

We came after a while to a sort of marshy lake, very big, so that the circling forest looked quite low and dim across it. Our guide told us that boats could go from there to our camp--but "long way--all day."This water was somewhat clearer than that we had left, but we could not judge well from the margin. We skirted it for another half hour or so, the ground growing firmer as we advanced, and presently we turned the corner of a wooded promontory and saw a quite different country--a sudden view of mountains, steep and bare.

"One of those long easterly spurs," Terry said appraisingly.

"May be hundreds of miles from the range. They crop out like that."Suddenly we left the lake and struck directly toward the cliffs. We heard running water before we reached it, and the guide pointed proudly to his river.

It was short. We could see where it poured down a narrow vertical cataract from an opening in the face of the cliff. It was sweet water. The guide drank eagerly and so did we.

"That's snow water," Terry announced. "Must come from way back in the hills."But as to being red and blue--it was greenish in tint. The guide seemed not at all surprised. He hunted about a little and showed us a quiet marginal pool where there were smears of red along the border; yes, and of blue.

Terry got out his magnifying glass and squatted down to investigate.

"Chemicals of some sort--I can't tell on the spot. Look to me like dyestuffs. Let's get nearer," he urged, "up there by the fall."We scrambled along the steep banks and got close to the pool that foamed and boiled beneath the falling water. Here we searched the border and found traces of color beyond dispute.

More--Jeff suddenly held up an unlooked-for trophy.

It was only a rag, a long, raveled fragment of cloth. But it was a well-woven fabric, with a pattern, and of a clear scarlet that the water had not faded. No savage tribe that we had heard of made such fabrics.

The guide stood serenely on the bank, well pleased with our excitement.

"One day blue--one day red--one day green," he told us, and pulled from his pouch another strip of bright-hued cloth.

"Come down," he said, pointing to the cataract. "Woman Country--up there."Then we were interested. We had our rest and lunch right there and pumped the man for further information. He could tell us only what the others had--a land of women--no men--babies, but all girls. No place for men--dangerous. Some had gone to see--none had come back.

I could see Terry's jaw set at that. No place for men?

Dangerous? He looked as if he might shin up the waterfall on the spot.

But the guide would not hear of going up, even if there had been any possible method of scaling that sheer cliff, and we had to get back to our party before night.

"They might stay if we told them," I suggested.

But Terry stopped in his tracks. "Look here, fellows," he said.

"This is our find. Let's not tell those cocky old professors. Let's go on home with 'em, and then come back--just us--have a little expedition of our own."We looked at him, much impressed. There was something attractive to a bunch of unattached young men in finding an undiscovered country of a strictly Amazonian nature.

Of course we didn't believe the story--but yet!

"There is no such cloth made by any of these local tribes,"I announced, examining those rags with great care. "Somewhere up yonder they spin and weave and dye--as well as we do.""That would mean a considerable civilization, Van. There couldn't be such a place--and not known about.""Oh, well, I don't know. What's that old republic up in the Pyrenees somewhere--Andorra? Precious few people know anything about that, and it's been minding its own business for a thousand years. Then there's Montenegro--splendid little state--you could lose a dozen Montenegroes up and down these great ranges."We discussed it hotly all the way back to camp. We discussed it with care and privacy on the voyage home. We discussed it after that, still only among ourselves, while Terry was making his arrangements.

He was hot about it. Lucky he had so much money--we might have had to beg and advertise for years to start the thing, and then it would have been a matter of public amusement--just sport for the papers.

But T. O. Nicholson could fix up his big steam yacht, load his specially-made big motorboat aboard, and tuck in a "dissembled"biplane without any more notice than a snip in the society column.

We had provisions and preventives and all manner of supplies.

His previous experience stood him in good stead there. It was a very complete little outfit.

We were to leave the yacht at the nearest safe port and go up that endless river in our motorboat, just the three of us and a pilot;then drop the pilot when we got to that last stopping place of the previous party, and hunt up that clear water stream ourselves.

The motorboat we were going to leave at anchor in that wide shallow lake. It had a special covering of fitted armor, thin but strong, shut up like a clamshell.

"Those natives can't get into it, or hurt it, or move it," Terry explained proudly. "We'll start our flier from the lake and leave the boat as a base to come back to.""If we come back," I suggested cheerfully.

"`Fraid the ladies will eat you?" he scoffed.

"We're not so sure about those ladies, you know," drawled Jeff. "There may be a contingent of gentlemen with poisoned arrows or something.""You don't need to go if you don't want to," Terry remarked drily.

"Go? You'll have to get an injunction to stop me!" Both Jeff and I were sure about that.

But we did have differences of opinion, all the long way.

An ocean voyage is an excellent time for discussion. Now we had no eavesdroppers, we could loll and loaf in our deck chairs and talk and talk--there was nothing else to do. Our absolute lack of facts only made the field of discussion wider.

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