

Surely the one to some extent implies the other.""Why, hardly," he answered, leaning back luxuriously in his arm- chair, and sending up thick blue wreaths from his pipe."For example, observation shows me that you have been to the Wigmore Street Post- Office this morning, but deduction lets me know that when there you dispatched a telegram.""Right!" said I."Right on both points! But I confess that I don't see how you arrived at it.It was a sudden impulse upon my part, and I have mentioned it to no one.""It is simplicity itself," he remarked, chuckling at my surprise,--"so absurdly simple that an explanation is superfluous; and yet it may serve to define the limits of observation and of deduction.Observation tells me that you have a little reddish mould adhering to your instep.Just opposite the Seymour Street Office they have taken up the pavement and thrown up some earth which lies in such a way that it is difficult to avoid treading in it in entering.The earth is of this peculiar reddish tint which is found, as far as I know, nowhere else in the neighborhood.So much is observation.The rest is deduction.""How, then, did you deduce the telegram?""Why, of course I knew that you had not written a letter, since I sat opposite to you all morning.I see also in your open desk there that you have a sheet of stamps and a thick bundle of post- cards.What could you go into the post-office for, then, but to send a wire? Eliminate all other factors, and the one which remains must be the truth.""In this case it certainly is so," I replied, after a little thought."The thing, however, is, as you say, of the simplest.Would yo think me impertinent if I were to put your theories to a more severe test?""On the contrary," he answered, "it would prevent me from taking a second dose of cocaine.I should be delighted to look into any problem which you might submit to me.""I have heard you say that it is difficult for a man to have any object in daily use without leaving the impress of his individuality upon it in such a way that a trained observer might read it.Now, I have here a watch which has recently come into my possession.Would you have thekindness to let me have an opinion upon the character or habits of the late owner?"I handed him over the watch with some slight feeling of amusement in my heart, for the test was, as I thought, an impossible one, and I intended it as a lesson against the somewhat dogmatic tone which he occasionally assumed.He balanced the watch in his hand, gazed hard at the dial, opened the back, and examined the works, first with his naked eyes and then with a powerful convex lens.I could hardly keep from smiling at his crestfallen face when he finally snapped the case to and handed it back."There are hardly any data," he remarked."The watch has beenrecently cleaned, which robs me of my most suggestive facts.""You are right," I answered."It was cleaned before being sent to me." In my heart I accused my companion of putting forward a most lame and impotent excuse to cover his failure.What data could he expect from an uncleaned watch?

"Though unsatisfactory, my research has not been entirely barren," he observed, staring up at the ceiling with dreamy, lack-lustre eyes."Subject to your correction, I should judge that the watch belonged to your elder brother, who inherited it from your father.""That you gather, no doubt, from the H.W.upon the back?""Quite so.The W.suggests your own name.The date of the watch is nearly fifty years back, and the initials are as old as the watch: so it was made for the last generation.Jewelry usually descents to the eldest son, and he is most likely to have the same name as the father.Your father has, if I remember right, been dead many years.It has, therefore, been in the hands of your eldest brother.""Right, so far," said I."Anything else?"

"He was a man of untidy habits,--very untidy and careless.He was left with good prospects, but he threw away his chances, lived for some time in poverty with occasional short intervals of prosperity, and finally, taking to drink, he died.That is all I can gather."I sprang from my chair and limped impatiently about the room with considerable bitterness in my heart.

"This is unworthy of you, Holmes," I said."I could not havebelieved that you would have descended to this.You have made inquires into the history of my unhappy brother, and you now pretend to deduce this knowledge in some fanciful way.You cannot expect me to believe that you have read all this from his old watch! It is unkind, and, to speak plainly, has a touch of charlatanism in it.""My dear doctor," said he, kindly, "pray accept my apologies.Viewing the matter as an abstract problem, I had forgotten how personal and painful a thing it might be to you.I assure you, however, that I never even know that you had a brother until you handed me the watch.""Then how in the name of all that is wonderful did you get these facts? They are absolutely correct in every particular.""Ah, that is good luck.I could only say what was the balance of probability.I did not at all expect to be so accurate.""But it was not mere guess-work?"

"No, no: I never guess.It is a shocking habit,--destructive to the logical faculty.What seems strange to you is only so because you do not follow my train of thought or observe the small facts upon which large inferences may depend.For example, I began by stating that your brother was careless.When you observe the lower part of that watch- case you notice that it is not only dinted in two places, but it is cut and marked all over from the habit of keeping other hard objects, such as coins or keys, in the same pocket.Surely it is no great feat to assume that a man who treats a fifty-guinea watch so cavalierly must be a careless man.Neither is it a very far-fetched inference that a man who inherits one article of such value is pretty well provided for in other respects."I nodded, to show that I followed his reasoning.

