and the rider, Brute Force.Arrangement good, coloring deep and beautiful.

"Fruits and Flowers," west arch, Childe Hassam.Early Italian.

Symbolism, obvious.Warmth of color.

Vista from south, graceful curve of court, view through north portal through Court of the Four Seasons, long colonnade, to purple bills and bay beyond.

Palace of HorticulturePalace of Horticulture, Bakewell & Brown, architects, San Francisco.

Architecture dome and spires Byzantine, suggest mosque of Ahmed the First, in Constantinople.Ornamentation Renaissance, popular with modern French architects.

Basket on top of dome, 33 feet in diameter.

Dome, 186 feet in height, 152 feet in diameter steel construction St.

Peter's, 137 feet, concrete.Pantheon, 142 feet, concrete.

Ornamental shafts, suggestive of minarets, in French style.

Semi-circular colonnade forming entrances, French lattice-work.

Hanging lamp, in entrances, flower basket design; elaborate.

Lamps, hanging along porches, simple design.

Female figures at base of spires, by Eugene Louis Boutier; purely ornamental.

Lavish decorations on building suggest variety and abundance of California horticulture.Floral designs; green wreaths with fruit motives and leaves; lamps; flowered shields over doorway; decorated columns; entrance under green lattice-work; great ornamental vases on sides.

Female figures used as columns supporting roof of porch, the caryatides, by John Bateman.

Building suggests festivity, done in exposition spirit.

Coloring, green, old copper.Green lattice-work in domes.

Along the South Wall, West of the Tower of JewelsSouth Wall, by Faville.Spanish Renaissance.Domes, Byzantine.

Palaces facing Avenue of Palms, from west to east: Education, Palace Liberal Arts, Manufactures, and Varied Industries.

Vases beside doorways of Palace of Education, finely designed; pedestal of one, a Corinthian capital; of the other, an Ionic capital.

Main portals, Faville.Suggest Roman gateway.Coloring, pink, turquoise blue, and burnt orange; accentuates sculpture.Duplicated on Palaces of Manufactures and Liberal Arts.

Panel over doorway, by Mahonri Young, Ogden, Utah; figures of domestic life and industries, making of glass, metal work, statuary, textiles.

Figures at side, to left, woman with spindle; to right, man with sledge-hammer.

Flat columns at side of portals, pilasters.Corinthian.

Lion, over centerpiece of arch.

"Victory," on gables by Louis Ulrich, like the winged figure used by the Greeks, " Blessings on this house."Niches in wall, colored pink and blue.Heads of lions and elephants used as fountains, alternately by Faville.

Panel over niches, figures with garland, by Faville.

Festival HallFestival Hall, Robert Farquhar, of Los Angeles, architect.Modern French architecture, of the Beaux Arts style, Paris.Used in many French theatres; not a natural growth in this country, but growing in favor;building arrangement fine.Details from Le Petit and Le Grand Trianon.

Coloring.light green, not so effective as on Horticultural Palace, popular with French architects.

Figure on corner domes, "The Torch Bearer," Sherry F.Fry, of New York.

Figures on sides of shield over big central arch, by Fry.Decorative.

West entrance.

Reclining figures, above, on sides of entrance, by Fry.To right, Bacchus with grapes and wine-skin.To left, a woman listening.

Groups in front of ball, on sides of stairway, by Fry."Flora," flower girl on pedestal, repeated.On left below pedestal, "Young Pan," seated on Ionic capital covered with fawn skin, his music arrested by sight of lizard.On right, young girl seated.

Greek drinking horns, rhytons, repeated around entrance, on cornice, suggest festivity.

Symbol of Music, the lyre, above entrance.

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