

Mackenzie was rather surprised that the local office had provided Thorsson and Heideman with a Suburban. After her own clunker and the template rental cars she'd been stuck with over the past few months, she felt like she was traveling in style while sitting in the back with Ellington. When they arrived at the first scene an hour and ten minutes later, she was almost glad to be out of it, though. She wasn't used to such nice perks with her position and it made her feel a little uncomfortable.

Thorsson parked along the edge of State Route 14, a basic two-lane back road that wound through the forests of rural Iowa. The road was bordered with trees on both sides. During the few miles they had been on this road, Mackenzie had seen a few small dirt roads that seemed to have been long forgotten, chained off by a thin cable and two posts on either side of the tracks. Other than those few breaks, there was nothing more than trees.

Thorsson and Heideman led them past a few local cops who gave perfunctory waves as they passed. Up ahead, in front of two parked police cars, was a little red Subaru. The two driver's side tires were completely flat.

"What's the police force like around here?" Mackenzie asked.

"Small," Thorsson said. "The nearest town to here is a little place called Bent Creek. Population of about nine hundred. The police force consists of one sheriff-who is back there with those other guys-two deputies, and seven officers. They had a few suits from Des Moines come in but when we showed up, they stepped back. It's the FBI's problem now. That kind of thing."

"So they're glad we're here, in other words?" Ellington asked.

"Oh, absolutely," Thorsson said.

They approached the car and all circled it for a moment. Mackenzie took a look back at the officers. Only one of them seemed legitimately interested in what the visiting FBI agents were doing. As far as she was concerned, that was fine with her. She'd had her fair share of meddling small-town police officers making things harder than they had to be. It would be nice to work a job without having to tiptoe around the sensitivities and egos of the local PD.

"Has the car already been dusted for prints?" Mackenzie asked.

"Yeah, earlier this morning," Heideman said. "Help yourself."

Mackenzie opened the passenger side door. A brief look around told her that while the vehicle might have been dusted for prints, nothing had yet been removed and tagged as evidence. A cell phone still sat in the passenger seat. A pack of gum sat on top of a few scattered and folded pieces of paper in the center console.

"This is the author's car, correct?" Mackenzie asked.

"It is," Thorsson said. "Delores Manning."

Mackenzie continued checking the car. She found Manning's sunglasses, a mostly empty address book, a few copies of The Tin House scattered in the back seat, and spare change here and there. The trunk offered only a box of books. There were eighteen copies of a book called Love Blocked by Delores Manning.

"Was everything back here dusted for prints?" Mackenzie asked.

"No, I don't think so," Heideman said. "It's just a box of books, right?"

"Yes, but some are missing."

"She came from a signing," Thorsson said. "Chances are pretty good she sold some or gave some away."

It wasn't anything worth arguing about so she let it go. Still, Mackenzie flipped through two of the books. They had both been signed by Manning on the title page.

She put the books back into the box and then started to study the road. She walked along the edge, looking for any indentations where something might have been set up that would have flattened the tires. She looked over to Ellington and was pleased to see that he was already studying the flats. From where she stood, she could see the glittering shards of glass still sticking out of the tires.

There was more of the glass in the road ahead. The bit of sunlight that managed to break through the tree branches overhead bounced off of them in a way that was eerily pretty. She walked over to it and squatted down for a better look.

It was obvious that the glass had been placed there intentionally. It was located primarily close to the broken yellow lines in the center of the road. It was scattered here and there like sand but the main concentration had been spaced out to ensure that anyone driving along would run directly over it. A few larger shards remained in the road; the car had apparently missed these, as they had not been ground down into crumb-like bits. She picked up one of these larger pieces and studied it.

The glass was dark at first glance but as Mackenzie took a closer look, she saw that it had been painted black. To kill the glare of approaching headlights, she thought. Someone driving at night would see glass in their headlights…but not if it was painted black.

She selected a few pieces from the debris and scratched at a few larger pieces with her fingernail. The glass underneath was two different colors; most of it was clear but some of it had a very slight green tint to it. It was far too thick to be from any sort of drinking bottle or common jar. It had the thickness of something that a potter might make. Some if it looked to be easily as much as an inch and a half in width even after it had been broken and then shattered by Delores Manning's car.

"Anyone notice that this glass has been spray-painted?" she asked.

Along the side of the road, the officers were looking to one another as if confused. Even Thorsson and Heideman gave one another a quizzical look.

"That's a no," Thorsson said.

"Has any of it been bagged and analyzed yet?" Mackenzie asked.

"Bagged, yes," Thorsson said. "Analyzed, no. But there's a team on it right now. We should have some sort of results in a few hours. I guess they would have eventually gotten back to us on the spray paint."

"And this glass was not at any of the other scenes, is that correct?"

"That's right."

Mackenzie got to her feet, looking down at the glass as she started to paint a picture of the kind of suspect they might be looking for.

