

Baron Hulot, enjoying a course of solid food such as he had not known for nearly three years, recovered flesh and strength, and was almost himself again. This improvement was such a joy to Adeline that her nervous trembling perceptibly diminished.

"She will be happy after all," said Lisbeth to herself on the day before she died, as she saw the veneration with which the Baron regarded his wife, of whose sufferings he had heard from Hortense and Victorin.

And vindictiveness hastened Cousin Betty's end. The family followed her, weeping, to the grave.

The Baron and Baroness, having reached the age which looks for perfect rest, gave up the handsome rooms on the first floor to the Count and Countess Steinbock, and took those above. The Baron by his son's exertions found an official position in the management of a railroad, in 1845, with a salary of six thousand francs, which, added to the six thousand of his pension and the money left to him by Madame Crevel, secured him an income of twenty-four thousand francs. Hortense having enjoyed her independent income during the three years of separation from Wenceslas, Victorin now invested the two hundred thousand francs he had in trust, in his sister's name and he allowed her twelve thousand francs.

Wenceslas, as the husband of a rich woman, was not unfaithful, but he was an idler; he could not make up his mind to begin any work, however trifling. Once more he became the artist /in partibus/; he was popular in society, and consulted by amateurs; in short, he became a critic, like all the feeble folk who fall below their promise.

Thus each household, though living as one family, had its own fortune.

The Baroness, taught by bitter experience, left the management of matters to her son, and the Baron was thus reduced to his salary, in hope that the smallness of his income would prevent his relapsing into mischief. And by some singular good fortune, on which neither the mother nor the son had reckoned, Hulot seemed to have foresworn the fair sex. His subdued behaviour, ascribed to the course of nature, so completely reassured the family, that they enjoyed to the full his recovered amiability and delightful qualities. He was unfailingly attentive to his wife and children, escorted them to the play, reappeared in society, and did the honors to his son's house with exquisite grace. In short, this reclaimed prodigal was the joy of his family.

He was a most agreeable old man, a ruin, but full of wit, having retained no more of his vice than made it an added social grace.

Of course, everybody was quite satisfied and easy. The young people and the Baroness lauded the model father to the skies, forgetting the death of the two uncles. Life cannot go on without much forgetting!

Madame Victorin, who managed this enormous household with great skill, due, no doubt, to Lisbeth's training, had found it necessary to have a man-cook. This again necessitated a kitchen-maid. Kitchen-maids are in these days ambitious creatures, eager to detect the /chef's/ secrets, and to become cooks as soon as they have learnt to stir a sauce.

Consequently, the kitchen-maid is liable to frequent change.

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    【架空】一个游走于太空的黑科技高手,被坑重生为学校赫赫有名的废物学渣。从此摇身一变,狂上天!次次考试年级第一!就问你服不服!驯万兽,擅暗杀!体能吊打!就问你怕不怕!却不料,阴差阳错碰到了一个死缠乱打的男人。从此以后——妇唱夫随。她虐渣,他鼓掌。她去哪,他跟哪。赤国人都知道,向来冷酷无情的他,因为一个女人,从而变成了宠妻狂魔,还因乐此不疲。某妻奴经典语录:爱她,就要以她为尊,视她为宝,护她一生! 推荐新文【全能王妃上线了】霸气团宠爽文等你来!
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    在整个国家,就连皇帝也是他的傀儡,这是朝廷上一个众所周知的秘密。而她,是从二十一世纪穿越而来的医学院高材生。她无故成了应家唯一的千金小姐,也成为了他对立面的人的女儿。同时,她也即将成为交换对象嫁给他……但嫁给他第一天,就被安排到了破旧的西院。 但是,在这破旧的西院,为何还有一个五官俊朗的侠客?他是不是侠客应有语不知道,但他的身份一定不简单。 …… “若日后你发现我性情大变,不再是如此性格,那便是真正的应有语回来了。”她与他并肩坐着,看着天空中几颗发着微弱的光的星星。 “你何时会离开?” “我不知道。” 这几日,她愈发感觉身体不受自己控制,有时还会有奇怪的声音喊她,时而喊应有语,时而喊应妙妙,连她自己都快不知道自己是谁了。 ———————————————— 缘来缘去,终是一场空。 应妙妙今日在医院上白班,吃过午饭,她正在走廊上走着,忽然急匆匆地冲来一群医护人员,推着一个男人往急救室去。 “快!去喊陈医生。”说完,立即推着担架从应妙妙身边擦过去。 应妙妙不经意地瞥了一眼,忽的,她竟感觉有些呼吸急促。 “是他?!”————详情见正文~————
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