

Common sense told them that unless Ashley developed wings,it would be weeks or even months before he could travel from Illinois to Georgia,but hearts nevertheless beat wildly whenever a soldier turned into the avenue at Tara.Each bearded scarecrow might be Ashley.And if it were not Ashley,perhaps the soldier would have news of him or a letter from Aunt Pitty about him.Black and white,they rushed to the front door every time they heard footsteps.The sight of a uniform was enough to bring everyone flying from the woodpile,the pasture and the cotton patch.For a month after the letter came,work was almost at a standstill.No one wanted to be out of the house when he arrived,Scarlett least of all.And she could not insist on the others attending to their duties when she so neglected hers.

But when the weeks crawled by and Ashley did not come or any news of him,Tara settled back into its old routine.Longing hearts could only stand so much of longing.An uneasy fear crept into Scarlett's mind that something had happened to him along the way.Rock Island was so far away and he might have been weak or sick when released from prison.And he had no money and was tramping through a country where Confederates were hated.If only she knew where he was,she would send money to him,send every penny she had and let the family go hungry,so he could come home swiftly on the train.

“Beloved,I am coming home to you.”

In the first rush of joy when her eyes met those words,they had meant only that Ashley was coming home to her.Now,in the light of cooler reason,it was Melanie to whom he was returning,Melanie who went about the house these days singing with joy.Occasionally,Scarlett wondered bitterly why Melanie could not have died in childbirth in Atlanta.That would have made things perfect.Then she could have married Ashley after a decent interval and made little Beau a good stepmother too.When such thoughts came she did not pray hastily to God,telling Him she did not mean it.God did not frighten her any more.

Soldiers came singly and in pairs and dozens and they were always hungry.Scarlett thought despairingly that a plague of locusts would be more welcome.She cursed again the old custom of hospitality which had flowered in the era of plenty,the custom which would not permit any traveler,great or humble,to go on his journey without a night's lodging,food for himself and his horse and the utmost courtesy the house could give.She knew that era had passed forever,but the rest of the household did not,nor did the soldiers,and each soldier was welcomed as if he were a long-awaited guest.

As the never-ending line went by,her heart hardened.They were eating the food meant for the mouths of Tara,vegetables over whose long rows she had wearied her back,food she had driven endless miles to buy.Food was so hard to get and the money in the Yankee's wallet would not last forever.Only a few greenbacks and the two gold pieces were left now.Why should she feed this horde of hungry men?The war was over.They would never again stand between her and danger.So,she gave orders to Pork that when soldiers were in the house,the table should be set sparely.This order prevailed until she noticed that Melanie,who had never been strong since Beau was born,was inducing Pork to put only dabs of food on her plate and giving her share to the soldiers.

“You'll have to stop it,Melanie,”she scolded.“You're half sick yourself and if you don't eat more,you'll be sick in bed and we'll have to nurse you.Let these men go hungry.They can stand it.They've stood it for four years and it won't hurt them to stand it a little while longer.”

Melanie turned to her and on her face was the first expression of naked emotion Scarlett had ever seen in those serene eyes.

“Oh,Scarlett,don't scold me!Let me do it.You don't know how it helps me.Every time I give some poor man my share I think that maybe,somewhere on the road up north,some woman is giving my Ashley a share of her dinner and it's helping him to get home to me!”

“My Ashley.”

“Beloved,I am coming home to you.”

Scarlett turned away,wordless.After that,Melanie noticed there was more food on the table when guests were present,even though Scarlett might grudge them every mouthful.

When the soldiers were too ill to go on,and there were many such,Scarlett put them to bed with none too good grace.Each sick man meant another mouth to feed.Someone had to nurse him and that meant one less worker at the business of fence building,hoeing,weeding and plowing.One boy,on whose face a blond fuzz had just begun to sprout,was dumped on the front porch by a mounted soldier bound for Fayetteville.He had found him unconscious by the roadside and had brought him,across his saddle,to Tara,the nearest house.The girls thought he must be one of the little cadets who had been called out of military school when Sherman approached Milledgeville but they never knew,for he died without regaining consciousness and a search of his pockets yielded no information.

A nice-looking boy,obviously a gentleman,and somewhere to the south,some woman was watching the roads,wondering where he was and when he was coming home,just as she and Melanie,with a wild hope in their hearts,watched every bearded figure that came up their walk.They buried the cadet in the family burying ground,next to the three little O'Hara boys,and Melanie cried sharply as Pork filled in the grave wondering in her heart if strangers were doing this same thing to the tall body of Ashley.

Will Benteen was another soldier,like the nameless boy,who arrived unconscious across the saddle of a comrade.Will was acutely ill with pneumonia and when the girls put him to bed,they feared he would soon join the boy in the burying ground.

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