No glass at the previous scenes, she thought. That means the suspect was purposeful about this one woman. Why? Maybe the first two disappearances were just coincidence. Maybe the subject just happened to be in the right place at the right time. And if that was the case, he's definitely a local-a rural killer, not an urban one. But he's smart and calculated. He's not just doing his tasks by the seat of his pants.

Ellington came over to her and inspected the glass for himself. Without looking up at her, he asked: "Any initial thoughts?"

"A few."

"Such as?"

"He's a rural guy. Likely a local, as we thought. I also think this one was planned. The flat tires…he did it on purpose. If the glass was not present at the other scenes, he set it out only this time. It makes me think he had no control over the other two. It was just luck on his part. But this one…this one he had to work for."

"You think it's worth speaking to family?" Ellington asked.

She could not tell if he was quizzing her in some weird way like Bryers had once done or if he was genuinely interested in her methodology and approach.

"Might be the fastest way to get any answers for right now," she said. "Even if it nets nothing, it's a task completed."

"That sounds like a robot talking," Ellington said with a smile.

Ignoring him, Mackenzie walked back over to the car where Thorsson and Heideman had been watching them.

"Do we know where Delores Manning lives?" she asked.

"Well, she lives in Buffalo, New York," Thorsson said. "But she has family out near Sigourney."

"That's in Iowa, too, right?"

"It is," Thorsson said. "Her mother lives about ten minutes outside of the town. Father is deceased. No one has informed them of her disappearance yet. From what we can tell, she's only been missing for twenty-six hours or so. And while we can't confirm it, we can't help but wonder if she paid her family a visit while she was so close because of her book signing in Cedar Rapids."

"I think they should probably be informed," Mackenzie said.

"Same here," Ellington said, joining them.

"Be my guest, then," Thorsson chuckled. "Sigourney is about an hour and fifteen minutes away. We'd love to tag along," he added sarcastically, "but that wasn't in our orders."

As he said this, one of the policemen joined them. The badge he wore indicated that this was the sheriff of the area.

"You need us around for anything?" he asked.

"Nope," Ellington said. "Maybe just the name of a decent hotel around here."

"There's only one back in Bent Creek," the sheriff said. "So that's the only one I can really recommend."

"Well then, it looks like we'll take your recommendation. And we'll also need one for a rental car in Bent Creek."

"I can get you fixed up," the sheriff said, leaving it at that.

With a slight sense of feeling displaced, Mackenzie walked back to the Suburban and took her place in the back seat. As the three other agents piled in, Mackenzie started to think about those little dirt tracks off of State Route 14. Who owned that property? Where did the roads lead?

As they headed toward Bent Creek, the country roads seemed to present more and more questions in Mackenzie's mind…some menial but some very pressing. She collected them all as she thought about the broken glass in the road. She tried to imagine someone painting that glass with the clear intention of causing someone's car to break down.

It spoke of more than just intent. It indicated careful planning and knowing the flow of traffic along State Route 14 at that time of night.

Our guy is smart in a dangerous sort of way, she thought. He's also a planner and seems to be going after women only.

She started to put a profile together for such a suspect and instantly started to feel a sense of pressure…of the need to move quickly. She felt he was somewhere within this little rural hole of trees and winding roads, breaking up more glass, spraying it with spray paint.

And planning to capture another victim.

  • 背叛 (龙人日志系列#3)

    背叛 (龙人日志系列#3)

    “《背叛》扣人心弦的结尾会让读者欲罢不能,《背叛》因其紧凑的节奏,可以获得一个绝对的好评。”,是一个非常富有想象力的故事。”--The Dallas Examiner在《背叛》一书中(龙人日志系列#3),凯特琳潘恩从深度昏迷中醒来,发现自己已经被转变了。成了一个真正的,完整的龙人,她惊叹于自己的新能力,包括她的飞行能力和她超人的力量。她发现,她的真爱,迦勒,仍然在她身边,耐心地等待着她恢复。她拥有一切她所梦想的东西。直到这一切,突然间,可怕的事情出现了。凯特琳惊恐地发现,迦勒和他的前妻,塞拉,在一起。在迦勒还没有解释机会的时候,凯特琳就让他离开。凯特琳心灰意冷,十分迷茫,想蜷缩起来,等死,她唯一的安慰就是,她的狼幼崽——玫瑰。她的新环境也让凯特琳倍感安慰。她来到哈得逊河一个隐藏的岛屿上——Pollepel——发现了一群由十几岁的龙人组成的精英家庭,这里有男有女,总共24个人,包括她在内。她得知,这是被抛弃之人来的地方,就像她一样。在这里她遇到了她最好的朋友,波利,然后在精英龙人战中开始了她的训练,她意识到,她可能终于有了一个可以叫做家的地方。但是,一场龙人大战迫在眉睫,而她的弟弟山姆依然在外,被萨曼莎绑架。邪恶的凯尔,现在也挥舞着的神魔之剑,依旧立志掀起战争,他会不惜一切代价消灭纽约。凯特琳,尽管她有了新家,尽管在这里找到了新欢,但她知道,她不会永远留在这个岛上,当她的命运召唤她的时候,就得离开。毕竟,她仍然是那一个天选之子,所有的眼睛仍然期待着她,找到她的父亲和其他能拯救他们的武器。在感情方面,她在新朋友和迦勒之间挣扎,她必须决定,自己真心到底在谁身上,她是否愿意去冒这个险,不顾一切找到迦勒,让他重新回到她的生命中……“《背叛》是这个系列的第三部。是摩根赖斯这个系列的佼佼者。充满了动作、爱情、冒险和悬念。如果你还没有读过她的前两部小说,那就赶快去读把,然后就可以着手《背叛》了!”--DragonmenBookSite“《背叛》有着浪漫的爱情,扣人心弦的情节,有很多动作打斗,节奏紧凑。摩根赖斯让故事更上了一个台阶。故事里有好多精彩的惊喜,不读完你肯定都舍不得放手。--The Romance Reviews
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    Lend Me Your Ears

