

without anybody.Oh, merciful! Miss Nugent, if you could stand still for one single particle of a second.So then I thought of stepping in to Miss Nugent; for the young ladies are talking so fast, says I to myself, at the door, they will never know how time goes, unless I give 'em a hint.But now my lady is below, there's no need, to be sure, to be nervous, so we may take the thing quietly, without being in a flustrum.Dear ladies, is not this now a very sudden motion of our young lord's for Ireland?

--Lud a mercy! Miss Nugent, I'm sure your motions is sudden enough; and your dress behind is all, I'm sure, I can't tell how.'--'Oh, never mind,' said the young lady, escaping from her;'it will do very well, thank you, Petito.'

'It will do very well, never mind,' repeated Petito muttering to herself, as she looked after the ladies, whilst they ran downstairs.'I can't abide to dress any young lady who says never mind, and it will do very well.That, and her never talking to one confiDANtially, or trusting one with the least bit of her secrets, is the thing I can't put up with from Miss Nugent; and Miss Broadhurst holding the pins to me, as much as to say, Do your business, Petito, and don't talk.--Now, that's so impertinent, as if one wasn't the same flesh and blood, and had not as good a right to talk of everything, and hear of everything, as themselves.And Mrs.Broadhurst, too, cabinet-councilling with my lady, and pursing up her city mouth when Icome in, and turning off the discourse to snuff, forsooth; as if I was an ignoramus, to think they closeted themselves to talk of snuff.Now, I think a lady of quality's woman has as good a right to be trusted with her lady's secrets as with her jewels;and if my Lady Clonbrony was a real lady of quality, she'd know that, and consider the one as much my paraphernalia as the other.

So I shall tell my lady to-night, as I always do when she vexes me, that I never lived in an Irish family before, and don't know the ways of it--then she'll tell me she was born in Hoxfordshire --then I shall say, with my saucy look, "Oh, was you, my lady?--Ialways forget that you was an Englishwoman:" then maybe she'll say, "Forget!-- you forget yourself strangely, Petito." Then Ishall say, with a great deal of dignity, "If your ladyship thinks so, my lady, I'd better go." And I'd desire no better than that she would take me at my word; for my Lady Dashfort's is a much better place, I'm told, and she's dying to have me, I know.'

And having formed this resolution, Petito concluded her apparently interminable soliloquy, and went with my lord's gentleman into the antechamber, to hear the concert, and give her judgment on everything; as she peeped in through the vista of heads into the Apollo saloon--for to-night the Alhambra was transformed into the Apollo saloon--she saw that whilst the company, rank behind rank, in close semicircles, had crowded round the performers to hear a favourite singer, Miss Broadhurst and Lord Colambre were standing in the outer semicircle, talking to one another earnestly.Now would Petito have given up her reversionary chance of the three nearly new gowns she expected from Lady Clonbrony, in case she stayed; or, in case she went, the reversionary chance of any dress of Lady Dashfort's except her scarlet velvet, merely to hear what Miss Broadhurst and Lord Colambre were saying.Alas! she could only see their lips move;and of what they were talking, whether of music or love, and whether the match was to be on or off; she could only conjecture.

But the diplomatic style having now descended to waiting-maids, Mrs.Petito talked to her friends in the antechamber with as mysterious and consequential an air and tone, as a CHARGED'AFFAIRES, or as the lady of a CHARGE D'AFFAIRES, could have assumed.She spoke of HER PRIVATE BELIEF; of THE IMPRESSION LEFTUPON HER MIND; and her CONFIDANTIAL reasons for thinking as she did; of her 'having had it from the FOUNTAIN'S head;' and of 'her fear of any COMMITTAL of her authorities.'

Notwithstanding all these authorities, Lord Colambre left London next day, and pursued his way to Ireland, determined that he would see and judge of that country for himself, and decide whether his mother's dislike to residing there was founded on caprice or reasonable causes.

In the meantime, it was reported in London that his lordship was gone to Ireland to make out the title to some estate, which would be necessary for his marriage settlement with the great heiress, Miss Broadhurst.Whether Mrs.Petito or Sir Terence O'Fay had the greater share in raising and spreading this report, it would be difficult to determine; but it is certain, however or by whomsoever raised, it was most useful to Lord Clonbrony, by keeping his creditors quiet.

  • 锦绣田园:山里汉子,宠上天!


  • 强制欢宠:我的温柔暴君


  • 盛世王妃之双生蝶


  • 请把恶魔丫头宠上天


  • 风与冰之歌


  • 家有医生


  • 蓦然回首初见君


  • 暴少霸爱


    简介:新婚之夜,凤烛摇曳;新房之内,却独独她这个新嫁娘,静静的坐在床沿。新婚夫君,子时进房,却只是冷冷的丢下一句,“是你自找的,就别怨我这般待你。”而后,摔门离去。自掀盖头,何妨?独守空房,何妨?有夫妻之名,而无夫妻之实,又何妨?他有他深爱呵护的表妹,而她亦有她怡然自得的生存方式;这般,两厢过着互不干涉的日子,岂不乐哉?可又为何,总是无故找她茬呢?难道,她就这般的碍他眼?难道,他就非得逼她离开蔺府不成?···································································································他,乃“玉颜”首富,京都蔺家大少爷。绝情亦痴情。心系表妹,却不得不遵从爷爷之命,迎娶杨家大小姐。好 ̄就非得嫁他,是吧?哼 ̄那就别怪他,竭尽所能,--羞辱她。只是,为何?看着她的淡然,看着她的微笑;--他的心会悸动?看着她的柔弱,看着她日渐憔悴的面容;--他的心会抽痛?看着她倔强的小脸,对所有人都可以展颜欢笑,唯独除了他;--他会不免烦躁暴怒?他这是怎么了?莫非,他的心在逐渐趋向她?不!不行!他的心,只属于温情似水的表妹。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。他,乃“玉颜王朝”之君王“玉颜新君”。风流亦痴情。放着后宫三千佳丽不疼,却独独情忠于义弟之妻。痴她的貌也好,情她的才也罢;总之,“若是你当真对她无意,我誓言必会将她带走。”他坚定的说。不是作为君王的命令,而是作为一个男人的战帖。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。他,乃草原之枭雄。憨厚亦痴情。他对“玉颜”的忠心,天可明鉴。然,却在一次护送贡品进宫时,也顺带带走了“新君”的爱妃,只为,“带我走。”那样无助的神情,那样祈求的眼神,那样的惹人怜爱;那样,让人忍不住想要呵护。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。忽忽 ̄ ̄ ̄。。总之呢,本文文有虐有喜了哈。。。所谓,小虐小喜,大虐大喜撒。简介完毕。。下面推荐逍遥八仙家族力作:东儿小老大:《狼性女皇要雄起》《《另有完结好文文,不容错过的说。傲人小三妹:《天才宝贝霸情爹(连载中)顽皮小四:《极品绝色女王》(连载中)另新文:《偷心女佣》
  • 银幕时代


  • 一切从山贼开始

