

My next bout with John Barleycorn occurred when I was seven.This time my imagination was at fault,and I was frightened into the encounter.Still farming,my family had moved to a ranch on the bleak sad coast of San Mateo County,south of San Francisco.It was a wild,primitive countryside in those days;and often I heard my mother pride herself that we were old American stock and not immigrant Irish and Italians like our neighbours.In all our section there was only one other old American family.

One Sunday morning found me,how or why I cannot now remember,at the Morrisey ranch.A number of young people had gathered there from the nearer ranches.Besides,the oldsters had been there,drinking since early dawn,and,some of them,since the night before.The Morriseys were a huge breed,and there were many strapping great sons and uncles,heavy-booted,big-fisted,rough-voiced.

Suddenly there were screams from the girls and cries of "Fight!"There was a rush.Men hurled themselves out of the kitchen.Two giants,flush-faced,with greying hair,were locked in each other's arms.One was Black Matt,who,everybody said,had killed two men in his time.The women screamed softly,crossed themselves,or prayed brokenly,hiding their eyes and peeping through their fingers.But not I.It is a fair presumption that I was the most interested spectator.Maybe I would see that wonderful thing,a man killed.Anyway,I would see a man-fight.

Great was my disappointment.Black Matt and Tom Morrisey merely held on to each other and lifted their clumsy-booted feet in what seemed a grotesque,elephantine dance.They were too drunk to fight.Then the peacemakers got hold of them and led them back to cement the new friendship in the kitchen.

Soon they were all talking at once,rumbling and roaring as big-chested open-air men will,when whisky has whipped their taciturnity.And I,a little shaver of seven,my heart in my mouth,my trembling body strung tense as a deer's on the verge of flight,peered wonderingly in at the open door and learned more of the strangeness of men.And I marvelled at Black Matt and Tom Morrisey,sprawled over the table,arms about each other's necks,weeping lovingly.

The kitchen-drinking continued,and the girls outside grew timorous.They knew the drink game,and all were certain that something terrible was going to happen.They protested that they did not wish to be there when it happened,and some one suggested going to a big Italian rancho four miles away,where they could get up a dance.Immediately they paired off,lad and lassie,and started down the sandy road.And each lad walked with his sweetheart--trust a child of seven to listen and to know the love-affairs of his countryside.And behold,I,too,was a lad with a lassie.A little Irish girl of my own age had been paired off with me.We were the only children in this spontaneous affair.

Perhaps the oldest couple might have been twenty.There were chits of girls,quite grown up,of fourteen and sixteen,walking with their fellows.But we were uniquely young,this little Irish girl and I,and we walked hand in hand,and,sometimes,under the tutelage of our elders,with my arm around her waist.Only that wasn't comfortable.And I was very proud,on that bright Sunday morning,going down the long bleak road among the sandhills.I,too,had my girl,and was a little man.

The Italian rancho was a bachelor establishment.Our visit was hailed with delight.The red wine was poured in tumblers for all,and the long dining-room was partly cleared for dancing.And the young fellows drank and danced with the girls to the strains of an accordion.To me that music was divine.I had never heard anything so glorious.The young Italian who furnished it would even get up and dance,his arms around his girl,playing the accordion behind her back.All of which was very wonderful for me,who did not dance,but who sat at a table and gazed wide-eyed at the amazingness of life.I was only a little lad,and there was so much of life for me to learn.As the time passed,the Irish lads began helping themselves to the wine,and jollity and high spirits reigned.I noted that some of them staggered and fell down in the dances,and that one had gone to sleep in a corner.Also,some of the girls were complaining,and wanting to leave,and others of the girls were titteringly complacent,willing for anything to happen.

When our Italian hosts had offered me wine in a general sort of way,I had declined.My beer experience had been enough for me,and I had no inclination to traffic further in the stuff,or in anything related to it.Unfortunately,one young Italian,Peter,an impish soul,seeing me sitting solitary,stirred by a whim of the moment,half-filled a tumbler with wine and passed it to me.

He was sitting across the table from me.I declined.His face grew stern,and he insistently proffered the wine.And then terror descended upon me--a terror which I must explain.

My mother had theories.First,she steadfastly maintained that brunettes and all the tribe of dark-eyed humans were deceitful.

Needless to say,my mother was a blonde.Next,she was convinced that the dark-eyed Latin races were profoundly sensitive,profoundly treacherous,and profoundly murderous.Again and again,drinking in the strangeness and the fearsomeness of the world from her lips,I had heard her state that if one offended an Italian,no matter how slightly and unintentionally,he was certain to retaliate by stabbing one in the back.That was her particular phrase--"stab you in the back."Now,although I had been eager to see Black Matt kill Tom Morrisey that morning,I did not care to furnish to the dancers the spectacle of a knife sticking in my back.I had not yet learned to distinguish between facts and theories.My faith was implicit in my mother's exposition of the Italian character.Besides,Ihad some glimmering inkling of the sacredness of hospitality.

  • 太上玉清谢罪登真宝忏


  • 对联话


  • 闽部疏


  • 温病正宗


  • 老残游记续集


  • 秦岭论语


  • 流离的萤火爱情


  • 爱在唐诗,情在宋词


  • 优然自得


    一睁眼又成了那个贪嘴从果树上摔下来的邋遢丫头。哦嚯…亲爹不要,亲娘跑了。好吧…又回到了在继母娘家吃不饱,穿不暖的日子。那我上山抓野鸡,下河捕鱼给自己改善生活。 好不容易养的白白嫩嫩能见人了。继母又使坏想让自己嫁给那豁牙子?这可绝对不行,优然是我的。某奶狗表示坚决反对!
  • 机甲原始人


  • 张居正(全4册)


    中国千古第一奇相大传,全票获得第六届茅盾文学奖、首届姚雪垠长篇历史小说奖、中宣部五个一工程奖,被誉为中国新时期长篇小说的里程碑!已被改编成电视剧《万历首辅张居正》,由唐国强、梅婷、冯远征、智一桐、巫刚等一众老戏骨主演。张居正是一位个性不凡的改革家,是彪炳史册的传奇人物。他登上首辅之位后,理政十年:整顿吏治,刷新颓风;整治教育,延揽济世之才;革新税赋,梳理财政。拯朱明王朝将倾之厦,使万历时期成为大明王朝*为富庶的时代。 在风云际会之中,张居正思想深邃,刚毅深沉,多谋善断,声势显赫,无与伦比。然而,他一朝大权在握,却又独断专行,偏信阿谀奉承,引得附势者趋之若骛。权势欲促使他步入人生高峰,也引发身后祸起萧墙。隆葬归天之际,即是遭人非议之时,结果家产尽抄,爵封皆夺,祸连八旬老母,罪及子孙。作为一名政治家,张居正是中国历史上卓有成效的人;可是作为一个人,他却是一个失败者。“生前显耀,死后悲凉”是对他一生*好的概括。他生前死后毁誉之悬殊,除个人原因之外,也可见政治险恶、世态炎凉。而且,张居正的命运也客观揭示了悲剧产生的历史背景与人物的性格缺陷,为今天的读者反思提供了形象的文学读本。
  • 唯美食与你不可辜


  • 冠心病的保健细节和养生(现代健康丛书)


  • 长空子


  • 弃妇重生有毒