"It is very customary for pawnbrokers in England, when they take a watch, to scratch the number of the ticket with a pin-point upon the inside of the case.It is more handy than a label, as there is no risk of the number being lost or transposed.There are no less than four such numbers visible to my lens on the inside of this case.Inference,--that your brother was often at low water.Secondary inference,--that he had occasional bursts of prosperity, or he could not have redeemed the pledge.Finally, I ask you to look at the inner plate, which contains the key-hole.

Look at the thousands of scratches all round the hole,--marks where the key has slipped.What sober man's key could have scored those grooves? But you will never see a drunkard's watch without them.He winds it at night, and he leaves these traces of his unsteady hand.Where is the mystery in all this?""It is as clear as daylight," I answered."I regret the injustice which I did you.I should have had more faith in your marvellous faculty.May I ask whether you have any professional inquiry on foot at present?""None.Hence the cocaine.I cannot live without brain-work.What else is there to live for? Stand at the window here.Was ever such a dreary, dismal, unprofitable world? See how the yellow fog swirls down the street and drifts across the dun- colored houses.What could be more hopelessly prosaic and material? What is the use of having powers, doctor, when one has no field upon which to exert them? Crime is commonplace, existence is commonplace, and no qualities save those which are commonplace have any function upon earth."I had opened my mouth to reply to this tirade, when with a crisp knock our landlady entered, bearing a card upon the brass salver.

"A young lady for you, sir," she said, addressing my companion.

"Miss Mary Morstan," he read."Hum! I have no recollection of the name.Ask the young lady to step up, Mrs.Hudson.Don't go, doctor.I should prefer that you remain."

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    前世,她太过懦弱、太过信任他人,被心上人和至亲连手推入最难堪的境地,却原来,所有的脉脉柔情和温暖关怀,都不过是为了她不菲的财产和那个不欲人知的秘密。狠毒的舅母,将她生生毒死。自黑暗之中醒来,她竟重生到了四年前,那时,父母刚刚双亡,她刚刚踏入伯爵府,再一次,她站在了命运的转折点前。带着浓浓恨意重生的她,化身为一半佳人一半魔鬼的罂粟花,誓要向那些恣意践踏她尊严的人,索回一切……精彩抢先看:“小姐,舅夫人竟然四处诋毁您的名誉,把您说得刁蛮任性不识好歹,表小姐的缺点全放到您身上,太可气了!”忠心的丫头义愤填膺。“那又如何?”俞筱晚只是淡然浅笑,前世的她就是太过在意名声,才会处处受制于人,如今的她只想潇洒恣意地活,旁人的流言蜚语,不过是耳旁轻风。不就是怕她的巨额嫁妆流入外人田吗?她还非要将带着十里红妆,风光出嫁不可了。只不过,怎么挑来挑去,竟挑了一个跟她明显属于一类的家伙?本文复仇是必然滴,基调是温馨滴,过程是曲折滴、结局是圆满滴,男主是有爱滴,女主是表里完全不一滴,收藏了,一定不会后悔滴╰( ̄▽ ̄)╮~~~~~◆◆◆◆◆◆强烈推荐本人的完结文《妾本庶出》宅斗、种田、爱情、雪冤、励志京城最大的扫帚星要娶亲,嫡母巧舌如簧,竟将她送入虎口。虽为庶女,可她又岂容人任意欺凌?此女,外表柔顺内心强悍,貌似单纯实则狡猾,前一世为名利忙忙碌碌,这一世,她想做的事情并不多,护着娘不被正房嫡妻欺凌,护着幼弟平安健康长大,偏偏一道圣旨令她嫁入公主府。既来之则安之,看她如何八面玲珑,舌战极品亲戚,脚踢险恶手足。只是,不论她再如何强势,却依旧改变不了丈夫面容被毁,身有残疾的事实。原本以为这一生就这般浑噩的过,却不料那冷面相公每每转身都能给自己带来无限的惊喜和错愕。★★★推荐好友的文文★★★《望门闺秀》《重生之高门嫡女》《弃妇翻身》《弃妇太逍遥》《霸王小小妻》《盗妻魅夫》《嫡出丑妃》《重生之爆力医女》《名门弃妇》《高门弃妇》在移动手机阅读平台上使用的名称为《腹黑娘子,我来宠!》
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