

“Miss Suzannah Talbot of Milledgeville.Us done move up hyah affer Ole Marse wuz kilt.”

“Does you know her,Miss Scarlett?”

“No,”said Scarlett,regretfully.“I know so few Milledgeville folks.”

“Den us'll walk,”said Mammy sternly.“Drive on,nigger.”

She picked up the carpetbag which held Scarlett's new velvet frock and bonnet and nightgown and tucked the neat bandana bundle that contained her own belongings under her arm and shepherded Scarlett across the wet expanse of cinders.Scarlett did not argue the matter,much as she preferred to ride,for she wished no disagreement with Mammy.Ever since yesterday afternoon when Mammy had caught her with the velvet curtains,there had been an alert suspicious look in her eyes which Scarlett did not like.It was going to be difficult to escape from her chaperonage and she did not intend to rouse Mammy's fighting blood before it was absolutely necessary.

As they walked along the narrow sidewalk toward Peachtree,Scarlett was dismayed and sorrowful,for Atlanta looked so devastated and different from what she remembered.They passed beside what had been the Atlanta Hotel where Rhett and Uncle Henry had lived and of that elegant hostelry there remained only a shell,a part of the blackened walls.The warehouses which had bordered the train tracks for a quarter of a mile and held tons of military supplies had not been rebuilt and their rectangular foundations looked dreary under the dark sky.Without the wall of buildings on either side and with the car shed gone,the railroad tracks seemed bare and exposed.Somewhere amid these ruins,undistinguishable from the others,lay what remained of her own warehouse on the property Charles had left her.Uncle Henry had paid last year's taxes on it for her.She'd have to repay that money some time.That was something else to worry about.

As they turned the corner into Peachtree Street and she looked toward Five Points,she cried out with shock.Despite all Frank had told her about the town burning to the ground,she had never really visualized complete destruction.In her mind the town she loved so well still stood full of close-packed buildings and fine houses.But this Peachtree Street she was looking upon was so denuded of landmarks it was as unfamiliar as if she had never seen it before.This muddy street down which she had driven a thousand times during the war,along which she had fled with ducked head and fear-quickened legs when shells burst over her during the siege,this street she had seen in the heat and hurry and anguish of the day of the retreat,was so strange looking she felt like crying.

Though many new buildings had sprung up in the year since Sherman marched out of the burning town and the Confederates returned,there were still wide vacant lots around Five Points where heaps of smudged broken bricks lay amid a jumble of rubbish,dead weeds and broom-sedge.There were the remains of a few buildings she remembered,roofless brick walls through which the dull daylight shone,glassless windows gaping,chimneys towering lonesomely.Here and there her eyes gladly picked out a familiar store which had partly survived shell and fire and had been repaired,the fresh red of new brick glaring bright against the smut of the old walls.On new store fronts and new office windows she saw the welcome names of men she knew but more often the names were unfamiliar,especially the dozens of shingles of strange doctors and lawyers and cotton merchants.Once she had known practically everyone in Atlanta and the sight of so many strange names depressed her.But she was cheered by the sight of new buildings going up all along the street.

There were dozens of them and several were three stories high!Everywhere building was going on,for as she looked down the street,trying to adjust her mind to the new Atlanta,she heard the blithe sound of hammers and saws,noticed scaffoldings rising and saw men climbing ladders with hods of bricks on their shoulders.She looked down the street she loved so well and her eyes misted a little.

“They burned you,”she thought,“and they laid you flat.But they didn't lick you.They couldn't lick you.You'll grow back just as big and sassy as you used to be!”

As she walked along Peachtree,followed by the waddling Mammy,she found the sidewalks just as crowded as they were at the height of the war and there was the same air of rush and bustle about the resurrecting town which had made her blood sing when she came here,so long ago,on her first visit to Aunt Pitty.There seemed to be just as many vehicles wallowing in the mud holes as there had been then,except that there were no Confederate ambulances,and just as many horses and mules tethered to hitching racks in front of the wooden awnings of the stores.Though the sidewalks were jammed,the faces she saw were as unfamiliar as the signs overhead,new people,many rough-looking men and tawdrily dressed women.The streets were black with loafing negroes who leaned against walls or sat on the curbing watching vehicles go past with the naive curiosity of children at a circus parade.

“Free issue country niggers,”snorted Mammy.“Ain'never seed a proper cah'ige in dere lives.An'impident lookin',too.”

They were impudent looking,Scarlett agreed,for they stared at her in an insolent manner,but she forgot them in the renewed shock of seeing blue uniforms.The town was full of Yankee soldiers,on horses,afoot,in army wagons,loafing on the street,reeling out of barrooms.

I'll never get used to them,she thought,clenching her fists.Never!and over her shoulder:“Hurry,Mammy,let's get out of this crowd.”

“Soon's Ah kick dis black trash outer mah way,”answered Mammy loudly,swinging the carpetbag at a black buck who loitered tantalizingly in front of her and making him leap aside.“Ah doan lak disyere town,Miss Scarlett.It's too full of Yankees an'cheap free issue.”

“It's nicer where it isn't so crowded.When we get across Five Points,it won't be so bad.”

  • 珍珠谜案


    随着时间的推移,简姨妈的三位侄女——贝丝、帕齐和露易丝都在成长的道路上收获着属于各自的快乐与淡淡的烦恼。在这本书中,贝丝、帕齐和约翰叔叔共同来到了加利福尼亚的南部。年纪大的侄女露易丝和丈夫亚瑟?威尔登搬来与大家共同生活。在聚会上,亚瑟遇见了旧识蒙特罗斯太太和她的两个侄女——莫德? 斯坦顿和弗洛?斯坦顿。在圣塔莫尼卡海滩,勇敢的莫德救起了几乎被海浪吞噬的陌生男孩。从此,大家的生活就与这位名叫A?琼斯的年轻男孩产生了千丝万缕的联系,并卷入了一桩奇特的珍珠谜案之中。
  • 一本书读懂消失的文明


  • 那些激励我前行的身影(每天读一点英文)


  • 艾米莉狄金森精选诗集


  • 曼斯菲尔德庄园(纯爱·英文馆)


  • 破天九幽决


  • 豪门千金很俏皮


  • 废女成凰


  • 官指大道


  • 千年轮回谱成歌:回歌


  • 万道吞天决


  • 浮生记星河


  • 独白与手势·红


  • 居委“小妈”


  • 七里樱

