

Fanny was shocked."They say somebody made a mistake when he was still in the bottle-thought he was a Gamma and put alcohol into his blood-surrogate.That's why he's so stunted."

"What nonsense!"Lenina was indignant.

"Sleep teaching was actually prohibited in England.There was something called liberalism.Parliament,if you know what that was,passed a law against it.The records survive.Speeches about liberty of the subject.Liberty to be inefficient and miserable.Freedom to be a round peg in a square hole."

"But,my dear chap,you're welcome,I assure you.You're welcome."Henry Foster patted the Assistant Predestinator on the shoulder."Everyone belongs to everyone else,after all."

One hundred repetitions three nights a week for four years,thought Bernard Marx,who was a specialist on hypnopaedia.Sixty-two thousand four hundred repetitions make one truth.Idiots!

"Or the Caste System.Constantly proposed,constantly rejected.There was something called democracy.As though men were more than physico-chemically equal."

"Well,all I can say is that I'm going to accept his invitation."

Bernard hated them,hated them.But they were two,they were large,they were strong.

"The Nine Years'War began in A.F.141."

"Not even if it were true about the alcohol in his blood-surrogate."

"Phosgene,chloropicrin,ethyl iodoacetate,diphenylcyanarsine,trichlormethyl chloroformate,dichlorethyl sulphide.Not to mention hydrocyanic acid."

"Which I simply don't believe,"Lenina concluded.

"The noise of fourteen thousand aeroplanes advancing in open order.But in the Kurfurstendamm and the Eighth Arrondissement,the explosion of the anthrax bombs is hardly louder than the popping of a paper bag."

"Because I do want to see a Savage Reservation."

CH?C?H?(NO?)?+Hg(CNO)?=well,what?An enormous hole in the ground,a pile of masonry,some bits of flesh and mucus,a foot,with the boot still on it,flying through the air and landing,flop,in the middle of the geraniums-the scarlet ones;such a splendid show that summer!

"You're hopeless,Lenina,I give you up."

"The Russian technique for infecting water supplies was particularly ingenious."

Back turned to back,Fanny and Lenina continued their changing in silence.

"The Nine Years'War,the great Economic Collapse.There was a choice between World Control and destruction.Between stability and……"

"Fanny Crowne's a nice girl too,"said the Assistant Predestinator.

In the nurseries,the Elementary Class Consciousness lesson was over,the voices were adapting future demand to future industrial supply."I do love flying,"they whispered,"I do love flying,I do love having new clothes,I do love……"

"Liberalism,of course,was dead of anthrax,but all the same you couldn't do things by force."

"Not nearly so pneumatic as Lenina.Oh,not nearly."

"But old clothes are beastly,"continued the untiring whisper."We always throw away old clothes.Ending is better than mending,ending is better than mending,ending is better……"

"Government's an affair of sitting,not hitting.You rule with the brains and the buttocks,never with the fists.For example,there was the conion of consumption."

"There,I'm ready,"said Lenina;but Fanny remained speechless and averted."Let's make peace,Fanny darling."

"Every man,woman and child compelled to consume so much a year.In the interests of industry.The sole result……"

"Ending is better than mending.The more stitches,the less riches;the more stitches……"

"One of these days,"said Fanny,with dismal emphasis,"you'll get into trouble."

"Conscientious objection on an enormous scale.Anything not to consume.Back to nature."

"I do love flying,I do love flying."

"Back to culture.Yes,actually to culture.You can't consume much if you sit still and read books."

"Do I look all right?"Lenina asked.Her jacket was made of bottle-green acetate cloth with green viscose fur at the cuffs and collar.

"Eight hundred Simple Lifers were mowed down by machine guns at Golders Green."

"Ending is better than mending,ending is better than mending."

Green corduroy shorts and white viscose-woollen stockings turned down below the knee.

"Then came the famous British Museum Massacre.Two thousand culture fans gassed with dichlorethyl sulphide."

A green-and-white jockey cap shaded Lenina's eyes;her shoes were bright green and highly polished.

"In the end,"said Mustapha Mond,"the Controllers realized that force was no good.The slower but infinitely surer methods of ectogenesis,neo-Pavlovian conditioning and hypnopaedia……"

And round her waist she wore a silver-mounted green morocco-surrogate cartridge belt,bulging(for Lenina was not a freemartin)with the regulation supply of contraceptives.

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