
This Changes Everything

状态:连载作者:Sarah van Gelder

The central thesis of this book is “This Changes Everything.” The authors show how this movement changes.

第3章 INTRODUCTION(2021-11-14 00:52:41)
  • Obsolete


    Thanks to advancing technology and shifting mores, the amount of change we experience in our lifetimes is truly exceptional. Objects and practices that are commonplace can very quickly become outmoded. In this witty and informative collection of short essays, journalist and social commentator Anna Jane Grossman takes a thoughtful look at what everyday apparatuses, ideas, and behaviors are quickly disappearingor else have already left the pgsk.come contains essays and entries on more than 100 alphabetized fading subjects, including Blind Dates, Mix Tapes, Getting Lost, Porn Magazines, Looking Old, Operators, Camera Film, Hitchhiking, Body Hair, Writing Letters, Basketball Players in Short Shorts, Privacy, Cash, and, yes, Books. This ode to obsolescence also includes 25 quirky pen-and-ink line illustrations to further help us remember exactly what we’re missing.
  • Untamed (Splintered Series Companion)
  • Struts & Frets

    Struts & Frets

    Music is in Sammy's blood. His grandfather was a jazz musician, and Sammy's indie rock band could be huge one day—if they don't self-destruct first. Winning the upcoming Battle of the Bands would justify all their compromises and reassure Sammy that his life's dream could become a reality. But practices are hard to schedule when Sammy's grandfather is sick and getting worse, his mother is too busy to help either of them, and his best friend may want to be his girlfriend. Told in a voice that's honest and wry, Struts & Frets will resonate not only with teenage musicians but also with anyone who ever sat up all night listening to a favorite album, wondering if they'd ever find their place in the world.
  • The Link

    The Link

    The work The Link began as a 557-page outline that Richard Matheson wrote for a proposed twenty-hour ABC mini-series in the late 1970s. The ABC executives asked Matheson to shorten the series into seven hours but after Matheson had written three hours of the series, the two parted company. Matheson's original vision could not be condensed without destroying the essence of the plot and characters. Here in The Link is the original outline, in narrative form, in publication for the first time.The story follows Robert Allright as he explores his own demons as well as those of psychics past as he also struggles to decipher his father's dying wish to explore an archeological dig in Arizona. Allright's only clue is the mystifying crystal that his father believes is the key to a great discovery.
  • Ten Thousand Horses

    Ten Thousand Horses

    In this fable of organizational transformation, bestselling authors of The Serving Leader John Stahl-Wert and Ken Jennings providence a clear and actionable model for addressing one of the most pressing challenges every leader faces: how to move employees from compliance to engagement.
  • 追妻无门:女boss不好惹


    青涩蜕变,如今她是能独当一面的女boss,爱了冷泽聿七年,也同样花了七年时间去忘记他。以为是陌路,他突然向他表白,扬言要娶她,她只当他是脑子抽风,他的殷勤她也全都无视。他帮她查她父母的死因,赶走身边情敌,解释当初拒绝她的告别,和故意对她冷漠都是无奈之举。突然爆出她父母的死居然和冷家有丝毫联系,还莫名跳出个公爵未婚夫,扬言要与她履行婚约。峰回路转,破镜还能重圆吗? PS:我又开新文了,每逢假期必书荒,新文《有你的世界遇到爱》,喜欢我的文的朋友可以来看看,这是重生类现言,对这个题材感兴趣的一定要收藏起来。
  • 重生之花魂


  • 老女再嫁


  • 医手遮天:千面皇妃


  • 惊鹊


  • 追妻无门:女boss不好惹


    青涩蜕变,如今她是能独当一面的女boss,爱了冷泽聿七年,也同样花了七年时间去忘记他。以为是陌路,他突然向他表白,扬言要娶她,她只当他是脑子抽风,他的殷勤她也全都无视。他帮她查她父母的死因,赶走身边情敌,解释当初拒绝她的告别,和故意对她冷漠都是无奈之举。突然爆出她父母的死居然和冷家有丝毫联系,还莫名跳出个公爵未婚夫,扬言要与她履行婚约。峰回路转,破镜还能重圆吗? PS:我又开新文了,每逢假期必书荒,新文《有你的世界遇到爱》,喜欢我的文的朋友可以来看看,这是重生类现言,对这个题材感兴趣的一定要收藏起来。
  • 绥广纪事


  • 从前有个叶十九


  • 时代巨子


  • 逆天召唤师:魔帝,请下榻

