
第89章 Volume 3(17)

I was finishing one to the very same quarter when you came in,and if a sound rousing be worth anything,I think I shall have a special messenger before two days have passed.I have been anxiously considering with myself,as to whether I had better imperfectly clear up your doubts by submitting to your inspection the two letters which I have already received,or wait till I can triumphantly vindicate myself by the production of the documents which I have already mentioned,and Ihave,I think,not unnaturally decided upon the latter course.However,there is a person in the next room whose testimony is not without its value excuse me for one moment.'

So saying,he arose and went to the door of a closet which opened from the study;this he unlocked,and half opening the door,he said,'It is only I,'and then slipped into the room and carefully closed and locked the door behind him.

I immediately heard his voice in animated conversation.My curiosity upon the subject of the letter was naturally great,so,smothering any little scruples which Imight have felt,I resolved to look at the address of the letter which lay,as my husband had left it,with its face upon the table.I accordingly drew it over to me and turned up the direction.

For two or three moments I could scarce believe my eyes,but there could be no mistake--in large characters were traced the words,'To the Archangel Gabriel in Heaven.'

I had scarcely returned the letter to its original position,and in some degree recovered the shock which this unequivocal proof of insanity produced,when the closet door was unlocked,and Lord Glenfallen re-entered the study,carefully closing and locking the door again upon the outside.

'Whom have you there?'inquired I,making a strong effort to appear calm.

'Perhaps,'said he,musingly,'you might have some objection to seeing her,at least for a time.'

'Who is it?'repeated I.

'Why,'said he,'I see no use in hiding it--the blind Dutchwoman.I have been with her the whole morning.She is very anxious to get out of that closet;but you know she is odd,she is scarcely to be trusted.'

A heavy gust of wind shook the door at this moment with a sound as if something more substantial were pushing against it.

'Ha,ha,ha!--do you hear her?' said he,with an obstreperous burst of laughter.

The wind died away in a long howl,and Lord Glenfallen,suddenly checking his merriment,shrugged his shoulders,and muttered:

'Poor devil,she has been hardly used.'

'We had better not tease her at present with questions,'said I,in as unconcerned a tone as I could assume,although I felt every moment as if I should faint.

'Humph!may be so,'said he.'Well,come back in an hour or two,or when you please,and you will find us here.'

He again unlocked the door,and entered with the same precautions which he had adopted before,locking the door upon the inside;and as I hurried from the room,Iheard his voice again exerted as if in eager parley.

I can hardly describe my emotions;my hopes had been raised to the highest,and now,in an instant,all was gone--the dreadful consummation was accomplished--the fearful retribution had fallen upon the guilty man--the mind was destroyed--the power to repent was gone.

The agony of the hours which followed what I would still call my AWFULinterview with Lord Glenfallen,I cannot describe;my solitude was,however,broken in upon by Martha,who came to inform me of the arrival of a gentleman,who expected me in the parlour.

I accordingly descended,and,to my great joy,found my father seated by the fire.

This expedition upon his part was easily accounted for:my communications had touched the honour of the family.Ispeedily informed him of the dreadful malady which had fallen upon the wretched man.

My father suggested the necessity of placing some person to watch him,to prevent his injuring himself or others.

I rang the bell,and desired that one Edward Cooke,an attached servant of the family,should be sent to me.

I told him distinctly and briefly the nature of the service required of him,and,attended by him,my father and Iproceeded at once to the study.The door of the inner room was still closed,and everything in the outer chamber remained in the same order in which I had left it.

We then advanced to the closet-door,at which we knocked,but without receiving any answer.

We next tried to open the door,but in vain--it was locked upon the inside.

We knocked more loudly,but in vain.

Seriously alarmed,I desired the servant to force the door,which was,after several violent efforts,accomplished,and we entered the closet.

Lord Glenfallen was lying on his face upon a sofa.

'Hush!'said I,'he is asleep.'We paused for a moment.

'He is too still for that,'said my father.

We all of us felt a strong reluctance to approach the figure.

'Edward,'said I,'try whether your master sleeps.'

The servant approached the sofa where Lord Glenfallen lay.He leant his ear towards the head of the recumbent figure,to ascertain whether the sound of breathing was audible.He turned towards us,and said:

'My lady,you had better not wait here;

I am sure he is dead!'

'Let me see the face,'said I,terribly agitated;'you MAY be mistaken.'

The man then,in obedience to my command,turned the body round,and,gracious God!what a sight met my view.He was,indeed,perfectly dead.

The whole breast of the shirt,with its lace frill,was drenched with gore,as was the couch underneath the spot where he lay.

The head hung back,as it seemed,almost severed from the body by a frightful gash,which yawned across the throat.The instrument which had inflicted it was found under his body.

All,then,was over;I was never to learn the history in whose termination I had been so deeply and so tragically involved.

The severe discipline which my mind had undergone was not bestowed in vain.Idirected my thoughts and my hopes to that place where there is no more sin,nor danger,nor sorrow.

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