    The third edition of an internationally best-selling collection of classic and modern oratory, Lend Me Your Ears offers numerous examples of the greatest speeches ever delivered—from the ancient world to the modern. Speeches in this edition span a broad stretch of history, from General George Patton inspiring Allied troops on the eve of D-Day to Pericles' impassioned eulogy for fallen Greek soldiers during the Peloponnesian War; and from Jesus of Nazareth's greatest sermons to Ruth Bader Ginsburg's fiery speech in response to the Bush vs. Gore decision that changed the landscape of American politics in our time.Editor William Safire has collected a diverse range of speeches from both ancient and modern times, from people of many different backgrounds and political affiliations, and from people on both sides of history's greatest battles and events. This book provides a wealth of valuable examples of great oratory for writers, speakers, and history aficionados.
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  • 誓言 (龙人日志系列#7)

    誓言 (龙人日志系列#7)

    在《誓言》(龙人日志#7),凯特琳和迦勒发现,自己来到了中世纪的苏格兰,在1350年,在骑士和金甲的年代,在城堡和战士的年代,在寻求传说中包含真正的龙人不死之谜的圣杯的年代。他们降落在古代的斯凯岛,一个西苏格兰偏远的岛屿,在这里,生活着最精锐的战士,而且还接受了训练,他们欣喜若狂与山姆和波利团聚,还有斯嘉丽和露丝,一个人类国王和他的战士,以及艾登所有的家族成员。在他们可以继续完成使命,找到第四把也是最后一把钥匙的之前,迦勒和凯特琳举行了婚礼。在凯特琳从没想过的惊人大背景下,精心策划了一场龙人婚礼,包括所有的古老仪式和典礼。这是由波利和其他人精心策划的,一场永恒的婚礼。凯特琳和迦勒从来都没有如此幸福过。同时,山姆和波利,连他们自己都感到惊讶的是,都深深地爱上了彼此。随着他们关系的加深,山姆用用自己的誓言,给了波利惊喜。而波利则用她自己的令人震惊的消息给了他惊喜。但这一切美好的的表面之下。布雷克再次出现了,就在她的婚礼的前一天,他对凯特琳深深的爱,威胁到了她的团聚。塞拉再次出现,也并誓言要拆散她不能拥有的爱情。斯嘉丽也是,她发现自己处于危险之中,她的深层力量开始显现——伴随着她真实父母身份的显露。最糟糕的是,凯尔也跟着穿越了回来,并找到了他的老门生,Rynd,迫使他使用他的变身技能,以欺骗和杀害凯特琳和她的朋友。当他们落入他的精心陷阱中时,凯特琳和其他人发现,自己比以往任何时候都陷入了深深的危险。这将是一场比赛,在凯特琳所珍视的人都被消灭之前,她需要找到最后的钥匙。这一次,她将不得不做出她生活中最困难的选择和牺牲。《誓言》是龙人日志第七部(继《转变》、《爱》、《背叛》、《命中注定》、《理想》、《订婚》之后) ,但它也可以作为一本独立的小说。《誓言》越有60000字。
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  • 猎龙工会


  • 追妻无门:女boss不好惹


    青涩蜕变,如今她是能独当一面的女boss,爱了冷泽聿七年,也同样花了七年时间去忘记他。以为是陌路,他突然向他表白,扬言要娶她,她只当他是脑子抽风,他的殷勤她也全都无视。他帮她查她父母的死因,赶走身边情敌,解释当初拒绝她的告别,和故意对她冷漠都是无奈之举。突然爆出她父母的死居然和冷家有丝毫联系,还莫名跳出个公爵未婚夫,扬言要与她履行婚约。峰回路转,破镜还能重圆吗? PS:我又开新文了,每逢假期必书荒,新文《有你的世界遇到爱》,喜欢我的文的朋友可以来看看,这是重生类现言,对这个题材感兴趣的一定要收藏起来。
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